Halloween Heroics: Adventure Awaits in Bratislava
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Halloween Heroics: Adventure Awaits in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-10-29-22-34-03-sk Story Transcript: Sk: V Bratislave, v modernom predmestí, sa začínala oslava Halloweenu. En: In Bratislava, in a modern suburb, the Halloween celebration was just beginning. Sk: Ján sa obliekol do svojho superhrdinského kostýmu. En: Ján dressed up in his superhero costume. Sk: Dlhé mesiace sledoval, ako sa jeho život stáva nudným. En: For months, he had watched his life become dull. Sk: Práca v kancelárii bola povinnosť, nič viac. En: The office job was a duty, nothing more. Sk: Ale dnes chcel zažiť niečo iné. En: But today he wanted to experience something different. Sk: V Martininom dome stáli strašidelné tekvice. En: Martina's house had spooky pumpkins on display. Sk: Martina bola známa pre svoje dokonalé halloweenske dekorácie. En: Martina was known for her perfect Halloween decorations. Sk: Jej dvor bol plný smiechu a kríkov ozdobených pavučinami. En: Her yard was full of laughter and bushes adorned with cobwebs. Sk: Deti behali v maskách, zbierali cukríky a užívali si večer. En: Children ran around in costumes, collecting candy and enjoying the evening. Sk: Na druhej strane ulice postával Viktor, nový záchranár v predmestí. En: Across the street stood Viktor, the new paramedic in the suburb. Sk: Bol trochu nervózny, kvôli jeho prvej službe počas Halloweenu. En: He was a bit nervous because it was his first shift during Halloween. Sk: Ulice boli plné ľudí, na každom rohu horiace lampy a smiech. En: The streets were full of people, with lanterns burning on every corner and laughter all around. Sk: Práve dostal hovor o pohotovosti, ale preplnené ulice mu znemožňovali prístup. En: He had just received an emergency call, but the crowded streets made access difficult. Sk: Zrazu sa ozval výkrik. En: Suddenly, there was a scream. Sk: Všimol si, že Ján sa blíži. En: He noticed Ján approaching. Sk: Ján chcel vždy zažiť dobrodružstvo. En: Ján had always wanted to experience an adventure. Sk: Toto bola jeho šanca. En: This was his chance. Sk: Bez váhania ponúkol Viktorovi pomoc. En: Without hesitation, he offered Viktor help. Sk: Spoločne začali navigovať cez dav. En: Together, they started navigating through the crowd. Sk: Ján vedel, že musí prejsť rýchlo. En: Ján knew they had to move quickly. Sk: Viedol Viktora cez tmavé uličky, občas sa pozrel na mapu vo svojom telefóne. En: He led Viktor through dark alleys, occasionally checking the map on his phone. Sk: "Musíme ísť tade," ukázal, zatiaľ čo obliekal svoj plášť bližšie k sebe. En: "We have to go this way," he pointed, while pulling his cape closer to himself. Sk: Cítil príval adrenalínu. En: He felt a surge of adrenaline. Sk: Bolo to ako scéna z filmu, a on bol hrdinom. En: It was like a scene from a movie, and he was the hero. Sk: Konečne dorazili na miesto. En: Finally, they arrived at the location. Sk: Viktor rýchlo bežal do domu. En: Viktor quickly ran into the house. Sk: Vďaka Jánovej pomoci dorazil včas. En: Thanks to Ján's help, he arrived in time. Sk: Pacient bol stabilizovaný a Ján sa usmial s pocitom satisfakcie. En: The patient was stabilized, and Ján smiled with a sense of satisfaction. Sk: Nikdy si nemyslel, že môže takto pomôcť. En: He never thought he could help in...
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