In today's podcast, "The Psychedelic Revolution: Unleashing Your Power for Physical and Trauma Healing, and Spiritual Transformation," we explore a different path to well-being. Our guest, Dr. Mia Black, a clinical psychologist turned psychedelic healer, invites us into the captivating world of psychedelics as a transformative healing modality. Throughout our lives, we struggle with various disorders - autoimmune, thyroid, and hormone. Conventional medicine often falls short in addressing...
Published 07/06/23
Published 07/06/23
Tired of living with the debilitating symptoms of Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism? Feel like conventional medicine has failed you? Chinette felt the same way until she discovered the transformative power of a holistic approach to health. In this inspiring podcast interview, Chinette shares her remarkable journey from despair to vibrant health. Chinette suffered from 37 symptoms caused by her conditions, and her doctors offered her no hope beyond medications, radiation, and surgery. But...
Published 05/11/23
Grave's Disease is a serious autoimmune thyroid disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. It can lead to a range of symptoms as well as Thyroid Storm and Thyroid Eye Disease.  Conventional treatments fail patients, leading to the worsening of the condition and reducing the quality of life.  Noemy's doctor misled her to believe that Radioactive Iodine Treatment had no downside. Without fully realizing how it will affect her life, Noemy got radiated. And this is when her health took a...
Published 03/07/23
Karina suffered from irregular heartbeat, insomnia, exhaustion, fatigue, digestive issues, an enlarged thyroid, anxiety, and mental fog, along with sixteen more symptoms caused by Grave's Disease and hyperthyroidism that were making her life unbearable. Earlier this year, Karina was faced with making the decision that millions of those who suffer from Grave's and hyperthyroidism have to wrestle with - go on medication, have their thyroid removed or radiated, or keep suffering without getting...
Published 12/22/22
Over 44 veterans per day (16,060 per year) take their lives daily by suicide, as they are unable to reintegrate back into society, scarred by the horrors of war and violence. They suffer from trauma, depression, anxiety, Traumatic Brain Injury, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and panic attacks, while also dealing with physical injuries. These numbers get magnified by the addition of civilian lives lost due to similar traumatic events and mental disorders, as suicide comes at the top of...
Published 12/15/22
Mainstream medicine and society at large have often misunderstood the true nature of Amanita muscaria. Due to its association with psychedelic experiences and its distinctive appearance, it has been stigmatized and misunderstood. However, recent research has shown that this mushroom holds a key to numerous health benefits. In recent years, Amanita muscaria has gained renewed interest as a potential treatment for a variety of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and...
Published 12/12/22
The incidences of trauma, PTSD, CPTSD, anxiety, panic attacks, and personality disorders are on the rise. It is estimated that 1 in 4 Americans are taking prescription mental health medications, yet very little healing is occurring.  However, without proper help, these mental illnesses become the biggest contributing factor to developing chronic health conditions, such as cancers, heart conditions, thyroid, autoimmune disorders, and even hormone imbalances. It might seem that all hope is...
Published 12/07/22
I recently posted an infographic about the Dangers of Radioactive Iodine Treatment (RAI) on Instagram. Simple facts, some of which I am about to share, yet, before I knew it a war of opinions broke out. There were some sharing the stories of their failed RAI treatments, while a couple of people were defending it no matter the cost. I found a common thread between the latter - they were too afraid to challenge the conventional medical establishment. They did not dare to look outside it for...
Published 03/17/22
The best health plan is simple and sustainable. While we are tempted to commit to difficult and complex plans, simplicity trumps complexity even if complexity promises to give us a quick outcome because complexity is not sustainable and always backfires. If you struggle with hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, Grave's disease, Thyroid Eye Disease, hyperthyroidism, PCOS, endometriosis or have trouble conceiving, you've already tried difficult approaches and they failed you. In today's episode,...
Published 03/10/22
In today's episode, I will show you how you can turn on your innate healing abilities to heal from any disease, including, but not limited to hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, hyperthyroidism, Grave's disease, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, and so much more.  If you are ready to supercharge your healing efforts - this episode is a MUST LISTEN!  Once you are done listening... If you are done struggling and would like to work directly with me and my team toward eliminating your...
Published 02/25/22
It is tempting to think that our health or our dream waistline can be found at the bottom of a pill or supplement bottle. However, even when attempted, such efforts fail because they are not rooted in self-love.  On today's podcast, we will discuss the importance of SELF-LOVE in your self-healing equation, and how it can ensure life-long success.   PS: If you are ready to take a leap toward your best health, contact Elena at www.360impacthealth.com/schedule
Published 02/18/22
Your doctor told you that you can NEVER heal yourself.  Your pharmacist told you that you can NEVER be without meds. The media and the medical industry bullied you until you believed that the only way out of your symptoms is through medications or surgeries. And if you’re lucky enough, you can manage your disease, but never heal it. And… You believed them. For a while.  But then…  You knew deep inside that you can no longer live believing their lies because their methods failed you. You...
Published 02/04/22
Soy has been vilified and blamed for causing hormone imbalances, thyroid issues, feminizing men, and even giving them "man boobs." However, the opposite is true... Soy is protective against various cancers, it helps to rid the body of excess estrogen and even lower cholesterol. In today's episode of the Health Wizard podcast, I will give you 13 reasons to embrace soy, and show how it measures against other foods rich in phytoestrogen.
Published 11/11/21
Unless you are a sucker for punishment, you want to hear this - Cleanses, Detoxes, and Dieting are a HOAX! And you should stop doing them all as soon as possible! On today's podcast, I am going to give you FOUR reasons to never subject yourself to the brutal symptoms of detoxes and cleanses ever again, and instead...  Get in shape and reclaim your health through simple and sustainable steps. REFERENCES:  To download the 360° Life App go to - https://360impacthealth.com/app. 
Published 10/29/21
There is a direct link between trauma and autoimmune, thyroid and hormone disorders. In today's episode I will show you the mechanics of how this happens, and then give you 4 steps to identifying and releasing your trauma, so you can start healing.  If you would like help, please reach out - schedule your complimentary health clarity call with me at www.360impacthealth.com/schedule. 
Published 10/08/21
Today we are talking about the best way to lose weight permanently, while also reversing chronic thyroid, hormone, and autoimmune health conditions. With my guest, Coach Lydia Knight, I will give you three important principles to end eating disorders, your unhealthy relationship with food, and self-loathing.  Then we will give you tools that you can use immediately to transform self-perception and love yourself to permanent health and weight loss. 
Published 09/30/21
We’d all heard the promise: “Take this medication, and you’re going to feel better!” Yet, that’s the thing that seems to elude us - feeling better. In today’s podcast, I take a deep dive into why the “medication is the only way” approach fails us, and what you can do about the lies your doctors sold you for years.
Published 07/27/21
Learn a simple breathing exercise to increase your capacity to heal and prevent chronic illnesses. It takes only 10-15 minutes a day to increase your self-healing and happiness quotient.  GET SUPPORT If you would like to have all of our tools for health, download our 360° Life App or schedule a complimentary HEALTH STRATEGY CALL to customize your health plan. Please go to www.360impacthealth.com to do that.
Published 07/02/21
Lose weight without trying. And live longer while at it. No more gimmicky protocols or pills. No counting calories. In today's episode, you will learn an ancient formula for weight loss and long life. And you will learn the meaning of Hara Hachi Bu and practical steps to implement it in your day-to-day life.  For a transcript of this episode, and a printable guide of the secret ancient weight loss formula, CLICK ON THIS LINK: https://360impacthealth.com/hara-hachi-bu-eat-to-lose-weight/. 
Published 06/15/21
It's widely believed that hypothyroidism is incurable. Yet nothing can be further from the truth. On today's episode of THE HEALTH WIZARD PODCAST, I sit down with Heidi - a graduate of the 360° Impact Health Program - to discuss how she reversed hypothyroidism in 8 weeks and came off medication...4 years ago! To this day, Heidi is medication- and symptom-free.  Once Heidi healed her body, she achieved her lifelong dream - completing THE BOSTON MARATHON! 
Published 06/04/21
Coconut oil has been hailed as a miracle cure for everything from weight loss to heart disease. Some claim that coconut oil is a cure for conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, hypothyroidism, cancer, and almost any health condition. And while coconut oil has some benefits, the truth is that it can do much more harm than good. Today I want to give you 8 reasons why you avoid consuming coconut oil, and 7 ways you can still benefit from using coconut oil in your self-care. 
Published 05/25/21
In today's episode, we will take a deep dive into how trauma affects our hormones and thyroid function. We will examine how generational trauma is passed down to you in various ways: genetic, behavioral, linguistic programming, etc. And then we will give you the tools you need to start addressing and resolving generational trauma, so you can reclaim your health and reverse the symptoms of Hashimoto's, hypothyroidism, and other thyroid, hormone, and autoimmune conditions.
Published 05/20/21
The average woman is more anxious and stressed, depressed, and sick than she was in the past. What's worse, chronic illnesses are on the rise. Modern-day women are more likely to suffer from autoimmune diseases, thyroid and hormone disorders than men. In addition, women also have a higher risk of depression and anxiety disorders compared to men. In today's episode of the Health Wizard Podcast, we are taking a deep dive into the big 9 Reasons Why Women are Getting Sicker than Men.
Published 05/13/21
Your doctor won't cure you! In fact, if the past is any indicator of the future, the opposite is true. In today's podcast, I will take a deep dive into the fallacies of modern medicine. We will examine some historical examples of how medical science had terribly failed health seekers like you and me. And then we will talk about how YOU can take your power back to reclaim your health without becoming a victim of a well-meaning, yet a very lethal profession.
Published 05/06/21