Effective communications can make or break a relationship. This doesn't always mean effectively proving our points or being right or even perfect.  I'm talking about listening with an open compassionate heart and a desire to mend your relationships.  This authentically deepens the heart connection. It's more than a band-aid, it heals core wounds.   If we truly care about our connection with someone, truly listening, as my teacher used to say, "with the ear of your heart" is most healing for...
Published 05/05/24
Published 05/05/24
How about a spa day for your heart? Gentle healing sounds to soften the heart, release the blocks and barriers, and rest into the beauty and peace deep inside.    In this week’s Meditation & Healing Circle, I’m going to share a sequence I did as a practicum when I was in Continuum Movement Teacher Training, and it got a high mark! It was very well received and people had deeply moving healing experiences.     We've been working with healing trauma for the past few weeks – connecting with...
Published 04/28/24
The traumas of life can disconnect us from our bodies. When we experience a shock, we rebound out. We live from our heads, or we retreat inward or hide behind ourselves. We have trouble being our authentic selves in relationships or expressing our thoughts clearly in work environments. Sound vibration is really helpful for breaking up stuck energies to release old patterning and blocks from the body, and it's also helpful for getting yourself back into your body, connected with your core...
Published 04/21/24
In this Meditation & Healing Circle, we focus on releasing the effects of trauma from the body. We use Sacred Sounds to open the throat and reclaim the voice. We release constriction from the upper chest, throat, jaw, face, and head, returning us to our original knowing of ourselves as beings of light.   April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Whether you have experienced traumas directly related to these topics or not, we all hold trauma responses in our...
Published 04/14/24
What is our role on this planet in relation to other species? Answers are encoded within us, and Sacred Sound can awaken the inner knowledge. Humans are one of four main species, different from the others because we are caretakers of the planet. We are here to take care of this world and the other species that are also, like us, a part of this world.   Of course, we know this in our bones – and we have a deep knowledge and wisdom that is encoded in our subtle energy bodies. Using Sacred...
Published 04/07/24
Embark on a journey of discovery and healing with Elizabeth Dare Andes—a Somatic Movement Therapist, Energy Healer, Educator and Founder of Evolutionary Somatics. As we delve into the depths of somatic movement therapy, energy healing, and the quantum field, Elizabeth shares her transformative odyssey, ignited in 1980 under the vibrant lights of New York City. Join us as we uncover the profound potential of energy within the body through the art of dance. Prepare to be mesmerized as we...
Published 04/03/24
Some people say that moving beyond old wounds before they are healed is a spiritual bypass. They believe you cannot move beyond until you have healed. Yet, the life journey is a continual process of healing. So how can you be your authentic self while you're in the process? We change our relationship to our past, our old wounds, and the pain they cause. Our movement is more of a dance - we learn to express ourselves and be ourselves as we are moving through the divine choreography. This is...
Published 03/31/24
We carry layers and layers of subconscious self-talk and emotional wounding that feeds into our sense of "not enough." Not tall enough, not thin enough, not pretty enough, not enough training or education, not enough money, not enough time, not enough... not enough... enough of that!    These beliefs build a wall around us that keeps us from pursuing the passions we feel inside which will lead us to true fulfillment. They keep us from feeling safe and confident in our bodies. They steer us...
Published 03/24/24
Does stress get your belly tied up in knots?  Your belly needs support to decompress just like any other part of you. In fact, it needs special attention because that's where we tend to store our most intense emotions - shame, guilt, worry, fear, anger, vulnerability - and then we disconnect from it so we don't have to deal with those unpleasantries.    In this Meditation & Healing Circle, we invite our bellies to our Circle. We give it love and attention and the space it needs to release...
Published 03/17/24
Fasting is the ultimate Gift of Slowing Down. It is not an action or a ritual, but a non-doing, a state of being that allows your presence to be one with your divine essence. In this state you find many truths and extraordinary healing. The Divine Design of your physical body gives it the intelligence to heal itself. Our role is to choose the wisdom that gives it the necessary conditions and the space. Fasting is one of the most powerful gifts we've been given to create these...
Published 03/10/24
Do you ever wonder why when we're feeling stressed, we want to eat foods and do things that end up making us feel even worse? What if we could remember that our bodies are vessels of light that just need a little support on this day and give our body the nurturing and nourishment that it truly needs?  In every Meditation & Healing Circle, I follow guidance. I don't always know where we're going. This episode led us on a journey to connect and establish trust in our body's connection...
Published 03/03/24
How do we evolve in our changing world? In this age of multiple crises that are accelerating and converging, it's very challenging to not fall back into old patterns stemming from unprocessed trauma. How do we move through these patterns so that we can create consciously and thrive?   As it happens, one of the best models for regeneration is found in nature. Like all organic life, our bodies share the same architecture and cardinal principles for life flourishing. The portals to unlocking...
Published 02/25/24
Would you like to have deeper intimacy in your relationships? The secret to deepening intimacy is presence – being deeply present and attentive to one another.  It begins by being present in your own being and allowing your heart to open to the heart of another – without losing yourself. To have sacred intimacy means to invoke the Divine Essence, to see through the lens of the holiness within you to witness the sacred essence of another, to be in awe of the light and to bring deep honoring...
Published 02/18/24
One of my exes used to treat me as a human dumping ground. I get it, he had a lot of stress he needed to release… but no matter how understanding and loving you are, it gets old. After a while, I was done with it and decided it needed to change.   I talked with a friend who helped me realize it wasn’t about me, it was just that I was the safe space he needed to be able to let everything go. Maybe a compliment in a way, but still not ok on an everyday basis.   However, it did give me a...
Published 02/11/24
Do you find yourself angry, frustrated, barking at people for things that are outside of your control and even out of their control?  What if you could find a way to peacefully express yourself and bring about a desirable resolution without raising your blood pressure or hurting people around you?   The truth is, most of our responses are learned behaviors. They might be patterns we learned from our parents, or we might be reacting to a memory of something we experienced in childhood that...
Published 02/04/24
The power of sound has been woven into the fabric of human cultures for entertainment, healing, and transformation. The invisible symphony of sound weaves its magic within. The sacred sounds hold the key to unlocking deep states of consciousness and facilitating healing. In this episode, Leonor Murciano Luna, the Author of Birth of the Conscious Feminine: A New Era of Feminine Sovereignty, brings us the power of the sacred sounds of the medicine woman. Frequencies, like whispered spells, coax...
Published 01/31/24
In this Meditation & Healing Circle, Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna leads us on an exploration of the Medicine of the Feminine and an Activation of the 7 Portals of our Feminine Soul: WISDOM- CREATRIX- HEALER- LOVE- TRUTH- MYSTERY & JOY.  Dr. Leonor is the Founder of Conscious Feminine Medicine and The Feminine Path. She is the author of Birth of the Conscious Feminine, Evolution of the Feminine Soul, and Out of Darkness She Speaks Listen to this episode to experience a powerful healing...
Published 01/28/24
Do you ever feel like you wished the people closest to you liked you? Like, you know your family loves you, but you feel like they do not LIKE you. Chances are you heard things growing up that made you feel you were not enough or you were defective or you never got it right.  This leaves an imprint on the developing psyche that says "I'm not likable" or "People don't like me." I have a very personal experience with this lingering subconscious belief pattern. After several years of...
Published 01/21/24
Do you have a tendency to soothe your nerves with comfort food? Then you eat a bunch of junk and feel sluggish or just plain yucky?  Listen to this Meditation & Healing Circle to learn techniques to settle your nervous system and soothe yourself without using food.   I dove into the Spiritual Healing right away. Please absorb that. And stay on until the end for tips on how to divert your attention and release your energy when the urges come up and you can't drop into a healing session...
Published 01/14/24
Do you have a vision for 2024? In this Meditation & Healing Circle, we use Sacred Sound to connect Inspiration to Vision to the Creative Life Force energy. In this Meditation, I was inspired to offer a mini-workshop to take this process farther so you can realize and record what is coming through. The workshop is Saturday, January 13th. From Inspired to Expressed. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: https://joyfully-living.mykajabi.com/from-inspired-to-expressed-masterclass. Listen to this...
Published 01/07/24
In this episode, special guest Cathy Delwiche guide us on a journey to enlightened realms to receive guidance, healing, and empowerment. The Ceremony of Reflection gives you an opportunity to look back to your moment of conception and remember ‘who you are’. We pause and reflect on our gifts and talents as expressed in our human nature. We reflect on possibilities, resources, and actions. We release old thoughtforms and embrace choices that lead us into the future. We ask, ‘what is my next...
Published 12/31/23
In our final episode from the Ocean of Sound Summit, Dr. Ibrahim Karim discusses the concepts of BioGeometry. Dr. Karim brings so many aspects together in this theory of BioGeometry – sacred geometry, sacred sound, vibrations, consciousness, realms of creation, the physical well-being of our societies and our bodies, and so much more.    Imagine how the shapes of buildings that you live in might affect your ability to connect with higher dimensions! Imagine how you might be able to shape your...
Published 12/27/23
Jesus was known as the Prince of Peace. On this day as people around the world acknowledge and celebrate his birth, we call on his spirit and welcome into our hearts his message of peace. Listen to this episode for a deep meditation on peace to pray for peace in our lives and our world. You're invited to join us LIVE for The Meditation & Healing Circle - every Sunday at 10am US ET / 7am US PT. When you join live, you can stay on after the recorded meditation for Q&A, support and...
Published 12/24/23
If you are a lover of peace, please listen and add your intentions to this week’s Meditation & Healing Circle. We pray from the deepest, most sincere place in our hearts for healing for the people who are suffering and to bring peace to our planet.  The force of your prayers is needed. Plus, please listen to this reason to stop taking sides and think for yourself. You're invited to join us LIVE for The Meditation & Healing Circle - every Sunday at 10am US ET / 7am US PT. When you...
Published 12/17/23