Send us a Text Message.Hey girl, hey! Welcome back to Me vs Me. We have a special treat for our listeners on the 20th episode, so do watch out for that!! In today’s episode, we’ll diving into the complex topic of triggers and how they can affect our lives. Join us as we explore the roots of triggers, and how to navigate these difficult feelings. We'll be discussing various coping strategies and the importance of setting boundaries to protect your well-being. Throughout the episode,...
Published 06/02/24
Hey girl, Hey! In this episode, we're diving deep into a conversation about the struggle of being different and breaking generational curses. We'll talk about how the beliefs of others, especially those of your family, can have a profound impact on your life, making it hard to stay true to yourself and your path. Sometimes, the opinions and beliefs of others can be so loud that they drown out your own inner voice. But, it's important to remember that you are in charge of your own life an...
Published 05/09/24
Published 05/09/24
Hey girl, hey! In this episode, we're diving deep into a topic that can be a real struggle for a lot of people - staying in your own lane. Lately, I've been feeling a lot of pressure to keep up with the Joneses, or rather the Kardashians, and it's been really hard on my mental health.   I'm sharing my own journey of learning to be content with where I'm at, and not comparing myself to the highlight reels of other people's lives. We're going to talk about the importance of focusing on your...
Published 04/21/24
Hey girl, hey! Letting go can be one of the most difficult things we have to do in life. Whether it's a career opportunity, a long-term friendship, or even just an old pair of shoes, it can be hard to say goodbye.  In this episode, we'll be exploring the topic of letting go and all that it entails. We'll be discussing the hardships and benefits of letting go, as well as sharing personal experiences and tips for managing the process.  I’ll also be briefly speaking about my own experience of...
Published 03/16/24
Hey girl, hey! Welcome to Me vs Me. On this episode, we'll be discussing the concept of taking back your power from the people and circumstances that try to bring you down.  We'll be sharing practical tips and strategies on how to train your mind to be positive, and we'll also be looking at the role that faith can play in this process.  We'll also be highlighting the work of my friend Chantel, who has recently launched her own podcast!! If you're looking for a podcast that will inspire you...
Published 03/01/24
Hey girl, hey! Being the eldest daughter can be a difficult and thankless role. Not only are you expected to take on responsibility and maturity at a young age, but you also have to navigate complicated relationships with your siblings.   In this episode, we'll explore the unique challenges of being the eldest daughter, and discuss ways to overcome the anger and resentment that can build up over time. We'll also talk about the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence, and how...
Published 02/16/24
Lately, I've been feeling a little overwhelmed and scared. I'm doing my best to show up every week for my podcast although it’s easy to get discouraged, but I know that giving up isn't an option. I'm not only doing this for myself, but for all of my listeners who need to find their voice like mine. And as the underdog, I know that my time will come if I just keep pushing forward. Sometimes, being the underdog has its advantages.  We'll talk about the benefits of being the underdog, and how...
Published 02/09/24
Hey girl, hey!  Dreams are precious and personal, and it's important to protect them from those who may not understand or appreciate their significance.  Just like a seedling needs time and care to grow, so too do our dreams. It's crucial to nurture them with prayer, perseverance, and positivity, and to trust that God's plan for us is greater than we can imagine.  In this episode, we'll explore how to safeguard our dreams and make them a reality. We'll discuss the importance of guarding our...
Published 02/06/24
Hey girl, hey! In today's episode, we'll be exploring the importance of being true to yourself, even when others try to push you to change. We'll also talk about how to avoid over-sharing your personal life with the wrong people, and navigating the work environment in a way that honours your values and beliefs.  And finally, we'll discuss how to stay grateful and connected to God, even when life gets busy and overwhelming. By the end of the episode, you'll have the tools you need to live a...
Published 01/27/24
Rejection is often seen as a negative, but what if it's actually a redirection? In this episode, we explore the importance of maintaining good posture - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually - while waiting for God's plan to unfold.  Sometimes the path to our true purpose involves detours and redirection, and we need to trust that God knows what's best for us.  So let's talk about how to stay positive and focused on our goals, even when it feels like we're stuck in the waiting season.
Published 01/19/24
Hey girl hey!! Happy New Year and welcome to the first podcast of 2024!! On this episode, we'll be discussing the importance of setting clear and actionable goals for the year ahead and actually putting in the daily work.  We'll also talk about the importance of putting your faith in God and letting Him guide your journey. Finally, we'll explore the importance of embracing the awkward and cringe moments when it comes to content creation and starting a business.  Remember, growth happens...
Published 01/10/24
Hey girl hey! Welcome to yet another episode of Me vs Me. Today we’ll be exploring the importance of appreciating your friends and treating them with the same love and care that we show our romantic partners.  We'll talk about how to let go of the past and old friends, and how God often replaces what's lost with something even better. We'll also discuss the importance of having different types of friends for different purposes, and how to cultivate and nurture those friendships.  Join us for...
Published 12/29/23
Hey girl hey! Welcome to Me vs Me.  Do you find it hard to say "no" to others? Do you struggle to put your own needs first? In this episode, we'll explore the art of being selfish - not in a negative way, but in a way that prioritizes your own well-being. We'll talk about the importance of setting boundaries, learning to be okay with disappointing others, and how to make self-care a daily practice. Whether you're looking to improve your mental health, boost your confidence, or simply feel...
Published 12/21/23
Hey girl hey! Welcome to Me vs Me.  In this episode, I'll be sharing some personal stories about my struggles with insecurity and low self-esteem, and how I've dealt/dealing with negative people in my life. You'll also hear about the key events that helped me turn things around and take control of my life. And I'll be sharing practical solutions for overcoming insecurities and building self-confidence. Join me on this journey to a happier, more confident you!
Published 12/20/23
Hey girl hey! Welcome to Me vs Me, this episode we’ll be talking about using vision boards to achieve your goals.  We'll be revisiting our goals from last year and seeing how they've panned out. I'll also be reading the letter I wrote to my 2023 self, and sharing how it helped me manifest my goals.  Plus, I'm excited to share some big news about a new business venture I've started. So join me on this journey of manifesting your wildest dreams and creating a life you love! This episode is...
Published 12/07/23
In today's world, it's hard to escape the influence of social media. We all know the detrimental effects it can have on our mental health, relationships, and our sense of self. But what if we could use the algorithm to our advantage?  In this episode, we'll explore how to take back control of our social media use and make it a positive force in our lives. We'll discuss setting healthy boundaries, unplugging from our devices, and using social media in a way that supports our mental health and...
Published 11/24/23
Hey girl hey! Welcome to the first ever episode of Me vs Me, with your host, Nocebo Mkhize of course!    I am so excited to take you all on this journey of healing, we’ll be discussing topics that a lot of us resonate with, especially in our 20’s in this social media generation.  I cannot wait to help all of you heal and deal with childhood trauma, building and maintaining friendships and relationships, being a first daughter, social media influences, becoming the best versions of ourselves,...
Published 11/17/23