EPISODE 21. ‘I can’t stop eating’ with Sarah Dosanjh
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Sarah Dosanjh - is The Binge Eating Therapist. We met her at a nutrition conference and fell in love: we found her incredibly knowledgeable, intelligent and compassionate. Also she is passionate about what she does and sincerely wants to help. If this is not enough, she is also featured on BBC :) In this episode she: - explains how to know that you need a help with eating (wether it is clinically disordered or not) - tells us her personal story and why she uses more self-disclosure than other therapsists - invites you to join the group where you can get a powerful healing experience by seeing that you are not alone and other people struggle too and you can recover together! - talks about unhelpful practicies and advice some of her own therapists gave her - of course dicusses the role of self-criticism and self-compassion and not meeting our own expectations - gives valuable practical advice to those who struggle with lack of control - explains why we may never feel 100% normal again and why it is actually okay Here is where you can find her: https://instagram.com/the_binge_eating_therapist?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://youtube.com/@TheBingeEatingTherapist https://open.spotify.com/episode/3Vn7jol6VqkaiHUT1Su7WQ?si=aw_djJptS-aoeBqvJM98DA&dd=1 If you cannot afford 1-2-1 therapy at the moment, you can join her group (do it!) Also you can join free groups by BEAT charity. Don’t suffer alone!
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