On todays episode I get to speak with the Gilad Karni about the art of living in the moment and being present in the now. Gilad has an incredible history of both high level achievement and spirituality with time spent in the Israeli special forces, a decade long career in professional basketball, and a transition into leadership and business coaching. I found this to be a truly insightful conversation filled why many thought provoking questions and ideas to help each of us level up in...
Published 03/27/23
On todays Friday Fire I dive into a concept of overcoming fear, doubt and anxiety by asking yourself the honest question of 'does this threaten my survival?' This is a concept I learned from Clinical Psychologist, Susannah Kindred for dealing with our nervous system when we kick into fight, flight or freeze mode. Asking whether this experience asking risks your physical survival helps bring reality to the the scenario. This honesty bring the anxiety of speaking in public or competing at an...
Published 03/17/23
On todays Friday Fire I dive into the power of perspective, and how we each have problems, issues or situations that occur in life, though it is up to us how we deal with and respond to them. I believe that if everyone in the world were to hypothetically put each of our problems into a giant pile, we would quickly look around a want to pick our own back up again. 
Published 03/10/23
This week I get to sit back down again with the whitewater kayaking monk himself, Arjuna Ishaya, as we discuss meditation. We dive into what meditation is, why it can be so good for you, and the many different way to practice it. 
Published 03/06/23
On todays Friday Fire I dive into the idea of change. If we want change if life, we need to change something. I am a huge believer of goals, and manifestation, though what is more powerful is action. If I want to lose weight, I can dream and wish about it, I can write it down in my journal, though what really needs to happen is change in my diet or exercise. I could change what I eat, how much I eat. I could change the types of exercises I do, or how much exercise I do. There are many, many...
Published 03/03/23
I'm blown away to realize we've made it to episode 200! This week I have accumulated my favorite pieces of advice for high level achievements over the past 100 episodes. I hope you enjoy, and if you've do please leave us a review wherever you listen to podcasts. 
Published 02/28/23
On todays Friday Fire I dive into what is success? I discuss the idea behind how each and everyone of us defines our success for ourselves, as well as a fun activity from Susannah Kindred on how to write our what success means to each of us. We can use this document of 'Success Definition' as a compass to keep us on track during the journey called life. 
Published 02/24/23
This week is a rerun from one of my favorite interviews with my good friend and phenomenal athlete, Rafa Ortiz. Rafa has lit himself on fire, swam an inflatable pool toy off a 70ft waterfall, as well as paddled the highest waterfall run in a kayak, 187 ft Palouse Falls. They discuss fear, mentors, and the power of obsession, as the go deep into the philosophical mindset of what it takes to be the best and push the boundaries, no matter what it is in life.
Published 02/21/23
On todays Friday Fire I discuss the idea that at times the best way forward is to actually stop and take a pause to analyze our actions and goals and figure out whether these are the right actions for our goals, or the right goals for what we truly want in life. There is a saying along the lines of, if you are chasing sunsets, it doesn't matter how fast you are running for if you are running east, you'll still never get a sunset. So take a pause and think about what you want in the end and...
Published 02/17/23
Today I had the absolute pleasure to interview the business mogul, entrepreneur and professional photographer, Corey Rich. We dive in deep into how Corey stumbled into photography and climbing in the same week and how he has lived out his passion ever since. Corey also maps out a full blueprint for anyone to use photos and video to tell great stories. Corey also drops some knowledge bombs as he shares the secrets to success and how anyone can live out one's passions and get paid to do what...
Published 02/13/23
On todays Friday Fire I break down how to overcome obstacles. We discuss using the '5 Whys' to find the route-issue when we are trying to overcome obstacles along our journey through life. 
Published 02/10/23
Today I dive deep into some inner reflection and the keys of sustained high performance with Susannah Kindred. Susannah is a Performance and Mindset Coach, leadership wellbeing coach, and speaker. She integrates her clinical psychology training into her coaching strategies as she shares her unique, 3-part framework to help people thrive more while achieving greatly. This was a deep dive into my own success and failures and I can't wait to share as I gained so much for this conversation and...
Published 02/06/23
On todays Friday Fire I talk about doubt, the silent killer of our dreams. Doubt leaks into our minds as something small, that if left to it's own devices, will grow into a dream killing monster. Be weary of the little doubts you listen to, for they rarely ever stay little. 
Published 02/03/23
Today I have the opportunity to learn and discuss the intangibles in athletics, coaching, parenting and life with Coach Evan Burk. Evan was the special teams coach in the NFL for the Miami Dolphins and shares his incredible story about coaching 4th grade football to coaching in the NFL only 6 years later. Coach Even Burk shares some incredible insight on what makes the best athletes and team and how we can use these these intangibles in our everyday life. I personally gained a ton of insight...
Published 01/30/23
"When Life Brings you Lemons, Make Lemonade" On todays Friday Fire I talk about Happiness. It is what everyone looks for in life, it is way we want money, or relationships, or stuff, as we think these things will bring us happiness. Though ironically, Happiness is simply a choice. We don't need stuff or people to be happy, we simply have the opportunity to choose to be happy. We each have the opportunity in life to take any situation and determine who we want to react to it. So try to choose...
Published 01/27/23
On todays episode I get to speak with the Gilad Karni about blending the two opposing forces of high level achievement and spirituality. Gilad has an incredible history of both high level achievement and spirituality with time spent in the Israeli special forces, a decade long career in professional basketball, and a transition into leadership and business coaching. I found this to be a truly insightful conversation filled why many thought provoking questions and ideas to help each of us...
Published 01/23/23
On todays Friday Fire I talk Goal Setting for 2023 and beyond and how to actually achieve all your New Years Resolutions this year. I explain what S.M.A.R.T. goals are and how by setting less goals you are drastically more likely to achieve them. If you've ever failed at your New Years resolutions in the past then this is an episode you wont want to miss. 
Published 12/30/22
This week I had the pleasure to sit down and talk in person with arguably the Worlds greatest kayaker, Dane Jackson. We talk about Dane's recent winner at the Green Race and breaking the 4-Minute Barrier. This time limit was very much like Kayaking version of Roger Bannister breaking the 4 minute mile back in 1954. Similar to running a sub 4 minute mile, many people weren't sure if you could paddle the Green Race course in under 4 minutes. Listen as we dive into Dane's training, mindset and...
Published 12/19/22
On todays Friday Fire I talk about the concept behind staying left of the but. The next time you say "I need to get in shape, but I don't have time" stay left of the but and stick with the idea and concept and change it from "but I can't" to "and I will figure out a way." Try this the next time you you have an idea but your self doubt kicks in.
Published 12/16/22
On todays Friday Fire I talk about all that we have to be thankful and grateful for this Thanksgiving weekend. I also talk about the Black Friday sales all over and how looking at products and how they will improve your life vs just how much you're saving with these sales. 
Published 11/25/22
On todays episode I get to speak with the Tony Robinson about breaking through barriers and achieving your goals in finance, parenting and fitness. Tony is a real estate investor with a focus on Short Term rentals, as well as a host from the Bigger Pockets Rookie Podcast. Though our conversation goes way beyond real estate and investing as Tony shares his insight and lessons learned from becoming a parent at 16 years old and overcoming the obstacles that come with that, hustling through life...
Published 11/21/22
Today I got to speak with legendary rock climber Arno Ilgner about peak performance, the flow state and his mental training program, the Warriors Way. Arno shares the framework behind his Warriors Way mental strength training and how we can all use mental training to overcome any obstacles in athletics and in life. 
Published 11/14/22
On todays Friday Fire I talk about the idea of setting up a rainy day fund. The beauty of saving a little of extra cash is that it gives you options in the future, whether you want to quit your job and start a business or have some extra funds for security in hard times, or simply to donate it and be generous. So no matter what you do, pay yourself first, put a little money a side and start your rainy day fund today. 
Published 11/11/22
I got to sit down and speak with Adam Spillman about his journey from paddling Class 5 rapids in Chile to battling Stage 3 cancer. Adam shares his story of his healing journey and how ice, heat, nutrition and breath work have been helping him through cancer and recover both physically and mentally. 
Published 11/07/22
On todays Friday Fire I discuss the idea of criticism being a nugget of gold, as it hurts if it hits you in the head, though if you analyze it you are left with pure gold, as it can also be a blueprint to becoming better. So next time someone throws shade or criticism your way, stop listen and figure out how to use it to strengthen yourself so the next time they can critique you the same way. 
Published 10/28/22