Mountains and Memories: An Autumn Journey
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mountains and Memories: An Autumn Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Vôňa škorice a vresu naplnila chladný jesenný vzduch. En: The scent of škorice and vresu filled the chilly autumn air. Sk: Marek, Zuzana a Jakub stáli pred poľnou nemocnicou, kde začala ich cesta. En: Marek, Zuzana, and Jakub stood in front of the field hospital where their journey began. Sk: Slnko sa snažilo preniknúť cez oblačné nebo, ale mraky boli neústupné. En: The sun tried to penetrate the cloudy sky, but the clouds were unyielding. Sk: Tatra hory stáli majestátne, pripravené prijať ich výzvu. En: The Tatra mountains stood majestically, ready to accept their challenge. Sk: Marekovi sa v mysli preháňalo množstvo myšlienok. En: Marek's mind was racing with many thoughts. Sk: Bol skúseným sprievodcom, ale bol tu pre svoju sestru Zuzanu. En: He was an experienced guide, but he was there for his sister Zuzana. Sk: Chcela si uctiť ich otca na Sviatok všetkých svätých. En: She wanted to honor their father on All Saints' Day. Sk: Ich cieľ bola vysoká hora, o ktorej otec často rozprával. En: Their goal was a high mountain, which their father often talked about. Sk: Jakub, jeho priateľ, bol praktický a skeptický, ale pripojil sa k nim kvôli Marekovi. En: Jakub, his friend, was practical and skeptical but joined them for Marek's sake. Sk: Hory boli krásne a tajomné. En: The mountains were beautiful and mysterious. Sk: Lesy hriali v zlatých, oranžových a červených odtieňoch. En: The forests glowed in shades of gold, orange, and red. Sk: Cesta bola náročná, ale spoločnosť ľudí dávala odvahu. En: The path was challenging, but the company of people gave them courage. Sk: Keď sa odrazu zhoršilo počasie, Marek zaváhal. En: When the weather suddenly worsened, Marek hesitated. Sk: Vietor sa zosilňoval a mraky hustli. En: The wind grew stronger and the clouds thickened. Sk: Zuzana však trvala na pokračovaní. En: However, Zuzana insisted on continuing. Sk: „Musíme ísť ďalej, pre otca,“ povedala so zápalom v očiach, ktoré sa nedalo prehliadnuť. En: “We must go on, for our father,” she said with a determination in her eyes that could not be overlooked. Sk: Marek nebol presvedčený. En: Marek was not convinced. Sk: Hovoril: „Nie je to bezpečné. Mali by sme sa vrátiť alebo sa zastaviť a postaviť tábor.“ En: He said, “It’s not safe. We should turn back or stop and set up camp.” Sk: Jakub súhlasil s Marekom, hladina v ich hlase vyjadrovala obavy. En: Jakub agreed with Marek, the tone in their voices expressing concern. Sk: Zuzana však bola rozhodnutá. En: But Zuzana was determined. Sk: Po chvíli napätia sa rozhodli pokračovať, ale opatrne. En: After a moment of tension, they decided to proceed, but cautiously. Sk: Každý krok bol náročný, každý zvuk spôsobil závan strachu. En: Every step was demanding, every sound sent a shiver of fear. Sk: A potom, počas silného závoja hmly, Zuzana zmizla. En: And then, in a thick curtain of fog, Zuzana disappeared. Sk: Marek a Jakub sa otočili a začali volať jej meno. En: Marek and Jakub turned and began calling her name. Sk: Hmla ich obklopila ako studený závoj. En: The fog enveloped them like a cold shroud. Sk: Ich srdcia tĺkli rýchlo, ale vzdali sa strachu. En: Their hearts beat rapidly, but they gave in to fear. Sk: Museli ju...
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