Chaos and Charm: The Squirrel That Sparked Creativity
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Chaos and Charm: The Squirrel That Sparked Creativity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V strede jesene sa v jednej strednej škole v Bratislave konala súťaž o najlepšiu jesennú výzdobu triedy. En: In the middle of autumn, a competition for the best autumn classroom decoration was held at a middle school in Bratislava. Sk: Marek, Jana a Lukáš sa rozhodli, že ich trieda musí zvíťaziť. En: Marek, Jana, and Lukáš decided that their classroom had to win. Sk: Chceli vytvoriť krásne prostredie plné jesenných farieb, listov a malých svetielok. En: They wanted to create a beautiful environment full of autumn colors, leaves, and small lights. Sk: Marek bol nadšený. En: Marek was enthusiastic. Sk: Miloval zdobenie a chcel, aby všetko bolo perfektné. En: He loved decorating and wanted everything to be perfect. Sk: Jana priniesla kopy farebných listov, ktoré nazbierala v parku. En: Jana brought heaps of colorful leaves she had gathered in the park. Sk: Lukáš, aj keď trochu lenivý, pomáhal, keď videl, aké dôležité to je pre Mareka. En: Lukáš, although a bit lazy, helped when he saw how important it was to Marek. Sk: Ich dekorácie však mali iného kritika. Malú, prefíkanú veveričku. En: However, their decorations had another critic — a small, cunning squirrel. Sk: Veverička si obľúbila skákať cez otvorené okno a odnášať úlomky ich dekorácií. En: The squirrel enjoyed jumping through the open window and taking bits of their decorations. Sk: Listy, orechy, dokonca aj malé svetielka. En: Leaves, nuts, even small lights. Sk: „Pozri, aká je rozkošná!“ usmiala sa Jana, keď veverička s plnými lícami utekala preč. En: “Look how cute it is!” Jana smiled as the squirrel ran away with full cheeks. Sk: Marek však nebol spokojný. En: However, Marek was not pleased. Sk: „Musíme ju zastaviť, inak nič nedokončíme!“ En: “We have to stop it, or we won’t finish anything!” Sk: Lukáš navrhol, že by mohli zatvoriť okno, ale Marek chcel radšej vyjsť na veveričku s inou taktikou. En: Lukáš suggested they could close the window, but Marek preferred to approach the squirrel with a different tactic. Sk: Vytvoril malý kútik s orieškami a dúfal, že veverička bude zaneprázdnená. En: He created a small corner with nuts and hoped the squirrel would be kept busy. Sk: Jana si zatiaľ pridala nové svetielka okolo okna, dúfajúc, že veveričku tak zastraší. En: Meanwhile, Jana added new lights around the window, hoping to scare the squirrel away. Sk: V tom sa stalo niečo nečakané. En: Then something unexpected happened. Sk: Veverička sa zamotala do svetielok a v panike začala skákať po celej triede. En: The squirrel got entangled in the lights and, in panic, began to jump all over the classroom. Sk: Odhodila listy, roztočila oriešky a Marek sa zúfalo snažil zachrániť, čo sa dalo. En: It scattered leaves, spun nuts around, and Marek desperately tried to save what he could. Sk: Lukáš sa nemohol prestať smiať, Jana nadšene tlieskala. En: Lukáš couldn’t stop laughing, and Jana clapped excitedly. Sk: Keď sa veverička konečne oslobodila a utekala preč, trieda bola v chaose. En: When the squirrel finally freed itself and ran away, the class was in chaos. Sk: Avšak niektoré kombinácie listov a svetiel vytvorili krásne, náhodné usporiadanie. En: However, some combinations of leaves and lights created beautifully random...
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