What happens when you aren't truly eating enough to fuel your ambitions and feel your best? Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, or RED-s, is a serious condition that can impact any active person regardless of their training intensity. Not only could RED-s impact your performance in the gym, but it can also play a huge role in your physical and mental health and well-being outside of the gym. This is why I have brought the founder of Project RED-s, Pippa Woolven, to the show. Key Takeaways...
Published 06/04/24
Published 06/04/24
If you are listening to this, there is a good chance you already know that strength is an important part of taking care of your body. So, when we see an App or YouTube-based workout plan that offers strength training, it can be easy to believe that this is the kind of content you should be following. But are you really getting a strength stimulus from your workout? Or is that just what is being marketed to you? Key Takeaways If You Want To Get Serious About Your Programming, You Should: ...
Published 05/14/24
Menopausal women are overloaded with information, but not all of it is accurate or safe. Social media is rife with misinformation, and unfortunately, the diet and fitness industry follows many unethical marketing practices. I’m joined by Amanda Thebe to discuss the realities of coaching menopausal women, how to choose ethical coaches, and why there is finally a spotlight on menopause. Key Takeaways Find an Ethical Trainer by Checking Out: Personal recommendations Reviews and...
Published 04/30/24
When it comes to your training and your fueling, you need to think about the bigger picture. For sports such as Brazillian jiu-jitsu, which has a wide range of intensity demands, you need to switch your mindset and fuel your body for your practice. While being strong is a sort of ‘cheat code’ in Brazillian jiu-jitsu, it is nothing without the right fuel to back it up. Key Takeaways If You Have Questions About Your Nutrition, You Should: Remember that what you eat today is your fuel for...
Published 04/16/24
Are you cardiovascular training confused? I don't blame you; there is a lot of information out there that can work counterintuitively, especially if you are just starting to incorporate cardiovascular training into your routine. While it is easy to just focus on the numbers, finding the balance between high-intensity and low-intensity is more nuanced than that. Luckily, I have my friend Jamie Scott, an accomplished sports nutritionist and endurance coach, with me today. Key Takeaways If...
Published 04/02/24
Both strength training and cardiovascular fitness play an important role in your health and well-being. However, learning how to integrate both into your weekly training regime can be challenging. That's why I have brought my friend Jamie Scott on the show to give you some practical tips on implementing lower-intensity cardio into your routine. Key Takeaways If You Are Interested in Practical Tips for Zone 2 Training, You Should: Focus on the training-to-train approach, which will allow...
Published 03/19/24
Getting back into training after injury or pain can be scary. Whether your injury is past or present or an ongoing or onset pain, learning to move between physical therapy and getting back into the gym requires some nuance. This is why it is so important to have a team working to help you achieve your goals and get you back to the training and activities you love. Key Takeaways If You Want to Improve Your Overall Health Over 40, You Should: Make sure to work with a trainer or team...
Published 02/27/24
In the world of fitness and nutrition, there is so much misinformation and oversimplification of concepts out there. This is why Dr. Alyssa Olenick is here to continue our conversation surrounding everything from heart rate zones to perceived excursion and how to balance your intensity properly. Key Takeaways If You Want to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health, You Should:  Focus on getting fit and meeting the physical activity guidelines if you are just starting out Don't get caught up...
Published 01/23/24
It is no secret that there are sex differences in fitness and nutrition. However, it might not be what you have been led to believe. Nutrition, training concepts, and fueling your workouts are key aspects to training whether you are a man or a woman. By empowering yourself with evidence-based science, you can take an informed approach to your fitness and strength training. Key Takeaways If You Are Interested in the Data Behind Womens Physiology, You Should: Work to understand what goes on...
Published 01/09/24
Allison Grubbs seemingly came out of nowhere when it comes to rucking. Last year, she participated in her first GORUCK selection, and this year, she finished the GORUCK Selection as the only participant left standing. Allison's insight, wisdom, and mindset got her to where she is today, and she brings along a message of hope and tranquility that is incredibly inspiring. Key Takeaways If You Want to do Hard Things, You Should: Remember Allison's advice to chill out and enjoy the...
Published 12/19/23
When you think of muscle mass in women, does your brain immediately jump to the image of ultra-muscled competitors and quote-unquote meatheads? Building muscle mass as a female athlete does not look like this image most of the time, yet women are still afraid of getting bulky. In this episode, I want to dive into what building muscle mass as a woman really looks like and the massive benefits for your overall health and longevity that can come from it. Key Takeaways If You Want to Get Deeper...
Published 12/12/23
One of the pieces of equipment in the gym that strikes fear into people is the rowing machine. Many people consider it a piece of warm-up equipment, but it is so much more than that. When you take the time to educate yourself about not only rowing but how you can create a more well-rounded training program, the results can be magic. Key Takeaways If You Are Interested in Rowing, You Should: Look at GPP Fitness from all perspectives and directions Integrate rowing into your workout...
Published 11/28/23
Our Western society is, to put it frankly, obsessed with the idea of anti-aging and the fountain of youth. This multi-billion-dollar-a-year industry that is mainly targeted at women focuses on all of the products and things you can do to maintain the appearance of youth on the outside of your body. But what about what is going on in the inside? Key Takeaways If You Are Interested in Using Muscle to Improve Your Aging, You Should: Start strength training now if you haven't already ...
Published 11/14/23
Rucking is having a moment right now, but it is nothing new, per se. Humans have been carrying loads for distance since the beginning of time. While rucking is not a replacement for your strength training, it has a multitude of benefits to your cardiovascular strength, blood sugar, bone health, and so much more. Key Takeaways If You Are Interested in Including Rucking in Your Fitness Plan, You Should: Start slow and build up your endurance over time while taking time for recovery Use...
Published 10/31/23
If you are a woman over 40 trying to build your fitness and muscle, you know how important it is to get into the gym on a regular basis. But if you struggle to find the consistency or motivation to exercise, you are definitely not alone. I find consistency as one of the most common things my clients struggle with, but it doesn't have to be that way. Key Takeaways If You Are Curious About Essentialism, Try:  Taking time to decide what is truly important for you Saying no to the things...
Published 10/03/23
I recently decided to return to running after a 12-year-long break from it. While the idea of returning to running was a little bit scary and uncomfortable, I have found three teachable moments through my experience that you can apply to your own life, whether it is running or something entirely different that you want to make a return to but are apprehensive about. Key Takeaways If You Want to Find Enjoyment in Returning to an Exercise Such as Running, You Should: Find another way to do...
Published 09/12/23
Investing in your own transformation is a difficult thing for a lot of us, but it is so important. Whether you invest your time, money, or effort, showing up for yourself and investing in your own growth is the key to seeing the results you are hoping for. Key Takeaways If You Are Ready to Invest in the Next Step, You Should: Remember that you are not the only one who doesn’t have everything figured out Take the step to invest in yourself through a coach, training program, or just...
Published 08/22/23
Lifting heavy is great, but there are a lot of ingredients that go into the recipe for getting better results out of your strength training. Having a program that works for your body, and your goals, is absolutely key to long-term consistency and results. Key Takeaways If You Want to Improve Your Strength Training Program, You Should:  Consider all of the factors that make the process complete in a strength training program Remember that heavy lifting is just a piece of the...
Published 08/15/23
Fitness and motivation go hand in hand when achieving your goals. But have you ever stopped to think about the basis behind your goals? Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for fitness are both part of the fitness process. However, it is important to stay alert and aware of where your motivation is coming from in order to achieve long-term results. Key Takeaways If You Want to Become More Intrinsic In Your Motivation, You Can: Consider your intrinsic motivations for your overall behaviors ...
Published 08/01/23
Have you ever said to yourself that if you aren't able to do something perfectly, it's not worth doing it at all? This is an example of ‘all or nothing’ thinking. All-or-nothing thinking is incredibly common, especially when it comes to fitness. But this mindset can actually limit your ability to reach your goals and get in the way of the progress that you want to see. Key Takeaways If You Struggle with ‘All-or-Nothing’ Thinking, You Can: Get more aware of the language you use to talk to...
Published 07/18/23
How you view yourself and other people in the world around you influences all of the things you see, think, and do. This is especially true when it comes to your fitness and how you are able to create new healthy habits around your strength goals. Embracing a growth mindset, rather than a fixed mindset, can have a huge impact on your outcomes and your overall enjoyment in and out of the gym. Key Takeaways If You Want to Embrace a Growth Mindset, You Should: 1) Look for examples in your...
Published 07/04/23
The health of female athletes is often overlooked or underrepresented in sporting organizations across the world. This is one of the reasons why Mhairi Maclennon and Kate Sealy founded Kyniska Advocacy – to educate, advocate, and provide support for female athletes. In cooperation with Project RED-S, they recently released the Female Athletes Health Report, which will form the basis of many recommendations in women’s sports. Key Takeaways Recommendations from the Female Athlete Health...
Published 06/20/23
One of the best-researched supplements in terms of muscle strength and performance worldwide is creatine monohydrate. But recent developments in the scientific research world show there are a lot of other benefits that creatine can give you, especially when it comes to health from your neck and up. Cognition, mood, memory, and so much more are proving to be the next big thing in creatine research. Key Takeaways If You Want to Utilize All the Benefits of Creatine, You Should: Ensure...
Published 06/13/23
Today we are diving into the wonderful and crazy world of carbohydrates. Despite what you may have been told, carbohydrates are not just ultra-processed and refined options. In fact, carbohydrate selection is incredibly diverse and very important to your daily energy intake. By looking at the big picture of what fuel you need when it comes to your training regime, you can get better outcomes when it comes to your training, energy, and recovery. Key Takeaways If You're Confused About...
Published 05/16/23