In The Shadows delves into a riveting unsolved mystery from 1991. When the body of a young woman is discovered by two terrified boys in the desert near Bakersfield, California, authorities quickly target her popular star-athlete boyfriend. The case - one of the most controversial in Kern County’s history - quickly drew national media attention, and the ensuing trials divided the community and sparked a heated debate. Despite that, the perpetrator of this horrific crime remained unpunished. 32 years after the murder, a fresh investigation conducted by this podcast takes an unexpected turn...
Some stories are so profound, so unimaginable, that they stay with us forever. The Unthinkable is the latest podcast from Casefile Presents, hosted by two of Australia's leading voices in true crime, Vikki Petraitis and Emily Webb. The series delves into tales of ordinary people who have faced...
Published 11/11/24
It’s been four years since I first learned about the disappearance of Niamh Maye, an 18-year-old who went missing from the small New South Wales town of Batlow back in 2002. I don’t know if it’s because Niamh and I finished high school in the same year, or we shared a similar taste in music, but...
Published 09/23/24
Troubled Waters is a 10-part ground-breaking podcast exploring the untold story of Louisa Ioannidis' tragic and mysterious death in 2011. Louisa Ioannidis was only 24. Beautiful, courageous, and vulnerable, yet her untimely death barely received a two-line report in a small local newspaper. Her...
Published 06/16/24