The Spring Cubberley Lecture feature REBIRTH: New Orleans, the latest educational documentary by John Merrow, President of Learning Matters. Merrow and Professor Prudence Carter discuss the file and its implications for evaluating school reform.
Published 06/18/13
Published 06/18/13
The Cubberley Lecture is the Graduate School of Education's public forum for discussion of critical issue facing education. The 2013 Cubberley Lecture opened with Merrow's newest film which was not recorded. Following the film, Merrow and Carter discussed the film and its implication for evaluating school reform before opening the floor to live audience Question & Answer.
Published 06/12/13
A panel of national leaders reflects on the legacy of John W. Gardner at a forum marking the 100th anniversary of his birth. (October 6, 2012)
Published 10/31/12
Several faculty members from the School of Education talk about important issues regarding schooling in today's society and respond to audience questions. (October 21, 2011)
Published 11/15/11
Several faculty members from the School of Education talk about important issues regarding schooling in today's society and respond to audience questions. (October 21, 2011)
Published 11/15/11
Three panelists discuss their perspectives on addressing the obstacles and practices holding back the quality of instruction in the United States. (May 12, 2011)
Published 10/11/11
Lee Shulman skillfully conveys how student learning is nurtured by teaching that optimizes both the use of routinization and innovation. (June 20, 2011)
Published 10/11/11
An overview of Stanford Summer Teaching Institute's mission and the programs it offers for individual teachers as well as teams of teachers and administrators. (June 20, 2011)
Published 10/11/11
A panel featuring educators discusses the current state of professional development for teachers and how the process can be improved upon to create better schools. (May 12, 2011)
Published 05/25/11
A panel featuring educators discusses the current state of professional development for teachers and how the process can be improved upon to create better schools. (May 12, 2011)
Published 05/25/11
KQED's Michael Krasny moderates a discussion of educational experts regarding the controversial film Waiting for Superman and the complex educational issue of teacher quality. (October 4, 2010)
Published 10/14/10
KQED's Michael Krasny moderates a discussion of educational experts regarding the controversial film Waiting for Superman and the complex educational issue of teacher quality. (October 4, 2010)
Published 10/14/10
A panel of experts comments on what we know about preparing and supporting teachers to meet the needs of English learners in the United States school system and how current practices can be improved upon in the future. (April 24, 2010)
Published 07/11/10
Kris Guierrez, Professor and the Inaugural Provost Chair at the University of Colorado, Boulder, discusses teaching English as form of 'remedial' education that she calls a culture of distributive expertise. (April 24, 2010)
Published 06/27/10
Diane Ravitch discusses how the convergence accountability and school choice are promoting privatization of American public schools and threatening to leave many children behind. (April 14, 2010)
Published 06/04/10
Bob Wise, former governor of West Virginia and president of the Alliance for Excellent Education, describe the growing crisis of our nation's high school, and how we can close achievement gap and revitalize US secondary education. (May 4, 2009)
Published 05/20/09
Lee Shulman share important lessons about emerging approaches to teaching and learning, and the role of habit, judgement, and identity in the formation of professionals. (November 19, 2008)
Published 01/16/09
Public school systems have historically separated the roles of teachers and formal leaders. Teachers typically have few substantive opportunities to exert leadership while principals and superintendents are not expected to know how to teach. (April 7, 2008)
Published 05/01/08
Alejandro Toledo, Peru’s President from 2001-2006, and Professor Larry Diamond discuss the effectiveness of political democracy in Latin America, which Toledo believes depends largely on the provision of quality education and nutrition. (October 16, 2007)
Published 11/13/07
Stanford reduces student loans for graduates who teach in underserved communities. Watch an interview with a recent graduate of the Stanford Teacher Education Program. (August 27, 2007)
Published 08/28/07
Don Kennedy explores how scientists are thinking about K-12 science teaching -- and why scientific insights about how the human brain might connect to learning have been disappointing. Part of the discussion will focus on the critics of science teaching.
Published 04/23/07
Dr. Ellen Ochoa, MS '81, PhD '85 EE, discusses her career at NASA. Her presentation focuses on her 4th Space Shuttle mission, STS-110, part of the 2002 assembly of the International Space Station.
Published 03/30/07
California Secretary of Education Alan Bersin describes the structural, instructional, policy, and political obstacles to high school reform. He also analyzes the prospects for significant change in meeting this crucial challenge.
Published 03/30/07
Professor Christopher Edley addresses the question of civil rights as it relates to education, discussing his research related to Brown v. Board of Education, the No Child Left Behind Act, and state education finance.
Published 03/30/07