ЕPISODE 16. Shannon Beer on Body Image, Self-compassion, Discipline and Confidence
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This episode is a MUST listen for everyone who is interested in a comprehensive view of their life and appearance-related goals. It is a quintessence of knowledge, research and wisdom on how our relationships with ourselves influence our appearance.   It answers such critical questions as: - how we can achieve "discipline" through self-compassion,   - how losing weight does not help achieve Positive Body Image,  - how "traditional coaching" and nutrition advice should change to address appearance-based goals,  - how psychotherapy is often not a "cure-it-all",  - why a "confident person" does not exist  - why Shannon did a Law degree (King's College London) and didn't become a lawyer   Here are Shannon's courses we mentioned in this episode and we cannot recommend them enough: Body Image Course  Goals For Growth Webinar  Shannon's Instagram  Shannon's Podcast  Follow us on Instagram too :)  Оksana  Оlgha
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