Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Embracing Memory: A Stormy Trek Through Tatry's Autumn
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Sk: V Tatrách je jeseň nádherná.
En: In the Tatry, autumn is beautiful.
Sk: Farebné listy padajú na zem a zlaté svetlo preniká cez vetvy stromov.
En: Colorful leaves fall to the ground, and golden light filters through the branches of the trees.
Sk: Marek a Jana kráčajú tichou lesnou cestou, rozhliadajú sa po majestátnej kráse hôr.
En: Marek and Jana walk along a quiet forest path, taking in the majestic beauty of the mountains.
Sk: Pre Mareka nie je tento výlet len obyčajným turistickým výkonom.
En: For Marek, this trip is not just an ordinary hiking achievement.
Sk: Je to spomienka. Spomienka na jeho starého otca.
En: It's a memory—a memory of his grandfather.
Sk: „Pamätáš si, ako vždy hovoril, že hory sú jeho domov?“ zatiahol Marek.
En: "Do you remember how he always said that the mountains were his home?" Marek started.
Sk: Jeho hlas bol tichý, no prenikavý v chladnom vzduchu.
En: His voice was quiet but penetrating in the cold air.
Sk: Jana prikývla.
En: Jana nodded.
Sk: Vedela, že pre Mareka sú Tatry miestom, kde sa pokúša nájsť pokoj.
En: She knew that for Marek, the Tatry were a place where he tried to find peace.
Sk: „Viem, ako veľmi ti chýba,“ povedala jemne.
En: "I know how much you miss him," she said gently.
Sk: Ich kroky sa ozývali oštepmi suchého lístia, keď pokročili hlbšie do hôr.
En: Their footsteps echoed through the dry leaves as they ventured deeper into the mountains.
Sk: Obloha sa začala zatiahnuť.
En: The sky began to cloud over.
Sk: Predpovede varovali pred búrkou, ale Marek sa rozhodol pokračovať.
En: Forecasts had warned of a storm, but Marek decided to keep going.
Sk: „Musíme ísť hore na Čierny vrch,“ povedal.
En: "We have to go to Čierny vrch," he said.
Sk: „Dedo by neustúpil pred výzvou.“
En: "Grandpa wouldn't back down from a challenge."
Sk: Jana mala obavy, ale poznala Marekovu túžbu.
En: Jana was worried but understood Marek's desire.
Sk: Bola tu, aby ho podporila, nech sa stane čokoľvek.
En: She was there to support him, no matter what happened.
Sk: Vystúpili na strmý chodník, kde vietor zosilnel.
En: They climbed the steep path where the wind had strengthened.
Sk: Zastavili sa na malej plošine s úchvatným výhľadom na údolia.
En: They stopped at a small plateau with a breathtaking view of the valleys.
Sk: V diaľke sa vliekli tmavé búrkové mračná.
En: In the distance, dark storm clouds were approaching.
Sk: „Toto bolo jeho obľúbené miesto,“ povedal Marek a oprel sa o kameň.
En: "This was his favorite place," Marek said, leaning against a rock.
Sk: Konečne sa otočil k Jane, jeho oči boli plné bolesti, ktorú skrýval.
En: He finally turned to Jana, his eyes full of the pain he was hiding.
Sk: „Je ťažké byť bez neho,“ priznal.
En: "It's hard to be without him," he admitted.
Sk: „Niekedy mám pocit, že strácam časť seba.“
En: "Sometimes I feel like I'm losing a part of myself."
Sk: Jana sa dotkla jeho ramena.
En: Jana touched his shoulder.
Sk: „Nie si sám. Som tu s tebou,“ uistila ho.
En: "You're not alone. I'm here with you," she assured him.
Sk: Ako začalo pršať, našli úkryt pod veľkým skalným previsom.
En: As it began to rain, they found shelter under a large rock...
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Roasting Bonds: Coffee Adventures in Bratislava
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Sk: Vo voňavej kaviarni v srdci Bratislavy, kde jesenné lístie jemne padajú na zemi,...
Published 11/21/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mountain Retreat: Transforming Team Rivalry into Unity
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Sk: Milan, Zuzana a Jaro sa vydali na duchovný únik do Vysokých Tatier.
Published 11/20/24