A mix of entertainment, education, fun and humour, delivered in many different segments
Published 06/21/24
Dreams reveal crucial events that have happened, are happening, or are about to happen in one's life. Ever wondered about the connection between zodiac signs and dreams? Listen as Star Doctor explains.
Published 06/20/24
Published 06/20/24
What do you think about this statement: "Most broke women don’t think they are broke; they just think they are not dating right"?
Published 06/19/24
The essence of marriage is companionship and procreation, which are beneficial to humanity. However, why do you think marriage has now become a burden to people instead of the blessing it is meant to be?
Published 06/18/24
A mix of entertainment, education, fun and humour, delivered in many different segments
Published 06/17/24
Is she still called a widow, or is there a different term for it? Listen to hear diverse and interesting views and opinions from others
Published 06/14/24
Discover the unique aversions tied to each day of the week. Did you know that Wednesday-born individuals harbor a surprising aversion to red oil? Listen in to unveil the mysteries of your birth day and uncover fascinating insights about yourself and those around you
Published 06/13/24
What's your opinion on this statement? Listen to know the diverse perspectives people hold regarding this statement… inside details
Published 06/12/24
Confession!!! Before we got married, I became pregnant by my ex, but he believed the child was his. Due to our religious beliefs, he insisted I terminate the pregnancy, and I complied. Now, after a year and a half of marriage, I have been unable to conceive. Upon undergoing a medical examination, I discovered that I am physically healthy. However, my husband is hesitant to undergo testing, and I suspect that the issue may lie with him.
Published 06/11/24
Do you agree that romantic involvement can be distracting for students? Let's delve into this debate and consider the impact of balancing love and academic pursuits during the student years
Published 06/10/24
After the rebranding, we'll be seeking sponsorship for livelihood support because some people tend to resort to addictions when they don't receive sufficient livelihood assistance - Abena Korkor
Published 06/07/24
Every family comes with a covenant that binds its members. It's up to you to uncover the dos and don'ts of your family in order to live the life you desire. Join us as we explore the origins of these covenants and provide guidance on how to break free from their constraints
Published 06/06/24
David Oscar was angry and disliked the fact that KSM crowned me the King of comedy instead of him - DKB GHANA
Published 06/05/24
My daughter in SHS 1 left her phone with me before leaving for school, and I was shocked to see her nudes and recordings of her masturbating. I can't confront her right now since she's at school, and I can't tell her father because he'll stop catering to her. What shall I do?
Published 06/04/24
Pastor announces an upcoming marriage and introduces the engaged couple to the congregation. A man from the congregation stands up, stating that the marriage cannot proceed because he has been supporting the girl for seven years and had planned to marry her after school. What would you do if you were the engaged man?
Published 06/03/24
Listen to the one-on-one interview with Drela, an upcoming artiste from Nigeria currently in Ghana to promote his music and film his music videos. He expresses his belief that Ghana exudes the right vibe and is filled with love.
Published 05/31/24
Do you think having secret cameras everywhere is helpful or does it introduce its own set of complexities? What do you think?
Published 05/30/24
One day, when I achieve worldwide fame, I hope no Ghanaian artist would seek to collaborate with me, as I will decline all such requests – Showbeezy
Published 05/29/24
What are the implications if the team were to be relegated? Listen as the Ayarigated Sports Crew discuss this topic
Published 05/28/24
Viral video: Do you believe it's merely a tradition, or is there more to it? How would you respond if someone else danced intimately with your partner and refused to stop at your wedding?
Published 05/27/24
Another star from Konongo Zongo! Discover the untold aspects of galamsey as we delve into the life of an artiste and, at the same time, a galamsey worker
Published 05/24/24
To succeed in life, you have to do this...listen as Star Doctor guides us through the necessary steps to achieve success
Published 05/23/24
Your date of birth can determine your future and align your steps to follow the right path in your life. Listen to learn how it works
Published 05/22/24
"She always threatens to kill me whenever we have an argument.” In this kind of situation, do you think the guy should still stay in the marriage or leave it?
Published 05/21/24