Published 07/19/21
Really you could just listen to this little voice message because it's only about 30 seconds long buuuuut in case you'd rather read this description LIKE A NERD then please know that Munro is summering so hard so fast and so deep right now and is unable to come to the phone. Blame him. But while you're blaming him, go outside and get some goddamn sunshine you pasty little boy and/or girl.
Published 07/19/21
Today Munro is back and boy oh boy does he catch a hot one (and deservedly so). No such thing as warm welcomes on this podcast! But don't worry about it because Gucci gets some hate too towards the end. Ragnar doesn't because he's lovely. More to the point, though, on this reunion episode we discuss being pantsdrunk, the hatred for crying, shallow water blackout, horrible dolphin social facts, the podcast's primary dad, breathing through the anus, tacos, what it means to take a baby up a...
Published 07/12/21
What's better than a three man podcast? A two man podcast! Because Munro officially doesn't exist. He never existed. To celebrate this, we discuss Chihuahua seeds, colour health theory, the origin of all life, our biggest fears, rogue planets, superfoods, Ethiopians in Flúðir, and the primordial soup. We also come up with restaurant ideas, we mull over how everyone could die at once, and we even invent a new temperature scale. Oh, the things we can accomplish without the fictional character...
Published 07/05/21
Munro still doesn't love you, dear listener. But brighten up, because we brought your favourite daddy to take the pain away! This time we discuss baby moons, memory bag weight, repressed memories, oral testing, time-wasting, and all of the drug prescriptions. We have a huge debate on happiness vs. productivity, so buckle down, but then we get right back into normal things like Neanderthal orthodontics and sin. Enjoy!
Published 06/28/21
Today Munro hates us. But Jesus smiles upon us, for Gucci's cousin loves us! Not only does he love us, it turns out he also loves torture and pornography, and is very much in support of the police as an institution. In this Gospel of Jonas, we learn about the best way to heat water, various legal systems, casuistry, the similarities between politics and child-rearing, and the best and worst places to die. He also teaches us how to make big decisions, and which fears are worth conquering. The...
Published 06/21/21
Today we question things. We question our own assumptions, Romanian beliefs, the skills of Munro's unborn child, the value of originality, and whether having 22 children is ever good. We also discuss public shaming, shooting Mel, NFTs, stained shorts, Andrew Wakefield, wet- and dry-suits, and probably a bunch of other things. We serve that shit up, top it off with some milkskills, and call it a goddamn podcast for yo' ass.
Published 06/14/21
Today, Gucci is carbonated. He was shoved into the SodaStream machine and came out well and truly bubbly. That weirdo. We sure do try our darnedest to talk about the real stuff, though, and get through burning questions like who is the most handsome, which animated character is hottest, how to have a nice jawline, whether we want loyal or smart, and whether babies need to be safe. We go over some more dog stuff, as per, as well as ostrich toes, removed nails, and spacesuits. Then there are...
Published 06/06/21
Today we are immediately outed as idiots and are taught how time functions. We thus realize how this whole birthday thing works and why this is, in fact, the real birthday episode! To mark this momentous occasion we discuss all sorts of things, including the invention of zero, the Seinfeld-isn't-funny theory, the real cost of items, the ultimate base system, Bruce Lee, and soup. We debate what makes something a fluid, whether you can ever be a good person, and whether you can return beer. We...
Published 05/31/21
Today we celebrate ONE WHOLE YEAR OF PODCASTING!!!  .....except kinda not. We maybe realized halfway through that it isn't our birthday but whatever, stop hating and get on the party boat. To mark this most wonderful occasion we sing, we discuss the happy birthday song's copyright, we figure out who is the most famous of them all, Gucci muses on sex, and we knock commune-living. We also go sort of hard, talking about death and happiness, how technology affects population sizes, the value of...
Published 05/24/21
Hello lovelies. Today's episode is... combative. All about dem battles. Good vs. bad, israel vs. Palestine, overrated vs. underrated, hype vs. quality, Avatar vs. Knocked Up, and dog owners vs. cat owners. We do branch out beyond conflict, though, and talk about chicken nuggets, Drake, the corpse threshold, the Ganges, skid-marks at the mall, and jet-packs. Guðjón once again shows how committed he is to this podcast by sorting out his dinner on the air, and Munro tells us all about his highly...
Published 05/17/21
Heyoooo, we're back and better than ever! On today's triumphant return, we discuss Gucci's birthday and how Munro and Ragnar are terrible friends, living in a cave, sleeping habits, sunscreen, celebrity deaths, and the socio-cultural impact of Flubber. We acknowledge a number of important days that include Earth Overshoot Day and No Trouser Day before we literally solve every problem that society has ever had (Ragnar for president!). We then finally finish the email from Ragnar's dad, and...
Published 05/10/21
Hi babies! We're dumb, stupid, and dumb... so we didn't manage to record an episode for this week. Instead, you're going to get the little taste of exquisite nerddom that is the introductory episode of the latest and greatest in podcasting technology: Dungeons and Demons Inc! Get to know the colorful cast of characters played by Ragnar and his various homiez, as well as some devilish deetz about the adventure that Óli has in store for them! The podcast is slated for release in the near future...
Published 05/03/21
Hi friends! Buckle up because it's a good one. Today we sort of pick up where left off, after some chat about Munro's love for his job, polygamy, and the Maasai. After a quick visit to the world of unintuitively named places, we remember what's important and get back to the list! The second half(ish) is no worse than the first, and we discuss reading, writing, Munro's shocking language retention skills, repressed memories, multiple personality disorder, one-and three-year mortality rates,...
Published 04/26/21
Today's episode is great. Really great. We get our best email to date and you boys and girls are in for a treat and a half. But what do we discuss, you ask? We discuss leather, the most famous video, Munro's "beeper", toddler skulls, Poseidon's Kiss, Santa Claus, Alcantara, lying, how to optimally pick your nose, when to stop wiping your child, and Munro's pregnancy project. Munro wants you to believe that the skill is incredible, but that is for you to decide. Stay tuned for part two!
Published 04/19/21
Hi boys and girls. Today marks the return of Munro, and oh how we've missed him. To celebrate we discuss accents, building babies out of sticky toffee pudding, the ultimate fast, the emu wars, meme websites, slap cooking and shake cooking, egg facts, shirts, English spelling and grammar..... and of course pooping. We also share Subway horror stories, and expose Mel's brief but impactful affair with Mick Jagger. Oh, and Munro shows us how incredibly, unbelievably, ridiculously, shamefully bad...
Published 04/12/21
Today, dear listeners, Munro doesn't care about you. We're terribly sorry. Please direct all hate-mail to him either at his home or (preferably) his place of work. Unperturbed as always, though, we simply whip out the ol' bench-warmer for a starting position. With him firmly on the mic, we discuss a boatload of topics including serial killers' parents, teaching primates to tie shoes, humans' crucial feature, the point of sex, a persistent drug myth, being wrong, The Bachelorette, talented...
Published 04/05/21
Today we woke Munro up and he responded by immediately saying horrible things about his future wife. Sorry Mel. This angry man then decided to give parenting tips, enlighten us on bread laws, endorse ketchup sandwiches (???), and refuse to buy a quality eye mask. Quality eye mask, you say? Why yes, we have a future sponsor that sells wonderful ones for only $30. We also discuss laser cooling, folding paper, the cost of the first microwave, the ultimate peak, castration, Ragnar's clothes, and...
Published 03/29/21
Today begins with a special message from Gucci himself, the silly sausage. This episode is a doozy, though, and we're at something like our finest. We discuss dog buttons, functional birthdays, ways to mess with your baby, TV shows enjoyed by Irish people, actively vs. passively giving birth, whether gifts are good, serving blood cupcakes, and the age-appropriateness of sauces. We get an awful voicemail and we also design our signature pizza so DOMINO'S PLEASE SPONSOR US ALREADY!
Published 03/22/21
Today we break new ground! We finally get our hands on an elusive type of guest, one of the female persuasion! Very exciting stuff. We then proceed to converse with this guest named Drew, but Munro is not super good at it and can't always take part. We discuss international women's day, last names, pencil scales, American employment, banana bread, Gucci's future dog, sleep times, and death from molasses. Ragnar presents the single greatest idea anyone has ever had but somehow it goes fully...
Published 03/15/21
Today's beautiful episode is all about love and its various faces or something. Kind of. Before reaching that little slice of Xanadu, however, we briefly discuss eruptions, facebook anti-abortion ads, snakebites, and drinking mercury. Once things heat up we dive into pregnancy, ugly babies, robo love, reclusive anime love, following children in supermarkets, bodily fluids on dry floors, and Munro's newly discovered and fully theoretical parenting wisdom. There is a very long debate in there,...
Published 03/08/21
Today marks a weird kind of first sponsorship for the podcast, although most of us won't really be affected by it. We don't let that get us down, though, and we talk about various listener submitted topics like what not to put in your mouth (especially if your partner has ebola) and Irish news, as well as some Calling Munro originals like quinoa facts, emojis and gifs, pandemics and the devil, supervillains and terrorists, the difference between aubergines and courgettes, and the true...
Published 03/01/21
Today we kick it off by discussing consent. Is it all that matters? Let's find out. We also touch on slightly less inflammatory topics, like the DnD alignment of MAGA, Liberace, Mandingo fighting, binge watching tv shows, how nothing is cool, and how to be smart if you want to kill your slaves. Munro has a HUGE announcement which may or may not be related to his hatred of the conversational topic of baby names, but his skill is terrible at worst and poorly suited for a podcast at best. Also,...
Published 02/22/21
Today we go craaaaaaaazy and start the whole thing with a voicemail AND the skill of the week! Madness. We continue with talk of breastfeeding, breastwashing, friendship litmus tests, manufactured debates, nuance, and the fact that everyone, everywhere, has always been and always will be a c**t. We regurgitate koala facts, lament the end of tv shows, praise smart crows, and bash a*****e seagulls. We give an expert opinion on drug overdoses and optimal drug consumption habits, and realize...
Published 02/15/21
In today's episode, Gucci kicks us off with some sage advice before we dive into riveting tales of food and rectally examining a deaf person live and on the air. We get some listener feedback (about how Ragnar is correct) before debating the ethics of killing your patients angel of death style, and and we discuss eating Brad Pitt (for the millionth time), idiotic risk taking, touching the Mona Lisa, SAD lamp fascism, and many other weird and wonderful things. Ragnar and Munro once again...
Published 02/08/21