Blazing Traditions: A Village's Festival of Memory and Renewal
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Blazing Traditions: A Village's Festival of Memory and Renewal Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Veselý smiech sa ozýval údolím, keď sa obyvatelia malebnej dedinky pod Malou Fatrou pripravovali na jesenný festival. En: The sound of cheerful laughter echoed through the valley as the residents of the picturesque village under Malá Fatra prepared for the autumn festival. Sk: Lístie stromov sa hralo všetkými farbami jesene, od zlatej po červenú, a tichý vietor prenášal vôňu dreva a pripravovaných dobrôt. En: The leaves of the trees displayed all the colors of autumn, from gold to red, and the gentle wind carried the scent of wood and cooking treats. Sk: Jozef stál pred domom a uprel pohľad na hory. En: Jozef stood in front of the house, gazing at the mountains. Sk: Bolo to prvýkrát bez otca. En: It was the first time without his father. Sk: Myšlienky mu vírili v hlave ako padajúce lístie. En: Thoughts swirled in his head like falling leaves. Sk: Lucia, ktorá len nedávno prišla z Bratislavy, spokojne pozorovala z diaľky. En: Lucia, who had recently arrived from Bratislava, watched contentedly from afar. Sk: Vyrastali spolu, ale roky v meste jej priniesli nové nápady a pohľady. En: They had grown up together, but the years in the city had brought her new ideas and perspectives. Sk: „Jozef! En: "Jozef!" Sk: “ zvolala a zamávala mu. En: she called out and waved to him. Sk: „Prišla som, aby som ti pomohla s prípravami! En: "I've come to help you with the preparations!" Sk: “Jozef sa usmial, no v očiach mal stále tiene. En: Jozef smiled, but there were still shadows in his eyes. Sk: „Som rád, že si tu, Lucia. En: "I'm glad you're here, Lucia. Sk: Chcem, aby bol tento festival zvláštny. En: I want this festival to be special. Sk: V otcovej pamäti. En: In memory of my father." Sk: “Lucia prikývla. En: Lucia nodded. Sk: „Mám niekoľko nápadov, ako by sme mohli pridať trochu mestského vkusu. En: "I have some ideas on how we could add a bit of city flair. Sk: Možno projektor na premietanie starých fotiek, alebo moderné osvetlenie. En: Maybe a projector for showing old photos, or modern lighting." Sk: “Jozef pokrčil plecami. En: Jozef shrugged. Sk: „Otec mal rád tradície. En: "My father loved traditions. Sk: Obávam sa, že to nie je to pravé. En: I'm afraid it's not quite right." Sk: “V dňoch pred festivalom boli Jozef a Lucia stále zamestnaní. En: In the days leading up to the festival, Jozef and Lucia were constantly busy. Sk: Stavali stánky, pripravovali drevo na vatru a vymýšľali program. En: They built stalls, prepared wood for the bonfire, and devised a program. Sk: Jozef sa cítil rozpoltený. En: Jozef felt torn. Sk: Tradície jeho otca boli dôležité, no Lucia mu ukazovala niečo nové a osviežujúce. En: His father's traditions were important, but Lucia was showing him something new and refreshing. Sk: Nakoniec deň festivalu dorazil. En: Finally, the day of the festival arrived. Sk: Bolo chladno, ale vzrušenie a radosť to kompenzovali. En: It was cold, but the excitement and joy made up for it. Sk: Dedina bola ozdobená lampiónmi, všade sa niesla vôňa vareného vína a pečených klobás. En: The village was decorated with lanterns, the smell of mulled wine and roasted sausages was everywhere. Sk: Jozef, s pomocou Lucie, do...
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