this week we are discussing how to deal with being surrounded by negative people who don't think exactly like you. we can't completely remove negative people from our lives so it's more important to figure out how to separate ourselves mentally from hearing someone else's limiting mindset. we also discuss how as we get older; we can develop our own opinion on WHY the people around us might think a certain way, rather than just taking everything as a fact as we often do when we are younger. en...
Published 08/27/24
Published 08/27/24
in this episode we break down syliva plath's fig tree analogy. we discuss how many options we are presented with in our 20s and how it can be both exciting and crippling. we talk about how we often glamorize every choice that isn't what we currently have and how we will never be content if we continue. enjoy xxx@the8pillars ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/@kateebilodeau ig: https://www.instagram.com/kateebilodeau/
Published 08/13/24
in this episode, we talk about feeling stuck or unenergized by our lives. we talk about how it can be as simple as we are not trying enough new things or meeting enough new people to feel the excitement for life that we should be feeling, especially in our 20s. I discuss how the smallest moments of meeting new girlfriends or traveling to a new city have given me the energy I've been craving for awhile. I hope you enjoy xxx@the8pillars ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/@kateebilodeau i...
Published 07/30/24
in this episode, we talk about a common reason your manifestations might be taking so long. we talk about how limiting beliefs like how much work it takes for you to be worthy of one of your manifestations, can be a factor in why it's taking you so long to get what you want. we talk about how you can reframe your mindset to begin feeling ready for your manifestation NOW and not in ten years if you want it sooner! xxx enjoy@the8pillars ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/@kateebilodeau i...
Published 07/16/24
hello! this week's episode is so exciting because we are talking about the routine/challenge I will be following for July and sharing with all of you for FREE. I think we should all be feeling our best so that we can fully enjoy all that summer has to offer. follow my socials to keep up with my process and progress for the next month and make sure to access the free routine I'm sharing via Instagram! cheers to a mindful summer reset xxx@the8pillars ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/@k...
Published 07/02/24
this episode we discuss the stigma behind finding your "purpose." we discuss what it means to have a fulfilling life and how it is not always what you expect it to be. we talk about how else you can live a fulfilling life and how it doesn't always mean doing a job that your heart burns with passion for every day. "purpose" has a lot to do with the connections you make with other people and sometimes a job is just a means of getting to those fulfilling connections. enjoy xxx@the8pillars ig: ht...
Published 06/18/24
in this episode, we talk about building an embarrassment callous or muscle. we discuss my experience with going from the most myself as a little girl, to progressively less as I became more exposed to outside opinions and criticism, back to becoming more myself every day! we discuss how the things we fear the most, may be signs of what our heart desires the most and how the more we face our fears, the more we build our tolerance for embarrassment until we are immune to it! enjoy xxx@the8pilla...
Published 06/11/24
my first guest episode, finally! this week I am discussing some of the important lessons I have learned since my boyfriend Joe, and I started dating two years ago. we also introduce how we met and how our relationship came to be how it is now. we discuss topics like how relationships can be hard work, how we can learn from each other, how you have to be open to change when you get into a relationship so young, and so much more. I hope you all enjoy it! xxx@the8pillars ig: https://www.instagra...
Published 06/04/24
in this episode we discuss how your thoughts might be impacting health issues that you can't seem to shake. whether they are minor or more sever, sometimes we begin to identify with something we have dealt with for a long time as part of us, when that could be the very reason we don't see improvements. I think we sometimes underestimate the impact our habitual thoughts can have on our health and the results we see through our body. enjoy xx@the8pillars ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillar...
Published 05/28/24
summer is coming very soon and I have been dying to have a true summer like when I was a little kid. this episode is meant to serve as inspiration for everyone to romanticize their summer and find small ways to lean into the season without breaking the bank. I don't know about anyone else, but coming out of eclipse season I am ready to move away from being in "grind mode" and I want to spend more time permitting myself to enjoy life. enjoy xxxeight pillars pod ig: https://www.instagram.com/th...
Published 05/21/24
in this episode, we talk about the bad rep post-grad life seems to have. I am officially one full year post-grad and have a very positive perspective on it and want to share how you can too. I discuss how post-grad can be the most beautiful time of your life to start being more selfish and start learning more about yourself and what YOU truly want, outside of the influence of anyone around you. It can be the best time to take risks and work towards goals that are truly aligned with what you d...
Published 05/14/24
being self-aware goes hand in hand with empathy. sometimes we can practice developing empathy and sometimes it just comes with age. in this episode we discuss how not being self-aware can cause so much suffering in our lives. we talk about practical tips to begin practicing becoming more self-aware.eight pillars pod ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/kate's ig: https://www.instagram.com/kateebilodeau/
Published 05/07/24
in this episode, I share the different moments and ways I have experienced anxiety throughout my life. over the years I have come up with many simple ways to help calm me down and regulate my nervous system when I'm feeling anxious. I share all of my actionable tips that you can also use to help when you are experiencing an anxious moment. enjoy xxxeight pillars pod ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/kate's ig: https://www.instagram.com/kateebilodeau/
Published 04/30/24
in this episode, we discuss 4 ways to protect your energy! I don't think we always realize how oversharing or giving our energy to too many people who don't always value it can impact our peace. I wanted to share a few ways that help me protect my energy that I have learned throughout the years through a lot of trial and error with different relationships in my life. enjoy xxxeight pillars pod ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/kate's ig: https://www.instagram.com/kateebilodeau/
Published 04/23/24
this episode is a fun little late birthday episode. I wanted to summarize 13 lessons I have learned and think are important now that I'm 23. I picked 13 because 23 lessons just seemed like a little much lol. we discuss lessons I learned about college, friends, confidence, and many mindset tips. enjoy xxx eight pillars pod ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/ kate's ig: https://www.instagram.com/kateebilodeau/
Published 04/16/24
this episode we discuss the eclipse that took place on April 8th and what we all might be feeling from it. I talk about what has been coming up for me during the eclipse and how I've been handling the heavier energy. I also tell everyone how to calculate your life path number and year cycle so you can all learn more about yourself based on your birthday. I also discuss the book that helps serve as a guide (linked below). enjoy xxx life cycles book eight pillars pod ig:...
Published 04/09/24
in this episode, we discuss how to kick off the spring season with a spiritual reset. we talk about the spiritual meaning of spring and how you can use the energy of the season to support and energize you to become the best version of yourself. this is the best time for action and putting the inner work we did in the winter into effect. enjoy xxx eight pillars pod ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/ kate's ig: https://www.instagram.com/kateebilodeau/
Published 04/02/24
in this episode, we talk about finding appreciation in the low and mundane moments in our lives. we discuss an alternative way to view the not-so-great moments so that we can attribute hopeful meaning to them instead of allowing them to mean that life is all bad. this is a mindset shift that I have been using a lot lately to help me get out of my slump and realize that the special moments wouldn't be as special if they happened all the time. enjoy xxx eight pillars pod ig:...
Published 03/26/24
this episode is a fun one where I talk about some things, I wish I knew before going to college and a few things that I am happy I did while there. I've had 8 months to reflect on my college time and will be recapping these moments as more come to me over time. college taught me so much and I had so many great memories, so these are really just a few tips for anyone about to go to college or still in college. enjoy xxx eight pillars pod ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/ kate's ig:...
Published 03/19/24
definitely my most vulnerable episode so far! in this episode we discuss some of my experiences with body image and when I first became conscious of my body and how it looked compared to others. we discuss the many lessons I have learned so far from dealing with hearing other people's opinions and also just witnessing the "body trends" that we all know and hate so much from social media. enjoy xxx eight pillars pod ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/ kate's ig:...
Published 03/12/24
lately I have been in a slump! it always happens this time of year and it's getting to me a lot more this year. in this episode we get into my tips for beating the winter blues and getting out of a slump where you don't feel as good and motivated as you usually do. enjoy xxx eight pillars pod ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/ kate's ig: https://www.instagram.com/kateebilodeau/
Published 03/05/24
in this episode, we discuss how easy it can be to follow the people we are surrounded by and lose sight of who we are and what we really value. we discuss my experience with coming into my authentic self and how much it impacts the quality of my life. this is a topic that we all can relate to at some point in our lives and the sooner we can come into our authenticity, the sooner we can start living! enjoy xxx eight pillars pod ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/ kate's ig:...
Published 02/27/24
today we are talking all about comparison and how prevalent it is during our 20s, ESPECIALLY with social media. we discuss comparison in every category; looks, lifestyle, status, and so on. we talk about how to reframe our mindset when we catch ourselves comparing ourselves to others and how to begin embracing your authentic life and path instead of looking to others for what is considered "ideal." enjoy xxx eight pillars pod ig: https://www.instagram.com/the8pillars/ kate's ig:...
Published 02/20/24
in this episode, we are discussing how to tap into our feminine energy when creating our wellness habits and routines. there is such an oversaturation of wellness advice out there so it's really important to not feel pressured to do what everyone else says is right and be in tune with yourself to only do what feels right for you. we discuss how to get out of the strict and structured masculine mode and begin tapping into our feminine to attract more ease, flow, and fun into our lives. enjoy...
Published 02/13/24