Broadcasting live from the Baby Watch pit, Cassie, Katelynn, and Books are here to report on all the action and drama, all live! Throw your knife and husband in the baby pit and join in as we learn during fetus fact time, find the perfect baby name, get paid to watch superhero tv shows, introduce coworkers to the unstable laugh, bond over toilet seat flip phones, blame Nokia for anxiety, introduce a new piss baby to the pod, have a heart-to-heart with Trucker, teach the valuable lesson of...
Published 07/18/22
Published 07/18/22
Our mission was simple. To make a better life for hamsters. Our takeaway... less simple. It's now time to grab your shoeboxes and join the party as we share some favorite words, break down Katelynn's interest, have a hamster breakdown, rule out the meat skin boys, determine the level of fragility, chose the path of destruction, get betrayed by the pockets, pony up for the feet, pass on the history in opera form, find our beacon in the dark times, open the kitchen to the horses, get stuck...
Published 07/11/22
In preparation of Book's maternity leave, this week's DM, Cassie, has rented out a science machine that will allow U20's to build the perfect replacement host! So put on your safety goggles and join the party as we launch off a half-pipe, die for the pod out of obligation, once again dunk on Books for her running, bring too much boy to the park, chase all the boys that came to the yard, sign our life away, plan for a future lawsuit, go to the video store to find our perfect match, take...
Published 06/27/22
Our DM is entering a new chapter of life that she feels wholly unprepared for and instead of turning to self-help books written by experts, she has reached out to her two idiot friends for advice! So grab a parenting book and immediatly throw it in the trash and join the party as we breathe intensly, crave that deliscous dog, get the baby good at drugs, pass on the sacred technique of the ear-destroying screech, make Katelynn our test baby, give the dog a matchstick, eat ass, pass on all...
Published 06/20/22
Next week may be for the daddies but this one is reserved for the zaddies! So grab your Zad hats and join the party as we hop in the zaddy mobile, pick our favorite definition, find our favorite 12, step correctly to the baby shower, put our game face on, recruit the kids, blame our genetics, turn to online shopping, support Mackenna's dark cravings, get allured by the multilevel marketing pitch, age out of the Cutco hustle, protect our Lego at all cost, fall in the middle of the street, get...
Published 06/13/22
Happy pride month to all our LGBTQIA fam out there! To celebrate we're helping out those who really need our support this month...the corporations. For this month and this month alone they must all be gay and that's really hard for them! So throw a rainbow on and join the party as we consult two straights, pile on the stock photos, go buy some happy feet, support the dads who support us, stealthily drop an episode, beg for a thumbs-up, rely on you to know if we actually posted, bring the nerd...
Published 06/06/22
We have lit the candle and laid the offering to our beloved Obi-Wan in hopes that this chaotic pod can bring balance to the force and restore Obi's hope. So grab your sabers and join the party as we fumble it right out the gate, determine who is the cult leader, get good by default, lean to the dark side, attempt to contain our chaotic Hon Solo energy, have Jabba aspirations, almost burn the house down, determine just what the baby craves, cross our fingers in hopes that Books will start...
Published 05/31/22
U20's has decided to try out the pirating life, but instead of stealing treasure out at sea, we have decided to steal from other podcasts! Will this be what finally makes the show good? Only one way to find out so grab your peg leg and join the party as we prove that we're here for a good time and definitely not a long time, push out the broccoli lover, blatantly plagiarize, bring the freshest of fails, get dunked on by a candle, involuntarily sign up to be Team Edward, deny the creepy totem,...
Published 05/23/22
We're celebrating all good things Summer by eliminating the worst thing about it which is obviously bugs! So grab your bug nets and join in on the adventure by listening to our hot emo-rock bug rap, *Tom DeLonge voice* hide from all the spiders in the toilet, make the boys sad boat boys, hear from Mrs. Oops I killed a plant again, bring the Twilight filter to our real life, rank plant deaths, prove Books to be a big ol stupid head, recognize only beefy thighs, use them bitties, load up our...
Published 05/16/22
Finals week is here and so are your extra learned experts! Grab your coffee and crack open your copy of the U20's survival guide for finals week as we give out all our secrets to success. Get ready to get obliterated by bird poo poo, glug glug to get out of a meeting, destroy desserts with eggs, be wheeled around like a European child king, unveil the fanciest fundraiser, treat-or-treat for $30,000, primal scream out your stress, find out which spiders zoom zoom zoom, declare chemical warfare...
Published 05/09/22
The dice has spoken and it's on strike this week. Today we leave the fate of each episode up to the.. pull out of hat? It feels all wrong but we have to win the heart of the dice back so we can hopefully roll again! Pack up your dice and learn how to Tokyo Drift and obliterate, end the semester on a hoarse note, "LOL" into a bad meeting, figure out if it's a sea bag or a muppet,  stumble upon a pile of poo, learn the origin of the Lucky bracelets, learn the consequences of playing the...
Published 05/02/22
We're back from our hiatus and are here to pay our penance! More specifically the DM is here to make it up to all of us and what better way than to give out literal prizes! So look under your seat and join the party as we do this one Oprah style, turn a kid into an accordion, travel back in time, scream for the fallen hot dog, pee it out fancy style, share our new legacy, get roasted at the hair salon, deny the proposal, throw in some real challenges, answer the age-old question of "is a...
Published 04/18/22
With the Bachelorette party out of the way, it's now time for the actual wedding. Unless... someone were to...steal the bride! Put your running shoes on and join the party as we call in the wedding experts, give our resume highlights, make it rain thumbtacks, leave the confetti out all year long, dropkick the craft project, prepare to take care of a Polly Pocket, fail at dressing up, drink a cup of dirt, cry over a rat poem, get a dramatic reading of our old college stories, call in the RAs...
Published 03/21/22
Ya girls are getting together to celebrate Katelynn's Bachelorette (podcast version) and you all know it's not going to go as planned! So grab your drinks and join the party as we set the stage for fear, enter a new type of Mud Run, set the new standard, follow the movie's footsteps, be bad moms, make our MASH predictions come true, set out literal poopourri, bring our plant friends out to lunch with us, admit our previous murders, burn the alter down, start a casual arson TikTok, give some...
Published 03/14/22
St. Patty's Day is coming up which means it's time to celebrate that little green guy! Unless a certain group of jealous vampires were to come and...do a diabolical murder. So sharpen your teeth and join the party as we throw a classic fang hang, do a March monster mash, pick our next creature to put a hit on, make a nasty nose mess, confirm that the boy needs to live in a bubble, get caught being a snack monster, helicopter the snacks, bring some new dog poo poo facts, spread the foot juice,...
Published 03/07/22
In an act of pure desperation, the DM is attempting to get the rest of the players to sabotage themselves and bet away all their points. You can place your bets and find out! SO grab your chips and join the party as we immediately get dragged upon introduction, blame it on the boulders, give the finger in a new direction, abandon the boys, try to bring our dogs to work, get shocked by our boss, bring a "burn it down" energy, chose violence, nail our Owen Wilson impression, get married in...
Published 02/28/22
It's time to judge a book by its cover and ultimately decide on which book is the best of 2021! Prepare your opinions and join the party as we deny coworkers cards and treats, make RiRi weep, baste up that foundation, get face slammed by a dog, show that we have grown through the songs of Ne-Yo, create monstrosities in Canva, cut oats with a knife, pinpoint the horse girl of the pod, find out who Tokyo Difted through school, meet The Dog that shaped Katelynn, discover which one of us doesn't...
Published 02/21/22
The DM is calling out all the cryptids and bringing them into the light which means it's time for us to slither and crawl on out to reveal ourselves! So grab your flashlights and join the party as we enter just a little sneaky but with a whole lotta creepy, bring that tiny arm energy, focus on the big ol bear body, let out a strong scream from the cheeks, get that birthday beef, accessorize the belly, find new ways to promote the pod, create a U20's wedding song, take that clip and spin it,...
Published 02/14/22
We're in baby prep mode for this episode of U20's as Books has allowed the other two fools of the pod to help name her real life, human baby. A task that is sure to be given the respect and thoughtfulness it deserves! So open up the baby gates and join the party as we find the perfect amount of trauma, learn about the art of naming a baby, develop the Nugget Emotion scale, give the ol Katelynn special, discover the power of a nickname, bring a spicy nug mood, get humbled in the group chat,...
Published 02/07/22
The DM tried to use this episode as a chance to get back at Katelynn for her past challenges and in the process may have just maybe bullied her?? Hold onto your lunch money and join the party as we bring an entrepreneurial spirit, get on top of the bus, cry over Taylor Lautner's return, get Little Cesar's Hot n Ready, make the kids cry, switch out our morning coffee for a morning ice cream, bribe the judges, take music way too seriously, focus on the background characters, get our magical...
Published 01/31/22
It’s time to lace up your Doc Martens, flat iron your bangs, and walk down the emo halls of the past as we prepare for When We Were Young. My fellow emo friends, join us as we get greased up for work meetings, find a wing while being a mother goose, die for a ball, learn about saucy Jake the fine boy, thank unpaid interns for our childhood, think about goblins with boobs, nearly poke out our eyes with jet black eyeliner, experience a good alarm, find out the best flakey surprise, draft the...
Published 01/24/22
We used our time off as a chance to reflect on ourselves and what we want to change in this New Year and ultimately, we decided that we aren't going to change! Instead of changing ourselves, we are going to change the world to work for us. We cannot guarantee that these changes will be for the ultimate good, but you know they are going to be good to us. So grab your journals and join the party as we enjoy being back together, switch from screech to foghorn, leave space for a slow clap, knock...
Published 01/17/22
You can't always get what you want on your birthday...unless...now hear us out on this...you steal what you want! So follow in Katelynn's footsteps and join the party as we demand a birthday celebration, place Cassie in all of our hearts, give the gift of silence, take over the transition, require chicken nuggets, be a brave blood girl, get shamed at the doctors, live with a Moth-Dog, find the superpower in the flaw, figure out what the superpower could be, give Katelynn the gift of fear,...
Published 12/27/21
Katelynn and Books have thrown the dice out the window and they are leaving them outside for this episode. So open up the crusty pages of the past and join the party as we: set the towel thief to strike, forget about your past, learn about the danger of pantsuits, have a Disneyland oopsie, bring friends together as an octopus, footloose a holiday party, get them cuddles, get money-saving tips for conventions, learn why Katelynn is nuts, become embarrassed by cheer, and never go back back to...
Published 12/20/21