Is your marketing falling flat, even when you’re putting in the work and following all the best advice? You've read the books, listened to the podcasts, and implemented the strategies, but you're still not seeing the results you want. It can be a frustrating puzzle, especially for those who’ve invested time and energy learning solid marketing frameworks like StoryBrand. So where might you be going wrong?   In today’s episode of our Getting Unstuck series, hosts Dr. JJ Peterson and April...
Published 07/24/24
Published 07/24/24
You’ve probably heard the saying, “If you build it, they will come.” But that's simply not true when it comes to business. It actually takes a great deal of strategy and effort to get customers. And the stress of not having enough leads can crush anyone’s spirit, especially when you know your product is top-notch. Rest assured, the problem isn’t your product—it’s your approach to finding buyers. So what’s the secret to breaking through and filling your pipeline?   As we continue our Getting...
Published 07/17/24
You've spent hours perfecting your pitch, confident that this time, you'll convert your audience into enthusiastic customers. But once again, the response is lukewarm, and nobody buys. What gives? If this scenario sounds familiar, then this episode is for you! We’ve heard from many marketers and business owners who found themselves frustrated after their well-prepared presentations flopped. So how do you deliver a sales pitch that’s powerful and persuasive enough to inspire action from your...
Published 07/10/24
Too many businesses, whether large or small, established or new, make the mistake of leading with their own story. In other words, they’re trying to tell their audience all about what makes their business so great — and then they’re confused when their audience reacts with a shrug and says, “I don’t care.” How can businesses reach new customers when “I don’t care” is the prevailing mindset?   StoryBrand and Marketing Made Simple help you answer that question. On the podcast today, hosts Dr....
Published 07/03/24
It’s hard to do creative work when you feel burned out and spread thin. But for many talented people, this is exactly what happens. You’re good at what you do, so more and more people seek you out. Your workload grows, and before you know it, you can easily lose touch with the passion and purpose you once had. Burnout sets in, and if you’re not careful, it can become a weighty fog you can’t see your way out of.   In today’s episode, J.J. and April have a heart-to-heart conversation with...
Published 06/26/24
If you’ve done any kind of sales or marketing, you know that handling customer objections is a huge part of the job. Unfortunately, most companies have a hard time overcoming objections and helping customers see the value they have to offer. The result? They become sales-ey and lose sight of the goal: serving their customers.   In today’s episode, J.J. and April sit down with StoryBrand Certified Guide, Angie Schultz, as she shares her experience using the StoryBrand framework in her own...
Published 06/19/24
Is your business hitting roadblocks with international marketing? Cultural differences, language barriers, and varying consumer behaviors can pose big challenges for any brand. Marketers often find themselves at a loss, struggling to adapt their messaging and strategies to resonate with diverse audiences. This usually leads to underperforming campaigns and missed opportunities to connect with broader audiences. In these cases, a brand needs a universal and flexible framework that accommodates...
Published 06/12/24
Why does talking about your business sometimes feel like explaining rocket science to a 5-year-old? If your message is drowning in technical terms or marketing speak, you might just be alienating your audience instead of drawing them in. Countless businesses find themselves tangled in jargon that might impress a fellow expert but leaves potential customers scratching their heads. Cutting through this complexity and speaking directly to your audience’s needs can be the game-changer your...
Published 06/05/24
Most people wouldn't accept a marriage proposal on the first date. They want to get to know the person before making a commitment. In the same way, customers don't like it when a business quickly tries to sell something right after meeting them. And when customers recoil from a hasty sales pitch, the business loses an opportunity they may never get back. So when is the right time to make a sales pitch so that your customers feel comfortable and keep coming back?   In today’s episode, J.J....
Published 05/29/24
Building your own marketing business can be hard and lonely — but it doesn’t have to be. When you become a StoryBrand Certified Guide, you’ll join a like-minded community of marketers from all over the world. Apply before Friday, May 24th for our upcoming training in July at StoryBrand.com/ApplyNow.   --   In most businesses, there’s a major disconnect between the sales and marketing teams—and this is a problem. Why? Because the sales team is out on the front lines every day, hearing...
Published 05/22/24
Everyone procrastinates. It’s a thing. These days, people have more and more tasks to accomplish, while the days seem to get shorter and shorter—so putting things off is a natural end result. But delayed action often leads to inaction. And when your customers keep delaying the decision to purchase your product—sometimes indefinitely—it costs you money. So what can we do to light a fire under the leads who are dragging their feet?   In this episode of Marketing Made Simple, J.J. and April...
Published 05/15/24
Can one viral moment make your business an overnight sensation? Many business owners are on a chase. They're looking for that single big marketing hit that'll make their brand instantly famous. They throw everything into one campaign, hoping it'll go viral and bring in loads of customers. But more often than not, this just ends up in disappointment. They're missing out on a key business truth: real, lasting success comes from regular effort and really connecting with people over time, not...
Published 05/08/24
CLARIFY YOUR ALL OF YOUR MARKETING AND MESSAGING IN ONLY TWO DAYS! REGISTER FOR THE UPCOMING STORYBRAND MARKETING WORKSHOP HAPPENING MAY 7 & 8, 2024:  StoryBrand.com/Workshop   --   In marketing, there’s always a story to tell. But many business owners forget that it's not their story they should be telling. It's the story of their customer. And when they forget that, it can cause a revenue-draining disconnect and a lack of trust. Instead, it’s critical to address the needs and...
Published 05/01/24
Feeling stuck with your marketing efforts? Maybe your emails aren't hitting the mark or crafting marketing materials is leaving you overwhelmed and frustrated. Well, we've got your back! Call 615-649-0705 and let us your name, the name of your business, and what's got you stuck. If selected, your question could be featured in an upcoming episode where J.J. and April coach you through so you're finally unstuck. Just call 615-649-0705 and let us your name, the name of your business, and what's...
Published 04/24/24
Feeling stuck with your marketing efforts? Maybe your emails aren't hitting the mark or crafting marketing materials is leaving you overwhelmed and frustrated. Well, we've got your back! Call 615-649-0705 and let us your name, the name of your business, and what's got you stuck. If selected, your question could be featured in an upcoming episode where J.J. and April coach you through so you're finally unstuck. Just call 615-649-0705 and let us your name, the name of your business, and what's...
Published 04/17/24
Feeling stuck with your marketing efforts? Maybe your emails aren't hitting the mark or crafting marketing materials is leaving you overwhelmed and frustrated. Well, we've got your back! Call 615-649-0705 and let us your name, the name of your business, and what's got you stuck. If selected, your question could be featured in an upcoming episode where J.J. and April coach you through so you're finally unstuck. Just call 615-649-0705 and let us your name, the name of your business, and what's...
Published 04/10/24
Frustrated your marketing isn't working? Stuck wondering why customers aren't clicking "buy now"? Imagine turning that around in just five minutes. Get the help you need to clarify your message and grow your business with our free 5 Minute Marketing Makeover video series. Get immediate access to the 5 Minute Marketing Makeover video series at StoryBrand.com/Marketing.   --   In the rush to get noticed and grow, many businesses dive into marketing without really thinking it through. This...
Published 04/03/24
Frustrated your marketing isn't working? Stuck wondering why customers aren't clicking "buy now"? Imagine turning that around in just five minutes. Get the help you need to clarify your message and grow your business with our free 5 Minute Marketing Makeover video series. Get immediate access to the 5 Minute Marketing Makeover video series at StoryBrand.com/Marketing.   --   The longer someone works in marketing, the more lessons they pick up along the way—from basic shortcuts and tips,...
Published 03/27/24
Often the difference between a team that does well and one that doesn’t is how clearly they communicate. For most businesses, it's not that they lack good ideas or hard workers, it’s that their scattered approach to messaging leaves employees confused and customers disengaged. Solving this problem starts with fixing how you talk about what your business does. So what’s the first step toward streamlining how your team communicates their core message?   In this week’s episode, J.J. and April...
Published 03/20/24
Artists often find it hard to sell and market their work. They face a big challenge. Art is deeply personal and subjective by nature, so traditional marketing and business strategies don’t always apply. That’s why artists often end up at a crossroads. They’re seeking a path that honors their artistic integrity while also allowing them to bring in a decent income. So how can artists create a profitable art practice without compromising their creativity?    In this week’s episode, hosts Dr....
Published 03/13/24
Building your own marketing business can be hard and lonely — but it doesn’t have to be. When you become a StoryBrand Certified Guide, you’ll join a like-minded community of marketers from all over the world. Apply before March 8 for our upcoming training at StoryBrand.com/ApplyNow.   --   Have you ever wondered what it takes to go viral? The answer might be less about luck and more about strategic, creative thinking. For many brands, coming up with new and exciting marketing ideas is a...
Published 03/06/24
Building your own marketing business can be hard and lonely — but it doesn’t have to be. When you become a StoryBrand Certified Guide, you’ll join a like-minded community of marketers from all over the world. Apply before March 8 for our upcoming training at StoryBrand.com/ApplyNow.   --   Do you ever get stuck trying to balance your real, everyday life with your professional persona online? If so, you're not alone. A lot of us get caught up overanalyzing whether to post about our...
Published 02/28/24
CLARIFY YOUR ALL OF YOUR MARKETING AND MESSAGING IN ONLY TWO DAYS AND GO INTO Q2 WITH A PLAN! REGISTER FOR THE UPCOMING STORYBRAND MARKETING WORKSHOP HAPPENING FEBRUARY 27 & 28, 2024:  StoryBrand.com/LIVE   --   These days, having a great product isn't enough. You need to understand what people want and need. That requires keeping your finger on the pulse of your audience’s desires, behaviors, and values. Few brands get this right, making it hard to capture customers’ attention, let...
Published 02/21/24
Finding authentic ways to connect with your followers on social media has become a tough challenge for both brands and influencers. They all want to work together to grow and reach more people, but it's not always clear how to make that happen. This has left a lot of people wondering how to create worthwhile partnerships that actually make an impact. If you have a brand or business, you might be wondering: What are the best practices for collaborating with influencers to drive mutual growth? ...
Published 02/14/24