While battling debilitating symptoms, such as fatigue, weakness, worsening eyesight, anxiety, stomach pains, insomnia, dizziness, and over forty more symptoms, Flora still had to work and take care of her son. In less than three years, she was $100K out and nowhere closer to the health she desperately needed. Then... In 12 weeks, she was off ALL medications and down to only two supplements. She went from suffering from 46 symptoms, down to 3. And those were improving. And lost 12 lbs to...
Published 02/17/21
When Sherida found me, she was suffering from the symptoms of Hashimoto's, high blood pressure, and adrenal fatigue for over 15 years. 3 medications, 12 supplements, and 38 symptoms were on her inventory list when we met. She was averaging $4,000/yr on medications and almost as much on having access to specialists. Within 12 weeks of working together, Sherida dropped 25 lbs., went from 38 to 4 symptoms, came off 10 supplements, 2 medications, and was on her way to becoming medication- and...
Published 02/12/21
We erroneously believe that health is a right we all have. I am going to ruin this belief for you - it is not!  In fact, health is a privilege!  Only the ones who are willing to put their work and beliefs into it deserve it.  In today's episode, I am giving you the tools you need in order to develop a healing mindset and to become unstoppable in your health and life.  If you are willing to uncover your worthiness and implement these tools, you have a shot at achieving your wildest dreams. 
Published 02/05/21
A few months ago I experienced a life-changing BREATHWORK workshop. It allowed me to release pent-up tension, free myself from past trauma that I did not realize I was still carrying, and allowed me to connect deeper to myself.  On this episode, I talk to the creator of Neurodynamic Breathwork Michael Stone about the creation and the process of Breathwork, and how it can help you release trapped trauma and initiate healing. 
Published 01/28/21
Aimee felt tired, powerless, and unmotivated. Pushing herself out of bed each morning was tough. And even tougher was the fact that Aimee became a couch parent. Instead of help, her doctors gave her medications and took years to properly diagnose her. It would take Aimee 25 years of battling Hashimoto's, depression and anxiety to finally find an answer. And when she did, it took her only two weeks to resolve ALL of her symptoms naturally.
Published 01/21/21
Hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances, leaky gut, SIBO, candida, and h-pylori - Angela suffered from them all. $150,000 in medical bills and 16 years of struggling and trying to get her health back - Angela was at her wit's end. However, working together, It took Angela only 3 weeks to achieve a 95% improvement! She got rid of nearly 20 supplements and her doctor drastically reduced her medication. In fact, soon she will be medication-free. And she dropped unwanted pounds!
Published 12/17/20
What happens if you lose access to your doctor and medication? The COVID19 crisis showed us that you might be left stranded without the most essential medical help. When I was suffering from hypothyroidism, I ask myself this very question. And what I uncovered was that my health is a mirror of my beliefs. An outcome of what I was willing to settle for. In today's episode, I share the very process that allowed me to find my 100% wellness, so that I would never be left without essential help.
Published 09/22/20
After a year of suffering, Skylar committed to her health. She wanted to be off medication, supplements and to reverse forty symptoms of hypothyroidism and infertility. FIVE weeks in Skylar conceived and was on her way to 100% wellness. In three months, gone were the symptoms, struggles, anxiety, and depression. And her marriage was thriving. In this episode, Skylar shares her steps to healing hypothyroidism, infertility, and forty symptoms, and living in remission for the last year.
Published 08/07/20
From suffering from Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 39 symptoms that came with it... From having no energy and seven years on medications... From feeling drained and unable to lose weight on most touted diets of the day... From losing hope and patience... Belonn reclaimed her health in FOUR weeks! No symptoms! In 5 months, her doctor took her off thyroid medication. 30 lbs lighter and filled with energy, Belonn became unstoppable. Here is her story.
Published 07/30/20
Trauma alters our genetic expression. It suspends our normal biological processes. And no amount of medications, supplements or therapies can ever help you heal, until and unless you are ready to RESOLVE trapped trauma that stays stored in your body, On today's podcast, I am taking a deep dive into how trauma destroys your health and the first steps to claiming your freedom from it. When you begin to implement them, your freedom from thyroid and autoimmune disorders is assured.
Published 06/09/20
On today's episode of the Health Wizard podcast, I am answer these questions (and more): - What made me give up on allopathic and naturopathic medicine? - What made me think I could heal myself since my doctors told me I couldn’t? - How did I solve my own health problem and heal from hypothyroidism, a pituitary tumor, and infertility for good? - Is it really possible to become healthy for good even if we struggled with health issues for years?
Published 04/24/20
Anxiety and depression are on the rise. They make living with thyroid, hormone and autoimmune conditions harder. Today, learn from The Anxiety Expert, Dr. Russ Kennedy, MD... - how to recognize a health-destroying emotion in your body - how to connect to your traumatized self to heal it - how to use love to heal fear and anxiety - how to use negative feelings to create health, and - The ABC process to bring yourself back into the moment and connect to your body
Published 04/17/20
Anxiety and stress are at all times high at the moment. There is a rise in domestic violence, suicide, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and other health and mental conditions. In today's interview, I sit down with Dr. Tracy Thomas, who is the world’s first Emotional Scientist, to show you how stress and anxiety affect your physical health, and fuel autoimmune, thyroid and hormonal disorders. We will give you the tools you need to stop stress and anxiety in their tracks.
Published 04/10/20
In 2015 Americans spent an estimated $41 billion on sleep aids and remedies. This year, this number is expected to grow to $52 billion! This figure does not take into account time missed from work, health conditions created due to lack of sleep, fatigue and weight gain. Today we will take a deep dive into how we can create restorative sleep and the role it plays in protecting and strengthening your immune system.
Published 04/02/20
Yesterday we took a deep dive into how our immune system gets compromised by trauma and stress. If you missed the training, catch it here - https://360impacthealth.com/coronavirus-immune-system. Today we are going even deeper into what you need to strengthen your immune system. Have this step dialed in and your body is going to bounce back to health much faster. Here is the best immune system boosting diet you can ever find for any person, blood-type or most health conditions.
Published 04/01/20
To help you navigate the Coronavirus scare, we are kicking off a 3-day support challenge to help you strengthen your immune system, so you do not have to fear the slippery slope of what might be… Today we will show you how stress highjacks your immune system, and then give you 4 practical ways to stop stress in its tracks in minutes. When stress hormones are deregulated, your immune system thrives. The body heals. And you win.
Published 03/27/20
Doctors trained in Western medicine to a stellar job addressing acute conditions. Take COVID-19 for example. They are on the frontlines of what's happening to humanity currently, risking their lives to save ours. When it comes to chronic-care, however, Western medicine is lacking. On today's podcast, we discuss how we can stop our doctors from destroying our health. We also share a few things you can do to take charge of your health condition and achieve your desired health goals.
Published 03/23/20
After 17 years of trying and failing, and spending over $80K on chasing a viable health solution, Danielle knew something had to give. She finally found the answer and healed herself IBS, Sjogren's, severe digestive issues, ovarian cysts, possible hypothyroidism and 43 symptoms that came with these disorders. In this interview, Danielle shares her journey from feeling hopeless and nearly giving up, to living the life of her dreams.
Published 03/19/20
Are you giving it all you got to resolve a hormone imbalance, a thyroid condition, or an autoimmune disease, but getting little or no results in return? It could be these four things that you do not know about a healthy diet that are working against all your health efforts . Tune in as we talk about:  1. Protein vs carb diets 2. Fats - what to do and what not to do 3. The best source of vitamins, and 4. What to do about grains Listen up! And then let us hear from you. 
Published 03/17/20
Millions of women are struggling with infertility, thyroid, hormonal and autoimmune conditions. Fortunately, most of these conditions can be prevented and reversed with simple dietary and lifestyle changes. What's unfortunate is that these women are stuck using outdated health principles that cause them more harm than good. In today's podcast, I am sharing 3 common health practices that do more harm than good. This will be music to your ears - all three of these practices are in YOUR...
Published 03/10/20
I am relaunching THE HEALTH WIZARD podcast!  In the next few days I will share with you:  - The 3 common health practices that do more harm than good (you might be stuck using at least one of these now) - Achieving health even after you feel that everything you've tried already failed you, and there is no hope for the future; and - Health is ageless - becoming healthy regardless of your age, or how long you had suffered from your health condition... And much more!  Elena
Published 03/09/20
For 25 years Tammy suffered from hypothyroidism and high cholesterol. She tried... Diets. Supplements. Medication.  The symptoms were getting worse.  They were affecting her relationships. Her marriage was falling apart. And... Then she found 360° Impact Health. Two weeks later - 60% of her symptoms cleared up.  3 weeks - 72%! 12 weeks - 91% better!  And...  Her doctor reduced her meds by 40% after 25 years on them!  And best of all... Tammy saved her marriage and found herse
Published 09/17/19
Defying her prognosis of having to have a thyroidectomy after a 15-year battle with Grave's disease and a growing goiter, Kristi looked for a different option. Without it, she knew she would be doomed to a life with multiple symptoms and immediately developing hypothyroidism. She was scared. With a "Hail Mary" effort, Kristi implemented major changes to her and, within 4 months - her goiter shrunk by 50%!  Her thyroid numbers stabilized and her resting heart rate was in the safe zone.
Published 09/06/19
Ever felt like you do not have what it takes to complete even the MOST important tasks in your life?  Including your health.  Lacking motivation is one of the most cited reasons why people do not lose weight.  It's a precursor to them not feeling like eating a healthy diet which might help with weight loss, and for you - with rebalancing your hormones. Today, I want to share 7 ways you can get and stay motivated for any goal in your life - health, weight loss, finances, relationships, etc.
Published 08/23/19
When your health is not at its best, there is a fear of the future. How will it turn out to be? Can I make long-term plans? Or do I live in fears of things getting worse? What I share in this episode has helped thousands to get their dream lives, allowing them to live to the fullest, while healing their bodies and relationships. For more information on what we do, go to www.360impacthealth.com.
Published 07/31/19