Learn French with Daniel, a Franco-Chinese 15-year-old who is sport-mad. He would love to do skateboarding or rollerskating, but his mother will not allow him - says it’s too dangerous. We are now at the Skatepark in Paris with Nassaire, an instructor who is going to tell us about safety measures.           Safety advice Dans les rues de Paris : même en rollers, vous restez un piéton ! Dans le code de la route français, vous êtes des « piétons à roulettes ». Il faut donc respecter les...
Published 07/06/14
Learn French with Daniel, a Franco-Chinese high school student who is keen on sport. He plays basketball and football, and practises rock-climbing. But he would like to try out rollerskating or skateboarding. We asked him to meet us at the Skatepark, in the 18th arrondissement.     The Skatepark in Paris   L'Espace de glisse parisien 18e ou EGP 18  Une structure municipale Le plus grand skatepark couvert en béton de France Date d’ouverture : février 2008                   Superficie : plus...
Published 07/05/14
Learn French with Iker and Aida, both from Spain, who have been in Paris for just five months. They both love opera, films, concerts… and Paris is just the ticket! But they would like to know how to get cheap tickets. We are at the "Kiosk" near Place de la Madeleine with Claire Hazan, a journalist specialising in arts events.       How to access shows in Paris on a shoestring Les "Kiosques" Pour trouver des billets de théâtre pour le soir même sans réservation, 3 « Kiosques » offrent des...
Published 06/29/14
Learn French with Iker and Aida, who both come from the Spanish Basque Country. They have been in Paris for five months and would like to make the most of what the French capital has to offer in terms of shows but they are a bit confused, as there is so much to choose from. We are to meet Claire Hazan near the Opera Garnier. She is the entertainments editor for Première, an online events listings.       What’s on in Paris: some figures LE CINEMA 88 cinémas avec 400 écrans 38 salles de...
Published 06/28/14
Learn French with Sarah, a young American mum, who would like to know how women in France cope with their toddlers when they resume work. We are at Café Grenadine, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, with Marianne Dorell, the managing editor of What mums say magazine.       Maternity leave Le congé maternité permet à la femme de se reposer avant et après l'accouchement. Le congé maternité comprend un congé prénatal (avant l'accouchement) et un congé postnatal (après l'accouchement).   La...
Published 06/22/14
Learn French with Sarah, who hails from the USA and has a two-year-old boy, Oscar. Sarah is looking for places where she can meet other mums with young children. We are going to Julie’s Café Grenadine in the capital’s 14th arrondissement (district).       Just the place to be for families with babies Les « cafés poussettes » C’est un concept plutôt nordique ou anglo-saxon qui se développe de plus en plus à Paris et dans les centres villes de province. Un café-restaurant où toute la...
Published 06/21/14
Learn French with Jing, a high school student from China. Jing finds the French way of life is different from China’s: here one must book an appointment for everything, and even with an appointment, one needs to queue. We are in the office of Nathalie Serfaty, who runs the agency VAP (the initials stand for Your Personal Assistant in French).       Daily life in Paris: metro, work, sleep Métro, boulot, dodo est une expression inspirée d'un poème de Pierre Béarn : « Au déboulé garçon pointe...
Published 06/15/14
Learn French with Jing, an 18-year-old high school student. She arrived in France a year ago and she wonders why in France one has to make an appointment everywhere: at the doctor’s, at the Post Office, at the bank… We are going to meet Nathalie Serfaty, who runs VAP, an agency that recruits personal assistants.     A PA agency L’assistant personnel est un métier qui est assez répandu dans les pays anglo-saxons et en particulier aux État-Unis, et qui commence à se développer en France. Ce...
Published 06/14/14
Learn French with Caroline, who hails from Quebec. She is in Paris for a few months. We are taking a walk round Père-Lachaise Cemetery with guide Thierry Leroy who is showing us its most famous graves.     A landscaped cemetery - 5 300 arbres (érables, frênes, thuyas, marronniers…) - Le plus vieil arbre : un érable de Montpellier de plus de 150 ans (13m de haut et 1,90m de circonférence) - La faune : des oiseaux, des chats, des chauves-souris, des hérissons… - Une colonie d'abeilles est...
Published 06/08/14
Learn French with Caroline, a 26-year-old from Quebec who is doing a stint at the Franco-Quebec Youth Office. We are going to visit the best-known cemetery in the capital with our guide Thierry Leroy and find out which famous people are buried there.     Père-Lachaise: stats and figures Nom officiel : le cimetière de l'Est parisien Nom commun : le cimetière du Père-Lachaise La nécropole la plus célèbre de France 1er cimetière de ce type à Paris Date d’ouverture : le 21 mai 1804 Surface :...
Published 06/07/14
Learn French with Aida, a young Spanish journalist who has been in Paris for the last five months. Her dream is to work as a fashion journalist. We are in Galeries Lafayette with Charlotte Rosier, a fashion coach, who explains to us what makes the fashion industry tick.       From designing to selling a collection Les collections sont conçues six à huit mois à l'avance. 1)      On fait un carnet de tendance : on cherche des indices, on flaire la mode de demain. 2)      On regroupe les...
Published 06/01/14
Learn French with Aïda, a 32-year-old from Spain who has a keen interest in the world of fashion. She would like to know what to wear to best set off her figure while being fashionable. We are now going to Galeries Lafayette on Boulevard Haussmann to meet Charlotte Rosier, a fashion coach.       Where can I find the best fashion shops in Paris? Paris est la capitale de la mode, de la création et du luxe. Les plus grands noms de la haute couture et de la joaillerie ont leur boutique à...
Published 05/31/14