Episode 5. What is wrong with 'good' and 'bad' foods?
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Shame, guilt, depression - many dieters feel this when eating 'bad' foods. Then they try to avoid such foods completely. And fail. This further fuels overeating and creates an obsession with certain food groups. In this podcast, we answer many questions about good/bad food dichotomy and its influence on our weight loss efforts and mental health. Why dichotomous thinking about food - 'good' and 'bad' - is poisonous? Can we class burgers as 'good' food? Is a vegan burger healthier than a normal one? Should we be alarmed if we hear word combos 'cheat meals' and 'cheat days'? Does eating bad food make you a bad person? Can we eat 'bad' food every day and lose weight? And most important, what bad foods Oksana and Olga eat regularly? :)
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