Select a bar attachment that will allow a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Place feet out in front on the foot pads, grasp the bar, and sit back into an upright posture. Knees should be slightly bent and feet hip width apart. Your arms should be extended straight out in front of the body. Engage abdominals, and pull navel in to stabilize your core. Maintain a neutral (flat to normal) spine. Exhale and pull your hands back to the sides of your ribcage. Pause then slowly extend arms back...
Published 07/17/12
Adjust seat height so that shoulders are level with the handle grip(s). Sit in seat with feet flat on the ground, back pressed firmly into the back pad, core engaged and shoulders down and back. Grasp handles (either position). Exhale; extend arms straight up, do not lock the elbows out. Hold at the top for 2 seconds. Inhale; slowly lower the arms back to resting position, wight stack will be slightly elevated above resting position. Repeat.
Published 07/17/12
Grasp dumbbells in each hand, with palms facing into the body. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, slight bend in knees. Hinge forward at the hips. Let arms hang down in front of the body, slight bend in the elbows. Engage abdominals and pull navel in to stabilize your core. Maintain a neutral (flat to normal) spine. Exhale; lift the dumbbells out and up until they are shoulder high. Pause for 2 seconds. Inhale; slowly lower dumbbells back down. Repeat.
Published 07/17/12
Begin on hands and knees (“all fours”) with a dumbbell in one hand. Knees should be directly under the hips, about shoulder width apart. The hands and dumbbell should be directly under the shoulders. Engage abdominals and pull navel in to stabilize your core. Maintain a neutral (flat to normal) spine. Exhale and pull the dumbbell back to the side of your ribcage. Pause then slowly extend arm back out straight. Repeat using other arm.
Published 07/17/12
Adjust seat height so that forearms rest comfortably on the arm pads. Sit facing into the machine, feet flat and legs at a 90 degree angle. Maintain a neutral back and core engaged. Arms will be bent at a 90 degree angle, palms facing into the body. Exhale; lift both arms out and to shoulder height. Inhale; slowly lower arms back to starting position, weight stack will be slightly elevated above resting position. Repeat.
Published 07/17/12
Adjust thigh pads; pads should rest comfortably on top of the thighs with both feet flat on ground, legs at 90 degree angle. Face the machine, While standing grasp handles and gently pull down to a seated position. Maintain a neutral back, core engaged, slight bend in elbows. Exhale; pull handles down and into the body, squeeze the shoulders together and hold for 2 seconds. Inhale; slowly return to starting position, do not lock out the elbows. Repeat.
Published 07/17/12
Lie chest down on pad, adjust body so that knees are aligned with the axis of rotation on the machine. Legs should be under the ankle pad with the pad resting just above ankles. Grasp handles for balance, keep head down as a natural extension of the spine. Exhale; curl legs into the body, keep chest firmly pressed into the pad. Inhale; lower legs back to starting position, weight stack slightly lifted. Repeat.
Published 07/17/12
Set cable pulley to high and grasp the revolving cable attachment with one hand, keep elbow slightly bent. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, about 3 feet away from machine, chin up, shoulders down/back, and core engaged. Exhale; pull the attachment down, bringing upper arm to side. Allow the attachment to slowly rise until arm is at shoulder height. Inhale, and return to starting position. Repeat all repetitions on one arm, then switch and repeat on opposite arm.
Published 07/17/12
Standing Unsupported w/ upright posture, shoulders down/back, chin up, core engaged and hands down by side. Rock back onto heels, in a slow and controlled fashion, lifting the toes up off platform simultaneously, all toes should be lifted off platform. Lower back to starting position. Repeat.
Published 07/17/12
Secure a resistance band under feet. Hold the handles with palms facing into the body. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and core engaged. Exhale; Lift arm(s) out to the side, in an alternating motion or simultaneously to shoulder level. Inhale and lower arm(s) back to starting position. Maintain neutral alignment in spine throughout entire exercise. Repeat.
Published 07/17/12
Stand with feet wider than hip width apart. Slowly lean forward in a controlled manner and place palms on floor for balance, bending the knees slightly as needed. Rock back onto heels, in a slow and controlled fashion, lifting the toes up off the ground simultaneously, all toes should be lifted off ground. Lower back to starting position. Repeat.
Published 07/17/12
Secure a resistance band under feet. Hold the handles with palms facing the behind. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and core engaged. Exhale; lift arms straight up in front of the body, in an alternating motion or simultaneously to shoulder level. Inhale and lower arm(s) back to starting position. Maintain neutral alignment in spine throughout entire exercise. Repeat.
Published 07/17/12
Stand with back against a wall, shoulders down/back; chin up, core engaged and hands down by side. Rock back onto heels, in a slow and controlled fashion, lifting the toes up off the ground simultaneously, all toes should be lifted off ground. Lower back to starting position. Repeat.
Published 07/17/12
Muscle Group: Anterior Tibialis - Ankle Dorsiflexion with Bands Standing Unsupported w/ upright posture, shoulders down/back, chin up, core engaged and hands down by side. Rock back onto heels, in a slow and controlled fashion, lifting the toes up off platform simultaneously, all toes should be lifted off platform. Lower back to starting position. Repeat.
Published 07/17/12
Sit in the machine, with feet flat on the ground and back securely pressed into pad. Elbow joints should line up with circular axis on each lever arm, adjust seat height accordingly. Grasp each handle grip, palms facing out. Exhale; curl arms up simultaneously. Inhale as you lower your arms back to starting position. Maintain neutral alignment in spine and neck throughout entire exercise.
Published 07/17/12
Begin on hands and knees ("all fours") with a dumbbell in one hand. Knees should be directly under the hips, about shoulder width apart. The hands and dumbbell should be directly under the shoulders. With a neutral grip (palms facing in), raise the arm holding the dumbbell up so that the upper arm is parallel to the floor (elbow should be at a 90 degree angle with fist pointing down). Engage abdominals and pull navel in to stabilize your core. Maintain a neutral (flat to normal) spine. While...
Published 03/21/12
Stand in a staggered stance with one foot forward and the other back (you can also stand next to a table or bench for support). Anchor the resistance band under the front foot and grasp one of the handles with a neutral grip (palm facing body). Lean forward from the hips and raise the arm gripping the band up so that the upper arm is parallel to the floor (elbow should be at a 90 degree angle with fist pointing down). Engage abdominals and pull navel in to stabilize your core. Maintain a...
Published 03/21/12
Stand with feet about hip width apart. Maintain a tall body line throughout this exercise by engaging abdominals, pulling in navel, and maintaining an upright posture and neutral (flat to normal) spine. Exhale and flex the knee to raise one foot up towards glutes. Pause then slowly extend knee lowering foot back down to the ground. (Note: do not let the working foot touch the ground). Repeat using other leg.
Published 03/21/12
Stand with feet hip width apart and knees slightly bent. With arms straight, hold dumbbells at thigh level, palms facing the body. Engage abdominals and pull navel in to stabilize your core. Maintain a neutral (flat to normal) spine. Exhale and pull your shoulders upward, aiming the shoulders towards the ears. Pause then slowly lower shoulders back down to the starting position. Repeat.
Published 03/21/12
Adjust the back pad so that the knees are aligned with the axis of rotation on the machine. Extend knees to straighten the legs and place the back of the lower legs on the ankle pads. Lock down the knee bar and sit tall. (Note: knee bar should be above the knee, not below). Engage abdominals and pull navel in to stabilize the core. Maintain a neutral (flat to normal) spine. Exhale and curl your heels down and back toward your glutes by flexing your knees. Pause then slowly raise your heels...
Published 03/21/12
Sit on the seat and place feet on the foot bar, with toes pointing forward, so that the front half of the feet (the balls of the feet to the toes) are on the bar and the heels are not. Lock down the knee bar and sit tall. (Note: knee bar should be on top of the knees, not on the thigh). Engage abdominals and pull navel in to stabilize the core. Maintain a neutral (flat to normal) spine. Exhale and raise heels upwards so that you are up on the balls of your feet. Pause then slowly lower heels...
Published 03/21/12
Get into push-up position, aligning hands under shoulders, and feet directly behind you, rising up on the toes. Inhale and lower body toward the floor, until chest is just above the floor. As you do so, rotate body to the left, bending the right knee and bringing the leg up and over toward the left side. Do not rest on the floor. Pause briefly at the bottom position exhale and push up through arms, bringing leg back to starting position. Then, perform the push-up on the opposite side. Repeat.
Published 03/21/12
Sit on PhysioBall. Walk forward on ball until shoulders blades are resting on the ball and shoulders/head are just beyond the ball, knees and hips bent. Maintain neutral spine throughout entire set of exercise. Bend elbows and cup hands over ears. If need be place 1 had on the floor for balance. Exhale and contract the core as to raise upper torso. Rotate the torso and bring opposite shoulder to opposite knee. Return to original position. Repeat for each side.
Published 03/21/12
Stand with feet should width apart and a slight bend in the knee. Keep shoulders down and back, with chin up, core engaged. Grasp dumbbells with both hands, palms down. Exhale and raise dumbbells forward/upward to shoulder height. Inhale and lower and repeat.
Published 03/21/12