Welcome to Net Positive, a comedy podcast hosted by comedian John Crist. This show is your primary source for quality conversation, bold takes, emotionally-charged rants, questionable advice, incorrect statistics, and more. New episodes drop every Thursday on all podcast platforms, and you can catch full video episodes and more on YouTube. This podcast won't solve all the world's problems, but on the net...it's a positive. Catch the video podcast on YouTube, and follow us on social media (@netpositivepodcast) for clips, bonus content, and updates throughout the week. Produced by: Alex Lagos...
Open containers, NASCAR prayers, frustrated wives, and lots of emails… On the net, it’s a positive.
JOKES FOR HUMANS TOUR: https://johncristcomedy.com/tour/
9/13-9/15 Philadelphia, PA
9/19-9/22 Appleton, WI
9/26 - Sarasota, FL
9/27 - Melbourne, FL
9/28 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
9/29 -...
Published 09/11/24
Men taking selfies, missing a wedding for a football game, and our first fan therapy session… On the net, it’s a positive.
JOKES FOR HUMANS TOUR: https://johncristcomedy.com/tour/
9/5-9/7 Springfield, MO
9/13-9/15 Philadelphia, PA
9/19-9/22 Appleton, WI
9/26 - Sarasota, FL
9/27 - Melbourne,...
Published 09/04/24