Buy Full Notes This interview is taking you to Ardèche, that (so) beautiful part of France where I used to spend the summer holidays as a child. Meet André Rouy aka « Dédé l’Ardéchois » and discover the history of the train network in Ardèche – the only French département which doesn’t operate any more trains. Dédé and the Association VIADUC 07 worked to protect that heritage. Dédé wrote several books and created a train museum which opened on the 30th anniversary of the last train running...
Published 06/15/22
Buy Full Notes In this second part of my interview with Manolo we will talk about his confrérie (a society of people who get together to perpetuate a tradition, a skill): la Confrérie des amateurs de Sagarno de la Bidassoa. This society is currently under process to be part of the Unesco intangible cultural heritage list. Learn the reasons behind the decline then the revival of the art of making “vin de pomme”, the types of apples used for the process, the amount of wine produced by the...
Published 05/15/22
Live workshops are back! More information and bookings open on my events page: https://frenchyourway.com.au/events If you can’t attend, don’t worry: you will receive the replay video as well as the worksheet and answers. Upcoming events: Dictée en français / French dictation Sunday May 22nd at 9pm Paris time. Imparfait vs passé composé Thursday May 26th at 10pm Paris time. Check out my events page Subscribe to my newsletter to receive special discount codes for...
Published 05/12/22
Buy Full Notes This 2-part interview with Manolo will take you to the heart of the French Basque country (Pays Basque), its heritage and its tradition of making “vin de pomme” (also known as “sagardo”, or “sagarno”), which is not the same as the apple cider from Normandy. The start of the conversation will help you locate the Pays Basque and understand its strong sense of identity. People still wear the beret, speak basque (which is a language in itself, not related to French), play local...
Published 05/01/22
Buy Full Notes Betty Levanqué really is an incredible woman, I would even call her a wonder woman. I’m truly in awe at everything she’s done so far in her life, her stamina, her strength; she’s an inspiration to work hard, be present for your family, love people, give back to others when you can. Betty studied hard, even while becoming the other of a very premature baby with a disability and later on resuming her studies and taking up three courses in three different universities the same...
Published 04/15/22
Buy Full Notes Betty Levanqué really is an incredible woman, I would even call her a wonder woman. I’m truly in awe at everything she’s done so far in her life, her stamina, her strength; she’s an inspiration to work hard, be present for your family, love people, give back to others when you can. Betty studied hard, even while becoming the other of a very premature baby with a disability and later on resuming her studies and taking up three courses in three different universities the same...
Published 04/01/22
This recording is in French, here’s the outline of what I talk about to help you follow: A comeback video in a new environment: we’re in France! We’ve been settling down, enjoying family time after two years of separation, finally meeting my little (and very cute nephew), creating memories (e.g we took the kids to the snow!) The children have started attending French school...on and off really, due to the absurd C*vid protocols in place here. Still, I’m hoping this will give me some time to...
Published 02/05/22
Buy Full Notes Melbourne-based French Australian painter Guy Trinquet, is a finalist in the 2021 Glover Prize, one of Australia’s most prestigious landscape painting awards. Vocab List courbe (nf) = curve donner le cafard = to make (sb) sad / depressed flasher (sur…) = to fall (for…) lauréat,e (n) = prizewinner s'écailler = to flake / chip / peel off Links and Resources https://www.guytrinquet.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/guytrinquet.art/ Instagram: @guytrinquetart
Published 05/31/21
Buy Full Notes Melbourne-based French Australian painter Guy Trinquet, is a finalist in the 2021 Glover Prize, one of Australia’s most prestigious landscape painting awards. Vocab List croquis (nm) = sketch, rough outline, first draft déceler = to detect, to spot ébauche (nf) = sketch, rough outline, first draft être tenu(e) de (faire quelque chose) = to be required / bound (to do sth) gosse (n) = kid gribouillage (nm) = scribble grimper = to climb passer (ça passe) = to be...
Published 05/15/21
Buy Full Notes In the second part of this interview with Belgian consul Pierre Steverlynck, we discuss the languages he speaks at home and at work - since Belgium is a multilingual country. You'll learn the difference between an ambassy and a consulate, what a "carte d'identité" may be used for (I know that not all countries have one such thing). Also find out how one becomes a diplomat. And, you'll hear about the "flying kit", a really cool system for expats living on faraway...
Published 04/30/21
Buy Full Notes Pierre Steverlynck is a Belgian consul, a diplomat representing Belgium abroad. When we started the interview, I was nervous because I had been wondering for weeks what to call him. I was worried about coming across as impolite, not knowing whether I should call him "Pierre", "Monsieur", or any specific term of address related to his status. Find out the answer to this thorny issue in this first of two episodes of our conversation! Pierre will tell us about his different...
Published 04/14/21
Buy Full Notes Natacha is a young Frenchwoman qui "a la patate" and a contagious passion for improvised play. She's the founder, coach, and one of the improvisers / actresses of The French Loop, a theatre company based in Melbourne. (If you also live in the area and would love to practice your French and have a go, Natacha welcomes non native speakers too, hint hint!). In this second episode, Natacha is presenting the French Loop : who can attend ? From what age? We'll also talk about a...
Published 03/31/21
Buy Full Notes Natacha is a young Frenchwoman qui "a la patate" and a contagious passion for improvised play. She's the founder, coach, and one of the improvisers / actresses of The French Loop, a theatre company based in Melbourne. (If you also live in the area and would love to practice your French and have a go, Natacha welcomes non native speakers too, hint hint!). In this first episode, we're discussing how Natacha pivoted to deal with the Covid-crisis, at a time when her classes...
Published 01/15/21
Buy Full Notes Natacha is a young Frenchwoman qui "a la patate" and a contagious passion for improvised play. She's the founder, coach, and one of the improvisers / actresses of The French Loop, a theatre company based in Melbourne. (If you also live in the area and would love to practice your French and have a go, Natacha welcomes non native speakers too, hint hint!). In this first episode, we're discussing how Natacha pivoted to deal with the Covid-crisis, at a time when her classes...
Published 01/15/21
Ceci n'est pas un épisode (nous profitons de quelques jours de vacances en famille), mais un petit message pour vous montrer que je ne vous ai pas oublié et, évidemment, vous souhaiter une bonne année et surtout une bonne santé pour 2021. Prenez soin de vous et rendez-vous le 15 janvier pour la première partie d'une belle interview avec Natacha de The French Loop !
Published 01/01/21
Buy Full Notes Meet François Forget, a planetary scientist at the Laboratoire de Météo Dynamique in Paris.  François is an atmospheric dynamicist: he and his team model other planetary atmospheres including Mars, Titan and exoplanets. In this second episode, I asked François whether he thinks we will get to see a man go on Mars in our lifetime. What processes and challenges would this involve? What are the upcoming projects in terms of space exploration? François will also draw a parallel...
Published 12/15/20
Buy Full Notes Meet François Forget, a planetary scientist at the Laboratoire de Météo Dynamique in Paris.  François is an atmospheric dynamicist: he and his team model other planetary atmospheres including Mars, Titan and exoplanets. In this second episode, I asked François whether he thinks we will get to see a man go on Mars in our lifetime. What processes and challenges would this involve? What are the upcoming projects in terms of space exploration? François will also draw a...
Published 12/15/20
Buy Full Notes Meet François Forget, a planetary scientist at the Laboratoire de Météo Dynamique in Paris.  François is an atmospheric dynamicist: he and his team model other planetary atmospheres including Mars, Titan and exoplanets. In this first episode, François will explain in simple terms what he does. We'll also talk about Mars and what makes it such an interesting planet to study. Are we alone in the universe? Does life necessarily need water to develop? How can we look for evidence...
Published 12/01/20
Buy Full Notes Meet François Forget, a planetary scientist at the Laboratoire de Météo Dynamique in Paris.  François is an atmospheric dynamicist: he and his team model other planetary atmospheres including Mars, Titan and exoplanets. In this first episode, François will explain in simple terms what he does. We'll also talk about Mars and what makes it such an interesting planet to study. Are we alone in the universe? Does life necessarily need water to develop? How can we look for...
Published 12/01/20
Buy Full Notes Juliana founded the project "Prince.sse Si Je Veux" to help parents and teachers educate and encourage children between 5 and 12 years old to make their own choices by freeing them from gender stereotypes. You may be surprised to see how ingrained sexism is in our everyday life, and how, despite all our efforts, we as parents may be reenforcing such gender-related clichés - very innocently and subconsciously. It is very important to become aware of this since the way we...
Published 11/15/20
Buy Full Notes Juliana founded the project "Prince.sse Si Je Veux" to help parents and teachers educate and encourage children between 5 and 12 years old to make their own choices by freeing them from gender stereotypes. You may be surprised to see how ingrained sexism is in our everyday life, and how, despite all our efforts, we as parents may be reenforcing such gender-related clichés - very innocently and subconsciously. It is very important to become aware of this since the way we raise...
Published 11/15/20
Buy Full Notes Juliana founded the project "Prince.sse Si Je Veux" to help parents and teachers educate and encourage children between 5 and 12 years old to make their own choices by freeing them from gender stereotypes. You may be surprised to see how ingrained sexism is in our everyday life, and how, despite all our efforts, we as parents may be reinforcing such gender-related clichés - very innocently and subconsciously. It is very important to become aware of this since the way we...
Published 11/01/20
Buy Full Notes Juliana founded the project "Prince.sse Si Je Veux" to help parents and teachers educate and encourage children between 5 and 12 years old to make their own choices by freeing them from gender stereotypes. You may be surprised to see how ingrained sexism is in our everyday life, and how, despite all our efforts, we as parents may be reinforcing such gender-related clichés - very innocently and subconsciously. It is very important to become aware of this since the way we...
Published 11/01/20
Buy Full Notes This episode may deeply change your perception of life and death. Open your mind to infinite possibilities and infinite hope as you open your ears to listen to Anne-Hélène Gramignano's testimonial. Anne-Hélène found very early on that she had the inherited gift of seeing and hearing people who had passed away. She now is dedicating a good chunk of her life helping people in grief by passing messages from their loved ones in the afterlife: Anne-Hélène is a medium with an...
Published 10/15/20