When you get busy in business what goes first your health or your relationships? No one values their health until it's gone, and if you keep deprioritising your relationships and ‘just checking your emails quickly’ it won’t be long until they start to suffer as well. So many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of thinking they can only choose their health OR their relationships if they want their business to succeed. So today we want to share with you the hacks that work for not j...
Published 06/16/24
So we wanted to do this episode to give you all an update and explain WHY we made the decision we did and the lessons we’ve learnt not just from the process of selling Helix but from selling our 4th business. This episode is one of our most vulnerable yet … it’s raw, we don’t hold back and you might be very surprised. Don’t Miss: 🔥 The REAL reason we shut down this business and the decision process we went through to get here 🔥 One of our most vulnerable episodes and...
Published 06/09/24
We just had our biggest month yet, but the last six months have been the most effortless in business we’ve ever had. So we sat down and decided to figure out WHY? What we had changed in the last 18 months that had meant that we were able to work less than ever before but make MORE money and get our clients better results than ever as well. This episode is for you if you: 🔥 Want to get in front of the camera and post more BUT you struggle every time you post and get low views 🔥 Want to increas...
Published 06/02/24
How Do You Go Viral? We’ve put a huge time and financial commitment over the last few months learning from some of the best coaches and courses in this space (yes including the guy who coaches Gary Vaynerchuck) to figure out how they get not just ONE viral post, but how they consistently go viral and grow their audience every single month. We thought if they continue to do this time and time again and claim that they can do it for anyone, there has to be a process to right? So today...
Published 05/26/24
Most of you probably didn’t get into business to manage teams BUT your team is one of the most important things to focus on when you are scaling. JUST training someone can cost you 10% of their salary, and that's without the time invested in recruiting, onboarding, and the cultural impact of making the wrong hire or losing your best employee. So today we’re chatting about how to make sure your employees don’t want to leave and Tim’s giving you a little insight on how he went from ‘self-confes...
Published 05/19/24
Hootsuite or Later? ActiveCampaign or GoHighLevel? Thrivecart or Stripe? Learning which email marketing websites you should use, whether you should be paying for an Instagram scheduling app, or even which payment platform you should choose can be one of the MOST daunting and time-consuming tasks as an entrepreneur. In today’s episode, we are talking about EXACTLY which tech platforms we use and why. This one’s a technical episode so make sure you’ve got a pen and paper handy ✍️. You’ll...
Published 05/12/24
Do you want to add an Extra $10K a Month to Your Business?  Most business owners who try to increase their monthly profit simply take on MORE work.  That might work in the short term, BUT it is NOT sustainable. If you are only able to add more money by adding more hours you’ll: 1. Run out of hours to add 2. Completely burn out because you’ve over-committed  In today’s episode, we are teaching you 3 EASY ways to add an extra $10k a MONTH to your business, without costing you your time or...
Published 05/05/24
We see SO many people get into entrepreneurship to get their TIME back, to have more FREEDOM and take back control of their own lives. And yet, most people find themselves working more than ever, never taking a holiday and just working, working, working. Is that you? This episode is all about the tangible steps YOU can take to help get yourself out of the day-to-day tasks of running a business so that you can finally get the business you always dreamed of.  We’re talking about everything...
Published 04/28/24
If I said to you - go and outreach a hundred people a day, go spend a hundred dollars on ads, go make 10 pieces of content and go reach out to 10 ex-clients. Would you do it?  Within 30 minutes of meeting someone, we know if someone can take their business the whole way. That’s because there are key characteristics that ALL successful 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs have, that predetermine how fast and how far they can grow … And the best part is that they can be taught.  In today’s episode,...
Published 04/21/24
Recently, we’ve started reflecting on how crazy the startup world is now compared to when we started. No one was really in business, or had side hustles when we got into business… We had to figure it all out the messy way - try and fail.  After 15+ years in business, we thought we’d share some advice we wish we knew when we started and we know that startup business owners in 2024 need to hear.  We are talking about everything from how to land your first clients, how to build credibility in...
Published 04/14/24
If business isn’t going how you expected it to in 2024, it’s probably a good time to listen to this episode. The main reason that MOST of our clients have slow sales periods is simple - they’re not getting enough views. Not enough people see your content or offer, resulting in low sales conversion.  So if you feel like you are pumping out the content and offers but aren’t getting any new followers, views or leads then there are 3 things you can do to spice up your engagement.  In this...
Published 04/07/24
We WISH more multi-seven-figure business owners would tell you how they did it.  How often have you seen someone ‘giving it all away’ on Instagram and when you click on the post they say the BIG SECRET to making 7 Figures is ‘Don’t Give Up!’ or maybe it’s that you need to ‘Just Give More Value!’  Whilst they are true NEITHER of them are helpful, and they’re definitely not the secrets that are going to ACTUALLY get you a 7 figure business and beyond.  So today we’re giving you all of OUR...
Published 03/31/24
50% of sales is about CONFIDENCE.  The other 50% is about answering the silent and usually unasked question your prospect is thinking…  Do you know what it is? If you don’t know, then you NEED to listen to this episode. Steph did some calculations and found out that we’ve now made over 20,000 sales calls… so we know a thing or two about making sales calls. Tune into the episode today to find out how to STRUCTURE your calls, how to ASK for the sale, and how to back out of a sales call if...
Published 03/24/24
We’ve scaled 5 businesses in the last 5 years and I wish we could say we got it right every time, but we didn’t. That’s pretty lucky for you though because now we are handing over our knowledge so that YOU don’t make the same mistakes. For example, there are SO many questions that you don’t think to ask, until it’s too late or shit’s hit the fan. Do you know how much your company is actually worth? And no, we’re not talking about your sales for the month but how much of that is actually...
Published 03/17/24
50% of ALL of our sales come from our DMs. We’re talking millions of dollars. When people think about selling in DMs we often hear: “But it’s spammy and it’s gross.” “It will damage my brand reputation.” “People will think I look salesy.” That’s because you’re doing it wrong. On this week's episode, we are talking about ways to slide into your leads DMs and actually LAND the sale without being creepy. You’ll hear: 🔥 Why your DMs AREN’T converting into sales 🔥 5 surefire ways to get...
Published 03/10/24
How to build a successful landing page is one of the most common questions we are asked by our clients, and for good reason. Your landing page is the FIRST step in your sales process. But there is no point in marketing your business unless you're going to be able to close the sale. Our biggest advice: don’t even bother with any other marketing until you have NAILED your landing page.  On today’s episode, we’re giving you tips that you can implement in your business TODAY so that you can...
Published 03/03/24
Are you struggling to increase the profitability of your business? This is your personal reminder to step back and evaluate what's going on in your business and make decisions based on your business health, not just because ‘that’s how you’ve always done it.’ Tune in to hear how you can double your profit in 2024 and pay close attention to the ONE exercise you could do to take your business to the NEXT level. It’s hard, but it’s worth it. We’re diving straight into actions that you can...
Published 02/25/24
This is the exact marketing strategy that has made us MILLIONS of dollars. On today’s episode, we are talking about all things email marketing - and yes we are VERY passionate about this topic (Steph in particular).  Your email list is the only marketing tool you actually own? If social media went down tomorrow - Facebook, Instagram you name it - how would you contact your leads? You can’t.  In 2023, 2.8 BILLION dollars were made using email marketing. If you’re neglecting your email list...
Published 02/18/24
Do you actually like sales? Whether you like it or not, sales is a NECESSARY evil in business and yet so few people have a “sales process” in place… they just wing it. These are the SAME people who complain that “sales are hard” and “no one is spending.” But that’s just not the reality of it. If we just had our biggest sales month, why can’t you? We’re sitting down today to walk you through the 3 steps that will help you convert 80% of sales enquiries to SALES without feeling like a...
Published 02/11/24
What would you do with an extra 20 Hours a Week? Or an Extra $100K? Most people in business are wasting time and money doing tasks themselves that they could outsource.   If you’re currently doing ONE hour of admin tasks a day … that’s 5 hours a week … and 250 hours a YEAR that you could be spending making more money(or enjoying your life)  So today we’re not just teaching you how to outsource these things but the lessons we’ve learnt from hiring over 40 VAs in the last 5 years and what...
Published 02/04/24
Let’s talk about creating high-value content, CONSISTENTLY for your audience!In today’s episode we’re giving you the ins and outs on:🔥  OUR content creation strategy that actually works, known as the Organic Content Waterfall system🔥 Successful reel styles, the importance of grabby captions, and tailoring topics based on listener feedback🔥 Top limitations for businesses under 50k months and factors to push past these boundaries🔥 Alternative advertising other than Instagram and Facebook,...
Published 01/28/24
Selling in the DMs can make you bank, but you need to reframe your mind around it.Are you someone that says selling in the DMs feels 'icky'?Then you need to tune into this episode... We are going to give you our process for FREE of how WE sell in the DMs... where it doesn't have to feel 'icky'.We're going to cover:-Mindset blocks that our clients come against when talking about selling in the DM’s and how to navigate them-Our recommendation of Tracking DM’s, because if you're not assessing...
Published 01/21/24
Are you doing too many 'shallow' tasks? Distracted by social media? Which is preventing you from REALLY moving the needle in your business...  We’re back from Bali and excited to share a method that has 10x our business growth.We're going to give you our exact process, which has taken us YEARS to develop, on how we do deep work!Today is all about:🔥  Letting you in on our plan to double our business in 2024, in just 4 hours a day🔥  The importance of focusing on one area of genius🔥  The...
Published 01/14/24
Get fully booked in 2024 with the latest insights in this week’s episode of Success School. We'll be talking about the 3 stages of the marketing cycle and how they play a crucial role in building a 7-figure business. Our conversation will also include the importance of diversifying lead flow, upgrading our podcast setup, and taking our content creation more seriously. We'll also be sharing our recent experiences from Bali, discussing the importance of mindset in achieving success in the...
Published 01/07/24