For this episode of the SUX Podcast we were joined by Hannah Smith, who is the Director of Operations of the Green Web Foundation. We spoke about how to make the web fossil free until 2030, if we are on track here and how Designers, Developers and all professions need to join to work towards this goal. But we also spoke about the role of AI in all this and how our use of tech in the northern/western world creates a lot of injustice because of our massive overconsumption of energy. And we...
Published 05/28/24
This time we were joined by one of the long-time trailblazers of digital Sustainability - Tom Greenwood, Founder of Wholegrain Digital and Author of “Sustainable Webdesign”. We spoke about digital Sustainability, and how Tom’s Journey into it already began 2004. And we discussed the challenges of advocating for digital sustainability and where we are at the moment and what we actually can do as designers on various levels.  In the second half of the conversation we were diving deep into...
Published 04/17/24
You most probably know our guest already. This time we had the honor to be joined by Don Norman, author of "Design of everyday things" or "Design for a better world" , Co-Founder of the Nielsen Norman Group, University Professor and so much more for many of us. We spoke about morning walks, elaborated on Humanity Centered Design and why Dons latest book was a different one, when he started writing it. We discussed about the importance of curiosity and made the connection between design,...
Published 03/07/24
You probably have heard of life-centered design or non-human personas. But, have you applied it to your work already?  For this episode we were joined by Damien Lutz from Sydney, Australia, one of the most prominent voices and drivers of life-centered design as well as the author of the “Life-centered design guide” and the “Non-human persona guide”.  We discussed the problems of nowadays design, how we need to change the way we design from being destructive to being sustainable and...
Published 02/08/24
This is a special bonus episode: It is Part 2 of our interview with Xhensila Reci. In the previous episode we spoke with Xhensila about Purpose Driven Design and its relation to Sustainability (--> Link). In this bonus episode we do the friendship book and speak about Xhensilas way into UX and to LEGO and we play together her wonderful card game “Someone You” (--> Link) to learn more about each other.  It is the first time that we split an interview into two episodes. But since the...
Published 01/03/24
Today we have something very special for you. Finally here it is: the lost episode. Last year we recorded this wonderful and extra long episode with Xhensila Reci from LEGO to speak about Purpose Driven Design. For several reasons, we did not manage to cut it and to decide if we should keep it this long, re-cut it, or make two episodes of it. Since the whole conversation with Xhensila was just wonderful and super insightful, we decided that we did not want to cut anything out. The SUX...
Published 12/29/23
SUX Podcast Live Episode: this is a recording of the panel discussion about “Collaboration & cooperation as key for sustainability” at the SUX Focus Event 01 A few weeks ago we launched our new event series: SUX Focus Events. The main idea of focus events is to collect a group of experts to discuss and deep dive into a certain topic in a panel discussion. In this first event we were spotlighting "Cooperation & Collaboration", a theme vital to sustainability and core to SUX Network's...
Published 12/14/23
What has hiking in common with World Usability Day and Sustainability? In this episode we were joined by Elizabeth Rosenzweig, the founder and director of the World Usability Day. We spoke about how World Usability Day started, why it has a strong relation with Sustainability from the very beginning and what its relation to World Earth Day is. And why hiking? When you go hiking in the wilderness there is one important rule: leave no trace. The question is, how do we design to leave no...
Published 11/01/23
How do we design services, products or experiences that make the world a better place? Today’s guest is Robert Kozma, the author of “Make the world a better place - Design with passion, purpose and values” and Emeritus Principal Scientist at SRI International. In a more and more complex world we need to adapt the way we design and refine our role as designers. A moral discourse needs to be added in our work. Design has its own problems and we need to shift the way of thinking and executing...
Published 09/22/23
Have you ever wondered about the relation of sustainability and gender-equality, why it is so important and how our work as designers connects with it? In today's episode, we dive deep into the world of women-centric design—a powerful approach that takes into account the unique experiences and perspectives of women in the design process. And who better to enlighten us on this topic than today’s guest Mansi. Mansi is a UX designer and an advocate for women-centric design. She firmly...
Published 07/11/23
Did you know what the ending of a customer relationship has to do with Sustainability? No? Well, than this episode is perfect for you: We had a very special and inspiring guest. The worlds first Endineer (yes, Endineer) Joe Macleod. Joe wrote two books about this topic and with his company AndEnd he works on how we design better endings of customer relationships. We spoke about the importance of better endings of the customer relationship and its strong relation to sustainability. It...
Published 05/16/23
We are back, after being a little quite for some time. Thorsten has been sick for a while, Bavo has been sick for a while and project-work kicked in as well. Sometimes being sustainable means also to be sustainable to yourself. You can only spend the time you have and sometimes there is not enough time for everything you want to do. So we had to postpone the start of the 2023 season for some weeks. But her we are to kickoff 2023. And while we already do the first recordings with some...
Published 03/08/23
For this episode we had the honor to welcome one of the icons of the ethical design movement: the inspiring Trine Falbe from Denmark, well known for her ongoing work for ethical design, for her books „White hat UX“ as well as „The Ethical Design Handbook“ and for her Ethical Design Network Community. We talked about Trines way and why Ethical Design and Sustainability directly belong together. We dived deeper into the necessity of Ethical Design, its principles and how YOU can achieve...
Published 12/19/22
Together with Tim Frick, one of the icons of digital design sustainability, we talk about the beginnings of Sustainable UX, where we are today and where the future could take us. Tim tells us where his passion for sustainable design comes from. We discuss the importance of impact measurement and what he would change if he could write his book "Designing for Sustainability" again today. He also shares his years of experience with his BCorp certified agency, Mighty Bites, on how to win over...
Published 11/06/22
Welcome to the SUX podcast!  Strap in for a wild ride of insights and mind-blown experiences as we hear from people passionate about sustainable UX and how they make impact. We’ll dive in with experts and discover along with people just breaking into the field.  Thank you for being here with us as we make this a podcast by and for the sustainable UX community. Bavo & Thorsten
Published 11/02/22