Ladislav's Alpine Quest: A Tale of Discovery and Courage
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Ladislav's Alpine Quest: A Tale of Discovery and Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Vo vysokých Tatrách, kde zlatisté lístie padá na zem ako jemné plátno a jeseň preniká chladným horským vzduchom, sa konala exkurzia z geografie. En: In the Vysoké Tatry, where golden leaves fall to the ground like a gentle tapestry and autumn permeates the cold mountain air, a geography field trip was held. Sk: Ladislav, tichý študent so snom o objavení neznámej flóry, kráčal po úzkych skalnatých chodníkoch. En: Ladislav, a quiet student with a dream of discovering unknown flora, walked along the narrow rocky paths. Sk: Bol nerád stredobodom pozornosti, no jeho srdce túžilo osloviť učiteľku Michaelu zaujímavým objavom. En: He disliked being the center of attention, but his heart longed to impress his teacher, Michaela, with an interesting discovery. Sk: Skupina študentov, medzi ktorými bol aj rázny a vždy usmievavý Jakub, sa zastavila, aby si oddýchli a obdivovali nádheru prírody. En: The group of students, among whom was the resolute and always smiling Jakub, stopped to rest and admire the beauty of nature. Sk: Michaela im rozprávala o horských rastlinách, ktoré tu rastú. En: Michaela spoke to them about the mountain plants that grow here. Sk: Ladislav, so slúchadlom zastrčeným do vrecka, spomenul si na obrázok vzácneho kvetu, ktorý čítal v knižke. En: Ladislav, with an earbud tucked in his pocket, remembered an image of a rare flower he had seen in a book. Sk: Volal sa plesnivec alpínsky. En: It was called the alpine edelweiss. Sk: To bola jeho šanca! En: This was his chance! Sk: S odvahou, ktorú v sebe na chvíľu našiel, sa jemne odpojil od skupiny. En: With a courage he found within himself for a moment, he gently detached from the group. Sk: Smeroval hlbšie do lesa. En: He headed deeper into the forest. Sk: Okolité stromy ho privítali pokojom, no zároveň sa v ňom prebúdzal pocit neistoty, či sa stihne vrátiť včas. En: The surrounding trees welcomed him with calm, yet he was simultaneously awakened to a sense of uncertainty about whether he could return in time. Sk: Kráčal ďalej, kým nenarazil na malé rúbanisko. En: He walked further until he came across a small clearing. Sk: Medzi kameňmi, ktoré kedysi skrývali drobné tajomstvá zeme, uvidel, čo hľadal. En: Among the rocks, which once hid the small secrets of the earth, he saw what he was looking for. Sk: Tam bol! En: There it was! Sk: Plesnivec alpínsky, s jemnými bielymi kvetmi, ako by sám jeseň zastúpil v svojom pokoji a kráse. En: The alpine edelweiss, with its delicate white flowers, seemed to embody autumn itself in its calm and beauty. Sk: Ladislav zrazu pochopil, že sa trochu strateni. En: Ladislav suddenly realized he was a bit lost. Sk: Okolité stromy vyzerali rovnako a konáre šumeli mierne znepokojivým hlasom. En: The surrounding trees looked the same, and the branches rustled in a slightly unsettling voice. Sk: Srdce mu bilo rýchlejšie, no jeho túžba bola zobudená. En: His heart beat faster, but his desire was awakened. Sk: Musel sa vrátiť, musel svetu ukázať, čo našiel. En: He had to return, he had to show the world what he had found. Sk: Použil logiku a znalosť krajiny, ktorú sa naučil. En: He used logic and knowledge of the landscape that he had learned. Sk: Viedol ho instinkt a nakoniec sa vrátil na cestu, kde ostatní študenti čakali. En: His instinct...
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