Every couple experiences this particular moment of decision making when a small topic can turn into a bigger conflict. Here you are, minding your own business, your partner says or does something that frustrates you… this is the moment that can keep it as a “blip” or turn the tides towards escalating into a conflict.
Surely you can look back at moments like these and think it would be so simple to keep the conversation constructive. So why do these moments get the best of us and go the way of conflict?
In this episode we dive into the topics of the subconscious, memory, and emotion that gets stored in our bodies and drives our reactions over simple reasoning that would keep us on the same team with our partners. You will hear 3 steps to take to better handle these blip moments and stay more on the same team together (especially when holidays are around the corner)!
Relationship Resources from the episode:
1) Get The Family Meeting Guide - either on its own here, or as a bonus for starting the Prioritize Us Challenge that starts Dec 1st.
2) If you want to get access to the discounted 3 Guide Bundle we mentioned, go to our Instagram (@meet_thefreemans) and send us a DM using the word "special". We will then send the link to this extended limited offer.