Relationships 101 – Dr. Beth Erickson
Relationships 101 is a series of conversations about relationships of
all kinds: spouses, partners and singles, parents with children and grandchildren, siblings with each other, friendships, and mentors and the mentees whose growth they invest in nurturing. Its central theme emphasizes the importance of relationships to everyone’s quality of life and the problems that occur when they are fractured.
Dr. Beth ( ( first spoke with Neil Brick ( ( about his experience from infancy on as a victim of the ritual sex abuse he endured. We also spoke about how being sexually...
Published 03/03/14
Dr. Beth ( ( first spoke with Bob Wieland ( ( whose legs were blown off in Viet Nam and zipped into a body bag. When he came back stateside, he required only six weeks’ hospitalization, while some of...
Published 02/24/14
Dr. Beth ( ( spoke with Matt Cavallo ( ( about his multiple sclerosis that came with a vengeance overnight when he was 28 years old. Although initially, he “walked like a penguin,” he and his wife...
Published 02/17/14