A study by the V-Dem Institute revealed that by 2023, 71% of the world's population was living under authoritarian regimes, marking a 48% increase in just a decade since 2013. According to senior journalist and 2021 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa, this trend is not a coincidence. She believes that leaders in information technology must be held accountable because the exploitation of lies, hatred, and shallow thinking on social media is at the core of today's democratic crises. Maria...
Published 03/28/24
This is the second interview we did with Professor John Mearsheimer on wars and great power politics. Watch the first one here: https://youtu.be/Yl7goPRw_eE In this second interview with American political scientist and international relations scholar John Mearsheimer, we discussed the current status of the war in Ukraine and prospects for resolution, moral issues around Israeli military campaigns in Gaza, deterrence and risks of conflict in the South China Sea, and whether ideology is...
Published 03/27/24
Published 03/27/24
Professor Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, talks about the future of Southeast Asia’s leadership, geo-economy, and governance. Recorded on September 4th, 2023 as part of ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 2023. #Endgame #GitaWirjawan #KlausSchwab ---------------------- About the host: Gita Wirjawan is an Indonesian entrepreneur, educator, and currently a visiting scholar at The Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC), Stanford...
Published 02/28/24
Imperial College London’s professor, Martin Blunt, talks about the bitter consequences of politicizing the climate issue—that is neglecting the “easy wins” and thus failing to take tangible actions to tackle the crisis. Martin Blunt is a Professor at the Department of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College London. He has been teaching at the university since 1999. Prior to that, Martin was an Assistant then Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering, at Stanford University...
Published 02/21/24
Vijay Prashad—Indian historian, journalist, award-winning author, and Executive Director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research—talks about how history can teach us about humanity. Covered in this conversation: What hooked Vijay into writing, the Ukraine-Palestine double standard phenomena, multipolarity, US democracy, de-dollarization, the Global South leadership, and more. This is the final part of The Shifting World Order Series. Recorded on December 12, 2023. #Endgame...
Published 02/14/24
When complexities are overlooked and shortcuts are frequently taken, the repercussions are often catastrophic. Now, who bears the brunt of such narcissism, naivete, and hubris? Renowned economist Jeffrey David Sachs guides us back to a revitalization of a long-forgotten international political culture: diplomacy. Beyond engaging in difficult conversations, diplomacy imparts the wisdom of listening, understanding, and accepting one another to enable judicious action. Sachs, serving as the...
Published 02/07/24
What is the 'endgame' of armed conflicts? Is it to win the war or to win the peace? Russia’s history expert and author Stephen Kotkin shares his views on the current geopolitical turmoil, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the importance of history in navigating the future world. Stephen Kotkin is a Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI) and Kleinheinz Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He has been teaching for more than three...
Published 02/01/24
Kepemimpinan. Satu kata yang kerap kali diperebutkan atas nama pengabdian, namun sejatinya tidak lebih dari hanya sekadar memuaskan dahaga kekuasaan. Arsjad Rasjid hadir dan berbicara dalam kapasitas sipilnya. Selama 90 menit percakapan ini, hanya satu hal yang beliau tekankan berulang-ulang. Yaitu, pentingnya memiliki, menjaga, dan menghidupkan nilai (value) dalam kepemimpinan—baik dalam berbisnis maupun bernegara. Arsjad Rasjid adalah Ketua Umum KADIN (Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia)...
Published 01/24/24
Join Endgame YouTube Channel Membership! Support us and get early access to our videos + more perks in return: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- Jack Dorsey and Gita Wirjawan engage in a conversation to explore the intersection of technology, finance, and social impact. These two influential voices discuss how Bitcoin might serve as a beacon of hope in creating a more equitable world. Jack is the Co-founder of Twitter (X) and Square. The host, Gita, is an Indonesian...
Published 01/19/24
Gabung Langganan Channel Endgame agar kami dapat terus memberikan konten yang berkualitas: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- Perluas pola pikir Anda: "Think the Unthinkable by Jenius" ----------------------- Inovasi menjadi kata yang sering kita dengar atau bicarakan di era digital ini. Namun, pernahkah kita benar-benar berpikir soal makna, proses, dan konsekuensi dari inovasi itu sendiri? Irwan Tisnabudi, Kepala Perbankan Digital dari Bank BTPN, berbagi pengalaman...
Published 01/17/24
Gabung Langganan Channel Endgame agar kami dapat terus memberikan konten yang berkualitas: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- Percakapan ini membahas kepemimpinan, pendidikan, dan pembangunan dari kacamata mantan Gubernur NTB dan Ekonom, Zulkieflimansyah. Selain itu, beliau juga menceritakan bagaimana idealisme ketiga hal tersebut berhasil diterjemahkan pada masa jabatan beliau sebagai kepala daerah. #Endgame #GitaWirjawan...
Published 01/10/24
Join Endgame YouTube Channel Membership! Support us and get early access to our videos + more perks in return: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- A philosophical conversation about the future of AI between an engineer turned investor and an investor turned educator. Peng and Gita also discuss the urgency for Southeast Asia to ramp up its education, entrepreneurship, and leadership to be able to play on a global stage. Peng Ong is the Co-founder and Managing Partner...
Published 01/03/24
Gabung Langganan Channel Endgame agar kami dapat terus memberikan konten yang berkualitas: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- Presdir & CEO Lintasarta, Bayu Hanantasena, berbagi kebijaksanaannya tentang pengelolaan aspek-aspek utama dalam organisasi/bisnis: talenta, cara penyelesaian masalah, pengambilan keputusan, serta peran teknologi dalam menunjang hal tersebut. Dalam percakapan ini, Bayu juga memberikan pandangannya soal AI, kedaulatan data, dan pentingnya budaya...
Published 12/27/23
Join Endgame YouTube Channel Membership! Support us and get early access to our videos + more perks in return: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- Bo Seo—two-time world debate champion, journalist, and author of “Good Arguments”—explores the culture of dialogue in fostering a healthy democracy. #Endgame #GitaWirjawan #BoSeo ----------------------- About the host: Gita Wirjawan is an Indonesian entrepreneur, educator, and currently a visiting scholar at The Shorenstein...
Published 12/25/23
Gabung Langganan Channel Endgame agar kami dapat terus memberikan konten yang berkualitas: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- Professor Haryadi Gunawi, berbagi keresahannya dengan Gita Wirjawan soal minimnya jumlah mahasiswa Indonesia yang bersekolah di luar negeri. Menurut beliau, kendalanya bukan soal pendanaan—namun pola pikir. Dalam percakapan ini, Associate Professor University of Chicago tersebut meluruskan lima kesalahpahaman terbesar soal melanjutkan pendidikan...
Published 12/20/23
Join Endgame YouTube Channel Membership! Support us and get early access to our videos + more perks in return: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- Unraveling the genius behind the world's leading internet search engine, Jeff Dean, Google's Chief Scientist and the mastermind behind the technology giant's success. Delve into the behind-the-scenes narrative of Google's triumph, explore the principles guiding their AI development, and gain Jeff's optimistic perspective on the...
Published 12/14/23
Gabung Langganan Channel Endgame agar kami dapat terus memberikan konten yang berkualitas: ⁠⁠https://sgpp.me/becomemember⁠  -----------------------  Kesetimbangan antara ambisi dengan kerendahan hati, mimpi dengan aksi, titik temu antara bisnis, sains, dan diplomasi teramu dengan sempurna dalam perbincangan Gita Wirjawan bersama Profesor Sastia Pranama Putri. Percakapan ini mengulas peran perempuan di dunia STEM, pentingnya membangun ekosistem litbang yang matang, serta kisah perjuangan...
Published 12/06/23
Join Endgame YouTube Channel Membership! Support us and get early access to our videos + more perks in return: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- In the midst of climate change and global economic development, numerous prescriptions for solutions emerge to mitigate problems and pave the way toward a sustainable future. However, a lingering question persists: are these solutions universally applicable? Ian Scoones, a British agricultural ecologist and prolific writer,...
Published 11/22/23
Join Endgame YouTube Channel Membership! Support us and get early access to our videos + more perks in return: https://sgpp.me/becomemember ----------------------- Nobelist, physicist, Stanford professor, Steven Chu talks about the updated story of climate change, the unheard story behind his Nobel Prize & time in public service, and how he thinks that meritocracy is at risk. Professor Steven Chu is the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor at Stanford University, the 1997 Nobel Laureate in...
Published 11/15/23
Jadi bagian dari komunitas Endgame: https://endgame.id/signin ----------------------- Sejarah diplomasi Indonesia di mata diplomat ulung, pakar kebijakan luar negeri, dan penulis—Dino Patti Djalal. Dalam percakapn ini, Founder and Chairman of Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) tersebut juga membahas dinamika konflik Rusia-Ukraina, serta relevansi Asia Tenggara dalam geopolitik dunia. #Endgame #GitaWirjawan #DinoPattiDjalal ----------------------- Pahami Episode Ini Lebih...
Published 11/08/23
Mungkinkah ‘Indonesia Emas’ tanpa literasi? Gita Wirjawan dan Co-founder Periplus Bookstore, Judo Suwidji, membahas bagaimana kita dapat menumbuhkan budaya baca di Indonesia — yang kuncinya terletak pada gotong royong. Literasi harus disemai dari rumah tangga, dipupuk di institusi pendidikan, dan dirawat oleh segala lapis masyarakat. Yang tak kalah penting, media kontemporer juga mesti turut serta untuk menyiram dan menyinari cita-cita mulia tersebut. Mustahil kita dapat menaikan derajat...
Published 11/01/23
Mulai perjalanan investasimu dengan Pluang dengan memasukkan kode promo ENDGAMEPLUANG pada saat registrasi untuk mendapatkan bonus Saham AS senilai Rp25.000, klik di sini untuk memulai: https://pluang.onelink.me/jTjO/e8hivunw (S&K berlaku, baca selengkapnya di sini: http://bit.ly/endgamepluang) Jika kamu pengguna setia Pluang, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan bonus aset Kripto berupa Bitcoin senilai Rp50.000. Masukkan kode promo PLUANG50RB pada halaman misi, klik di sini untuk memulai:...
Published 10/26/23
Delve into the contemporary global challenges in finance, security, and climate change as analyzed by Ray Dalio, a seasoned authority in the field. In this 60-minute conversation, the Founder and CIO Mentor of Bridgewater Associates provides an in-depth perspective on how individuals, professionals, nations should respond to these polycrisis. Moreover, he elucidates the pivotal role of updating the capitalist system in disentangling these multifaceted issues. A collaboration with Ubud...
Published 10/19/23
Gita Wirjawan dan bos Grup Bakrie, Anindya Novyan Bakrie, percaya akan andil besar sektor privat dalam menyongsong dekarbonisasi. Kedua optimis-realis tersebut membahas potensi strategis Indonesia sebagai jantung Revolusi Industri Hijau, bagaimana Bakrie & Brothers telah mengambil langkah inkremental untuk turut serta, juga mengajak generasi penerus bangsa untuk menjadi bagian dari perjalanan ini. Anin merupakan salah satu pebisnis, investor, dan filantropis paling kawakan di...
Published 10/11/23