Published 03/29/21
"We are all in a forgiveness predicament together." "Grace finds us in Christ. Then we grace ourselves." "Perhaps the first thing we need to forgive ourselves for is not being gods." "Forgiveness requires a sure foundation."  In order to forgive ourselves, several prerequisites must be in place. We must NOT: 1. ignore our conscience and continue doing what we know we shouldn't 2. justify our wrongs; give excuses as to why we did something, or tell yourself, "It isn't that wrong." 3....
Published 03/10/21
"We naturally resent anyone who harms us or harms those we love. We seethe. Resentment demands ransom of revenge. We live to "pay them back." With our words or with our deeds- maybe both- we will get them. We think, Just you wait!" "The power to forgive comes from God and is available through prayer." "We may forget when we forgive. However, the two should not be equated." "Memory makes forgiveness possible" You must go back and remember the hurt before you can remove the pain and...
Published 03/09/21
"When the night is the darkest, when evil is the strongest, when hope is the dimmest- God is present, not absent, working to bring about resurrected life!" "Some things we may never understand. Still questions are good." "Grace is also good." "Silence is God's first language- everything else is poor translation."
Published 03/09/21
"Confession differs from acknowledgement." "Gilt is not grace. Remorse is not repentance. To continue committing the sin, is to withhold forgiveness to you." "To repent of our sins means to turn around and go in a different direction...genuinely confess with the intent of forsaking them. We turn around and go home. We come home." "Two roads diverged in the wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." Robert Frost "The path taken, which makes all the...
Published 03/09/21
"We must be careful neither to criticize nor condemn the person with whom we wish to restore a relationship." Sometimes saying, "I forgive you," is misheard and perceived as "I blame you." "A better approach would be, "I want you to know how much our relationship means to me. Our estrangement hurts me deeply. I wonder how we might work together to make things right. I'm here because I care." "We must let go of our pain and hatred." "The 'As If" principle states that we must act "as if" the...
Published 03/08/21
"Why must we forgive? Because forgiveness is the only way to be fair to ourselves." "Forgiveness sets us free from those dark, evil forces that can storm our minds, seize our souls, and hold us hostage until the ransom of revenge is paid, then paid again and again, until at last we are morally and spiritually bankrupt." "We pardon to the degree we love....to refuse to forgive is to choose to hate."  "We are being cruel and unfair when we bind ourselves to a torturous past. Not to forgive is...
Published 03/07/21
"Revenge chains us to the whole painful event. Both feuding parties get stuck on a merry-go-round, taking turns hurting the other. The get even proverb is a lie! Revenge is not sweet." "The pain you give is never the same as the pain you get (if you don't forgive)." "You get stuck in a painful past like houseflies on a glue strip. But the other option is forgiveness." "Forgiveness is not about the past, it is about the future." "Only forgiveness gives us peace." "Because forgiveness...
Published 03/06/21
"Danger lurks wherever we find animosity, resentment, and estrangement." "Forgiveness is the removal of personal barriers within a relationship caused by wrongdoing, real or imagined." "Forgiveness rids relationships of bitter personal barriers." There are four stages to the process of forgiveness: Hurt, Alienation, release, and reunion
Published 02/27/21
Set Free by Forgiveness By: j. Randall O'Brien "Guilt inevitably produces fear." "You have two basic choices when we recognize our guilt: denial or confession." The blame game: :Ignoring our conscience, justifying our actions, or blaming others for our wrongdoing are a;; responses to guilt which lead to self-destruction." ""Projection is when we project our badness onto to others." "How do we get rid of guilt and shame? First, we "own" it or confess it. Next, we remove ourselves from the...
Published 02/24/21
Set Free by Forgiveness By: j. Randall O'Brien "Like coming in during the middle of a movie, we often don't understand others because we don't know the events and experiences that shaped their lives." "Each of us brings to each moment our own sad experiences. How does your childhood haunt you?" "Were you neglected by your father or rejected by your mother? Was a sibling favored over you? Were you abused?"
Published 02/24/21
Published 02/23/21
Published 02/21/21