Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek's Autumn Symphony: Crafting Nature's Canvas
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Sk: Vo vzduchu bolo cítiť jemný chlad jesene, keď Marek kráčal cez záhrady komunity v Tatrách.
En: There was a gentle chill of autumn in the air as Marek walked through the community gardens in the Tatras.
Sk: Stromy tu, v objatí hôr, tvorili čarovnú scénu všetkými farbami jesene.
En: The trees here, embraced by the mountains, created a magical scene with all the colors of autumn.
Sk: Marek mal na tvári úsmev.
En: Marek had a smile on his face.
Sk: Bol plný odhodlania urobiť z týchto záhrad nádheru.
En: He was full of determination to make these gardens a marvel.
Sk: Marek bol údržbár.
En: Marek was a maintenance man.
Sk: Miloval svoju prácu.
En: He loved his job.
Sk: Každý list, každý kvet bral ako malé umelecké dielo.
En: He regarded every leaf, every flower as a small work of art.
Sk: Chcel, aby obyvatelia komunity boli spokojní.
En: He wanted the residents of the community to be satisfied.
Sk: A chcel tiež získať bonus, aby si mohol kúpiť malú chatku v horách.
En: And he also wanted to earn a bonus so he could buy a small cabin in the mountains.
Sk: Ale teraz, keď stromy neboli rovnomerne zafarbené, to bolo zložitejšie.
En: But now, with the trees not being evenly colored, it was more complicated.
Sk: Lívia, bystrá obyvateľka s jasným úsmevom, si všimla Mareka na práci.
En: Lívia, a sharp resident with a bright smile, noticed Marek at work.
Sk: Zaujímala ju udržateľnosť a pristúpila k nemu s otázkou: "Marek, ako zvládaš zmenu farieb stromov?
En: She was interested in sustainability and approached him with a question: "Marek, how are you managing the change in the tree colors?"
Sk: ""Používam prírodné metódy.
En: "I'm using natural methods.
Sk: Chcem zachovať harmóniu prírody," Marek odpovedal.
En: I want to preserve the harmony of nature," Marek replied.
Sk: Bola to pravda.
En: It was true.
Sk: Rozhodol sa pre ekologické prípravky, aj keď to znamenalo viac práce.
En: He opted for eco-friendly preparations, even though it meant more work.
Sk: Zuzana, Marekova kolegyňa, bola skeptická.
En: Zuzana, Marek's colleague, was skeptical.
Sk: "Marek, nebudeš schopný spraviť všetko včas, ak sa budeš len spoliehať na tie prírodné metódy," povedala mu.
En: "Marek, you won't be able to do everything on time if you only rely on those natural methods," she told him.
Sk: Bola realistická, no Marek veril vo svoje schopnosti.
En: She was realistic, but Marek believed in his abilities.
Sk: Blížiaca sa búrka testovala Marekovu odhodlanosť.
En: The approaching storm tested Marek's determination.
Sk: Vedel, že musí chrániť rastliny.
En: He knew he had to protect the plants.
Sk: Pracoval tvrdšie ako kedykoľvek predtým, obklopený padajúcimi listami, hnaný víziou krásy a snom o chate.
En: He worked harder than ever before, surrounded by falling leaves, driven by the vision of beauty and the dream of a cabin.
Sk: Po búrke došlo k zmene.
En: After the storm, there was a change.
Sk: Obyvatelia si všimli jeho úsilie.
En: The residents noticed his efforts.
Sk: Prišiel veľký deň, Marek stál v záhradách.
En: The big day arrived, and Marek stood in the gardens.
Sk: Všetci obyvatelia vrátane Lívie mu prišli poďakovať.
En: All the residents, including Lívia, came...
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Roasting Bonds: Coffee Adventures in Bratislava
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Sk: Vo voňavej kaviarni v srdci Bratislavy, kde jesenné lístie jemne padajú na zemi,...
Published 11/21/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mountain Retreat: Transforming Team Rivalry into Unity
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Sk: Milan, Zuzana a Jaro sa vydali na duchovný únik do Vysokých Tatier.
Published 11/20/24