Unveiling Secrets: The Mystery of the 1980s Yearbook
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Secrets: The Mystery of the 1980s Yearbook Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/unveiling-secrets-the-mystery-of-the-1980s-yearbook Story Transcript: Sk: V Martine na Strednej škole viedol málo kto k štúdiu s takým nadšením ako Marek. En: In Martin, at the high school, few led their studies with as much enthusiasm as Marek. Sk: Marek miloval históriu, záhady a knihy. En: Marek loved history, mysteries, and books. Sk: Jeho obľúbeným miestom bola veľká stredná škola z červených tvarových tehál, posadená v tichom tieni javorov. En: His favorite place was the large high school made of red brick, nestled in the quiet shade of maple trees. Sk: Bolo chladné jesenné popoludnie a Marek práve objavil zvláštnu knihu v školskej knižnici. En: It was a chilly autumn afternoon, and Marek had just discovered a peculiar book in the school library. Sk: Kniha bola stará ročenka z 1980. rokov. En: The book was an old yearbook from the 1980s. Sk: Okraje jej strán boli popísané čudnými, pavučinovými poznámkami. En: The edges of its pages were filled with strange, web-like notes. Sk: Marek sa dozvedel, že tieto poznámky vedú k nejakému tajomstvu. En: Marek learned that these notes led to some secret. Sk: V ten deň po škole vyhľadal Zuzanu. En: That day after school, he sought out Zuzana. Sk: Zuzana bola jeho najlepšia kamarátka. En: Zuzana was his best friend. Sk: Bola rozumná a praktická, ale Marekovi vždy pomáhala. En: She was sensible and practical, but she always helped Marek. Sk: Aj tentoraz, hoci mala pochybnosti: "Marek, možno to nič neznamená." En: Even this time, though she had her doubts: "Marek, maybe it means nothing." Sk: Ale Marek bol neústupný. "Musíme to zistiť, Zuzka. Môže to byť niečo dôležité." En: But Marek was insistent. "We have to find out, Zuzka. It could be something important." Sk: Na druhý deň Marek a Zuzana začali skúmať poznámky. En: The next day, Marek and Zuzana began examining the notes. Sk: Boli záhadné a ťažko interpretovateľné. En: They were mysterious and hard to interpret. Sk: Strávili hodiny lúštením každého detailu. En: They spent hours deciphering every detail. Sk: Marek využíval každý voľný moment, dokonca i podvečery, keď sa ostatní žiaci domov hrnuli. En: Marek used every free moment, even in the late afternoons when other students rushed home. Sk: Zuzana si nakoniec zvykla a pomáhala mu, hoci s pochybnosťami. En: Zuzana eventually got used to it and helped him, though with hesitation. Sk: Jedného dňa narazili na jasnejšiu stopu. En: One day, they stumbled upon a clearer clue. Sk: Viedla ich do zaprášeného zvyčajne zamknutého skladu v suteréne školy. En: It led them to a dusty, usually locked storage room in the school's basement. Sk: Marekovi a Zuzane sa podarilo získať kľúč od školníka, argumentujúc ich študijným výskumom. En: Marek and Zuzana managed to obtain the key from the janitor, arguing their study research. Sk: S búšiacim srdcom otvorili dvere. En: With their hearts pounding, they opened the door. Sk: Vnútri našli krabicu s fotografiou a starými predmetmi, ktoré patrili učiteľovi, ktorý zmizol pred desaťročiami. En: Inside, they found a box with a photograph and old items belonging to a teacher who had disappeared decades ago. Sk: Okamžite sa vydali k riaditeľke. En: They immediately headed to the principal. Sk: Riaditeľka bola ohromená ich objavom. En: The principal...
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