FV 120 INTRO: Prince.sse Si Je Veux – Raising humans beyond gender stereotypes (Part 1)
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Buy Full Notes Juliana founded the project "Prince.sse Si Je Veux" to help parents and teachers educate and encourage children between 5 and 12 years old to make their own choices by freeing them from gender stereotypes. You may be surprised to see how ingrained sexism is in our everyday life, and how, despite all our efforts, we as parents may be reinforcing such gender-related clichés - very innocently and subconsciously. It is very important to become aware of this since the way we raise our children often directly impacts their adult life. In this first part, Juliana talks about her background - both linguistic and professional, and how Prince.sse Si Je Veux was born. (We'll also explain why there's a dot sign in the middle of the first word!) Make sure you listen to the introduction to learn several interesting French idiomatic expressions! The related vocabulary list and full transcript are available: support your comprehension and support French Voices Podcast at the same! Related links: sse Si Je Veux @princessesijeveux "Inclusive writing": what is it and how does it work? - French Your Way Podcast, episode 148 70, 80 and 90 in French – Why are these numbers so weird? - French Your Way Podcast, episode 45: Vocab List accrocher (fig.) = to get on, get along / to click, to hit it off câlin (nm) = cuddle chouchouter = to pamper / to mollycoddle, to go soft on cloisonner = to divide / to partition / to compartmentalise course automobile (nf) = motor racing en rester là = to call it quits, to leave it être rodé(e) = to be highly experienced gagne-pain (nm) = breadwinner, main earner huitante = eighty ingénieur(e) (n) = engineer ludique (adj) = playful, fun / recreational octante = eighty pancarte (nf) = notice, sign / placard point barre = full stop, period / end of story!
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