To succeed in life, you have to do this...listen as Star Doctor guides us through the necessary steps to achieve success
Published 05/23/24
Your date of birth can determine your future and align your steps to follow the right path in your life. Listen to learn how it works
Published 05/22/24
"She always threatens to kill me whenever we have an argument.” In this kind of situation, do you think the guy should still stay in the marriage or leave it?
Published 05/21/24
Around the world in 5minutes: In your opinion, do you think all young girls who prefer to be with older men are not in love, but it's due to hunger and poverty?
Published 05/20/24
I'm mostly busy during the election season since I conduct spiritual jobs for the majority of the politicians - Bishop Kwabena Asiamah
Published 05/17/24
One beautiful wife one side chick is a normal, everything more than that is cheating – Sir Scott
Published 05/16/24
After the naming ceremony, the girl went through her husband's phone and found that he promised his side girl he would name his unborn child after her—he did just as he promised when the child was born. How could a guy make such a decision?
Published 05/15/24
After a year of marriage, he is unfaithful to me by having an affair with our neighbor, a 21-year-old high school student – Lady cries
Published 05/14/24
Founder of KPP, Kumchacha, pleads with the Ayarigated Sports crew to intensify his campaign
Published 05/13/24
Have you ever wondered who truly qualifies to be called a mother? It’s a question that sparks curiosity and invites us to explore the diverse and beautiful ways in which motherhood is defined. So, who do you believe qualifies to be called a mother?
Published 05/10/24
Boy breaks up with girlfriend after she replies to his text, mistaking it for a message from his other girlfriend when it's actually from his mother. Do you think his action is justifiable?
Published 05/09/24
Viral picture: Woman pushes her husband, preventing him from kissing her on their wedding day. What could possibly cause this?
Published 05/08/24
Confession Tuesday: Man reveals what traumatized him in his first relationship, which is affecting him now and leading to him not having fruitful relationships now.
Published 05/07/24
Man cutting down a tree gets tired and falls asleep under its shade… what’s your opinion about this?
Published 05/06/24
Question Of The Day: Do you think it's necessary to visit your hometown when you succeed? Listen as we delve into this intriguing topic.
Published 05/03/24
My man beat me severely after he suspected I was on the phone with another man. He later found the man I was talking to was my brother. Now guess what he is saying…inside details
Published 05/02/24
A mix of entertainment, education, fun and humour, delivered in many different segments
Published 05/01/24
"I told my girlfriend about it, and she is feeling unsecured." Do you think the girl is exaggerating?
Published 04/30/24
If you could see into the future, would you want to know how it would end?
Published 04/29/24
A girl cheated on her husband with her ex the day before their wedding. The groom suspected it and asked the girl, and she confirmed it to be true. The groom kept it a secret and continued with the wedding process. Months later, the girl got pregnant, and a DNA test revealed it was not for the ex or husband
Published 04/26/24
After moving on and marrying a wealthy man because her previous boyfriend was broke, the situation has now reversed, with the boyfriend being wealthy and her husband being impoverished. The woman begs her ex-boyfriend to help her husband get back on his feet. Should he help him?
Published 04/25/24
What do you think the government should do to assist scrap dealers, and what are your thoughts on their actions?
Published 04/24/24
I decided to exact revenge on my husband for having an extramarital affair. I had sex with a different man and became pregnant. I now want my husband to sleep with me so I can blame him for the pregnancy, but he's refusing to – Woman shares
Published 04/23/24
Which worries you more: "Dumsor" (Power outages) Or Your Salary?
Published 04/22/24
Question of the day: Which one would you choose, GHC 50,000 or 24 hours with the President?
Published 04/19/24