Acute weight cuts (not to be confused with fat loss) are pretty fascinating. If done correctly, they can give an athlete a significant advantage. If done poorly, they can waste months of hard preparation by destroying your performance on competition day and, in some extreme cases, kill you. So make sure you do what STATE DEADLIFT RECORD HOLDER and accredited practising dietitian Aidan Muir says. Click me for show notes!
Published 07/05/23
While everyone’s out looking for the next golden bullet supplement, regular movement is standing in the corner trying to get your attention. It’s one of the most potent things you can do to improve your health and wellbeing, but it’s not always the easiest thing to implement. Work, weather, kids or the couch all seem to do a damn good job of getting in the way. BUT NO MORE. Listen to this, pick your favourite strategy or two, and you’ll get some regular movement back in your week in no...
Published 06/21/23
You might know Jess Coughlan from her Crossfit successes, but things are looking a little different lately. Join us as we chat about Jess’ progression from Crossfit to bodybuilding, how her training and nutrition had to adapt to this very different sport, and why there has been an increase in dog posts on her Instagram… Click me for show notes! 
Published 06/13/23
If you’ve spent more than 2 minutes on any social media app, you’ve probably scrolled through a lot of health and nutrition “information”. You may have also noticed that this “information” can be quite confusing and contradictory. That’s because a lot of it is complete garbage. But how do you sort the good stuff from the garbage? Enter: Dr. Jess Stokes-Parish. Her CRABS framework will show you how to critically assess a confusing piece of information and help you figure out what’s worth...
Published 05/23/23
I’ve seen over a thousand clients (#humblebrag) in my time as a dietitian. Although every individual is unique, these 5 mistakes are easily the most common things people are struggling with when we first chat.  So grab a beverage of choice and have a listen to see if any of these sound familiar! If they do, don’t panic, I know some people who can help… Click me for show notes! 
Published 05/08/23
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a very real, very frustrating condition that a number of people struggle with.  Unfortunately, due to this, the world of “gut health” has become a breeding ground for questionable supplements and funny-coloured powders. Thankfully, we’ve got Crystal Austin (aka the IBSFODMAP dietitian) to help us sort the good from the bad! Click me for show notes!
Published 04/26/23
While everyone’s looking for the next best diet, pill, powder or supplement to give them everlasting life, sleep and recovery are often criminally overlooked.   That’s why this week I’m chatting to Dr Dean J Miller! He doesn’t have any fancy supplements or diets to sell you, but he does have some tips that will dramatically improve your health, recovery and longevity so listen up.  Click me for show notes!
Published 04/17/23
“I’m in a calorie deficit but I’m not losing weight” is one of the most common phrases I hear, and I GET IT.  That’s super frustrating.  But I can help 🙂 Have a listen to this, and you’re sure to find a few points that resonate with you, that will help you troubleshoot exactly what’s going on! Click me for show notes!
Published 03/29/23
James Newbury has done some pretty epic things.  You probably know him thanks to his Crossfit days, but he’s also completed triathlons, marathons and powerlifting competitions, started multiple businesses and is also just bloody lovely. We sat down to have a chat about how he juggles training, business and life and how he fuels it all on a plant-based diet. Click me for show notes! 
Published 03/21/23
Please Dr Kyla to the podcast! She’s a paediatric dietitian with over a decade of experience helping families feed their kids.  In this episode, we cover how to talk about healthy and unhealthy foods, whether your kids need vitamin gummies, how to get them to eat their veggies and much more! Click me for show notes!
Published 03/09/23
One of the major “gut health” concerns I deal with is bloating, and for good reason.  Bloating sucks. Regardless of the frequency or severity, it’s something no one wants to deal with. And while yes, food intolerances or sensitivities can definitely play a part, I feel there are a number of factors that are criminally overlooked.  If you’re wanting to reduce your bloating but you don’t want to cut out a bunch of foods, this is the episode for you.  Click me for show notes!
Published 03/02/23
In this episode of the Bite Me nutrition podcast, I want to share with you the first steps I would guide a client through if they come to me suffering from reflux.  I’ve seen lots of clients find relief by simply changing one or two of the things I am about to mention, so hopefully, you can implement some of these tips and find relief too! Click me for show notes!
Published 02/26/23
When should you eat breakfast? What should you eat for breakfast? Should you even EAT breakfast? I get lots of questions about breakfast. LOTS. So, dear listener, I decided to cover all of them in this episode so you wouldn’t have to wonder any more! Click me for show notes!
Published 02/16/23
Welcome to the most click-baity podcast I’ve posted to date.  I’m not sorry. I actually really do think it’s that important. If you are able to build this skill, nothing can stop you! Click me for show notes!
Published 11/13/22
For some people, eating enough is just as hard as not eating too much.  Unfortunately, it’s something that doesn’t get talked about nearly enough, so in this episode I’m going to try and help. Hard gainers / chronic under fuellers / no appetiters unite! Click me for show notes!
Published 11/06/22
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the WORLD, and higher levels of cholesterol can increase our risk of cardiovascular disease so… let’s learn how we can lower our cholesterol! Fortunately, with a few simple swaps, we can pretty significantly impact your cholesterol levels.  Let’s begin. Click me for show notes!
Published 10/30/22
Today we’re talking all things protein powder because I get it. Supplement stores are terrifying.  Even I’m terrified of them and I know a thing or two about nutrition.  They’re probably not the most… impartial sources of information either.  This podcast is designed to remove the overwhelm from the world of protein shakes. You’ll leave knowing whether you need one and, if you do, what you to look for. Bottom’s up! Click me for show notes!
Published 10/14/22
If you’ve ever uttered the words “my diet starts Monday”... this might just be the episode for you.  This is a common topic of conversation with new clients, so I thought I’d throw it up in episode format to help anyone else who might be struggling with their nutrition over the weekend! Click me for show notes!
Published 10/06/22
“I’ve never met anyone who is lactose intolerant who is serious about their lactose intolerance”. WHY can’t some of us tolerate it? What’s actually going on, and are there things we can change in our diet that might impact our tolerance? Potentially. But you’ll just need to listen to find out! Click me for show notes! 
Published 09/30/22
Let’s talk FODMAPs! It’s fun to say, but what are they? Where are they found? Do you need to worry about them? Should I try the low FODMAP diet? Stop asking questions and listen to the episode. It will (probably) contain all the answers you seek.  Click me for show notes!
Published 09/25/22
If you’re a human being who lifts weights, or a human being interested in health, this is everything you’ll ever need to know about creatine.  Is that a big claim? Yes. But the only way you’ll be able to prove me wrong is by listening… Click me for show notes! 
Published 09/01/22
Is swole the goal and size the prize? Are you competing for the hyper-trophy? Did neither of those jokes make sense to you because you’re not a sad gym nerd like me, but you still want to know the best approach to building muscle? Then listen up friend, this episode is for you.  Click me for show notes! 
Published 08/19/22
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in our body, and your gut cell’s favourite source of energy.   But does that mean you need to supplement it to optimise your gut health? And what about body composition? And endurance training? And getting stabbed? This episode will answer all of these questions, so you can decide where your hard earned cash should go.  Click me for show notes! 
Published 08/11/22
If you’re struggling with fatigue, it’s likely someone’s thrown the phrase “adrenal fatigue” at you. You’re probably not alone. Our current lifestyle doesn’t exactly promote balance, recovery or sleep.  But can this chronic stress cause your adrenal glands to fatigue?  Click me for show notes! 
Published 07/22/22
If you’ve ever stepped foot in a supplement store or a gym, I can probably safely assume that someone’s tried to sell you a BCAA supplement.  But why? Why are they everywhere? Do you need it? What does the acronym even STAND for? I’ll explain the acronym, their function, where to find them, and how to use them. In less than 15 minutes. You’re welcome.  Click me for show notes!
Published 04/14/22