Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets of the Tatry: Marek's Mountain Adventure Unfolds
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Sk: Marek s očami plnými zvedavosti kráčal po úzkej cestičke v Tatrách.
En: Marek with eyes full of curiosity walked along the narrow path in the Tatry mountains.
Sk: Bol krásny jesenný deň, slnko svietilo cez farebné listy a vzduch bol chladný a čerstvý.
En: It was a beautiful autumn day, the sun shone through the colorful leaves, and the air was cool and fresh.
Sk: Vstup do lesa bol ako do iného sveta – tajomného, ale lákavého.
En: Entering the forest was like stepping into another world - mysterious, yet inviting.
Sk: Škola zorganizovala výlet do Vysokých Tatier a Marek bol pripravený na dobrodružstvo.
En: The school had organized a trip to the Vysoké Tatry, and Marek was ready for an adventure.
Sk: Nebol však sám; jeho verná kamarátka Lenka po jeho boku nesmela chýbať.
En: However, he was not alone; his faithful friend Lenka was by his side.
Sk: Jozef, učiteľ a vedúci výletu, viedol celú skupinu.
En: Jozef, the teacher and leader of the trip, led the whole group.
Sk: "Nikto sa nemôže oddeliť od skupiny," opakoval s vážnym výrazom v tvári.
En: "No one can separate from the group," he repeated with a serious expression on his face.
Sk: Marek ho len pozorne počúval, jeho myšlienky ale boli inde.
En: Marek listened carefully, but his thoughts were elsewhere.
Sk: Lenka vedela, čo Marek zamýšľa.
En: Lenka knew what Marek was planning.
Sk: Počul príbeh o starodávnej stavbe hlboko v lese – miestni hovorili o malinkom zrube, kde kedysi žil samotár.
En: He had heard a story about an ancient structure deep in the forest - locals spoke of a tiny cabin where a hermit once lived.
Sk: Počas prestávky, keď si všetci ostatní oddýchli, Marek pokrútil hlavou s úškrnom.
En: During a break, when everyone else was resting, Marek shook his head with a grin.
Sk: "Lenka, poďme sa pozrieť na tú stavbu," zašepkal.
En: "Lenka, let's go check out that structure," he whispered.
Sk: Lenka sa zamračila a dala mu ruku na rameno.
En: Lenka frowned and put her hand on his shoulder.
Sk: "Marek, Jozef hovoril, že nemáme opúšťať skupinu. Je to nebezpečné."
En: "Marek, Jozef said we shouldn't leave the group. It's dangerous."
Sk: Napriek varovaniam, zvedavosť zvíťazila.
En: Despite the warnings, curiosity prevailed.
Sk: Lenka sa len trápne usmiala.
En: Lenka just awkwardly smiled.
Sk: Verila Marekovi, ale jej intuícia hovoria inak.
En: She trusted Marek, but her intuition said otherwise.
Sk: Skoro sa vybrali k tajomnému lesu.
En: Soon, they headed toward the mysterious forest.
Sk: Stromy sa nad nimi týčili ako starí strážnici.
En: The trees towered over them like old guardians.
Sk: Po chvíli nefungovala GPS ani mobily, vôbec netušili, kde sú.
En: After a while, the GPS and phones stopped working, and they had no idea where they were.
Sk: Náhle začala padať hustá hmla, zahalila okolie, a zastať znamenalo stratiť všetko orientačné body.
En: Suddenly, a thick fog began to fall, enveloping the surroundings, and stopping meant losing all points of reference.
Sk: Lenka začínala byť nervózna a Marek sa snažil potlačiť pocit viny.
En: Lenka started to get nervous, and Marek tried to suppress feelings of guilt.
Sk: Avšak práve keď sa chystali vrátiť, pred nimi sa vynorila tajomná stavba.
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Roasting Bonds: Coffee Adventures in Bratislava
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Sk: Vo voňavej kaviarni v srdci Bratislavy, kde jesenné lístie jemne padajú na zemi,...
Published 11/21/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mountain Retreat: Transforming Team Rivalry into Unity
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Sk: Milan, Zuzana a Jaro sa vydali na duchovný únik do Vysokých Tatier.
Published 11/20/24