Almost every habit that you have — good or bad — is the result of many small decisions over time. And if this is true, if the problems you’re facing now are the result of thousands of small decisions made over the course of years. How can you easily break the old/bad habits and build new/good ones? This is Part 2 in a series, "Switch Things Up!"
Published 05/15/21
When you make it a goal to try something new, you may not realize why you’re setting out to do something new in the first place. There is a slew of benefits that come along from incorporating “new” into your life; New series: “Switch Things Up!”
Published 05/08/21
When you are in the grasp of strong, negative emotions, it may seem difficult to build any resilience to life's less pleasurable experiences It is possible, though, and that's a thought you should bear in mind if you're experiencing an excessive amount of negative thoughts or you're very pessimistic. How come some people give up and cry into a bottle of something while others just pick themselves up, dust themselves off and carry on as if nothing happened?
Published 05/01/21
In part 1, we learned "Why Knowing Your Life’s Purpose is Important and the importance of Finding a Passion That Makes You Happy". In Part 2, I listed some "Easy Steps for Finding Your Passion". This time, we’ll talk about the importance of tenacity and perseverance in living out your Life’s Purpose. Because when you do live out your Life’s Purpose, your self-esteem and self-worth grow...and those feelings of self-worth are an important part of being happy and fulfilled in life.
Published 05/01/21
Are you trying to find your passion in your life? If so, you are not alone, many people are attempting to do this every day. So why is it so difficult to recognize what your true passion is?
Published 05/01/21
You might feel that holding down a job, getting ahead, and taking care of your family is enough, without worrying about your life’s purpose. But taking the time to work out your calling in life is not a luxury or escapism, it is important for helping you live a more meaningful and successful life.
Published 04/09/21
Wellness innovator, Joanne Neweduk, truly walks the talk. Joanne is committed to making a positive difference in changing societal attitudes on aging and is the owner and creative director for Fabulous Health and Fabulous at 50.
Published 03/22/21
Do you consider yourself 'creative'? Guess what...YOU ARE! But do you know how to unlock that 'lost' skill? Izolda Trakhtenberg is a former NASA master trainer who now helps clients reach new heights and achieve excellence through her *AIM High* framework. This is a fascinating discussion on how to unlock your creativity and innovation through proven techniques and habits.
Published 03/15/21
From a near death accident as a child to a multiple Best Selling author and award winning speaker, Kelly Falardeau joins me to discuss her fantastic story of perseverance and hope! As a burn survivor, she's overcome all the name calling and mean-spirited comments to become a successful entrepreneur and an inspiration to all. Join us on Coffee with Colleen!
Published 03/08/21
Best-selling author and award winning entrepreneur Rosie Aiello joins Colleen to discuss her harrowing escape and recovery from an abusive marriage - in a foreign culture. Rosie's story is one of bravery and rebirth and overcoming the PTSD of a toxic, abusive relationship. Join us on Coffee with Colleen for Thriving After Abuse with Rosie Aiello.
Published 03/01/21
How can you take your skills as a Stay at Home Mother and repurpose them to become a leader at work to make a difference? How can you step up as a leader with confidence? Leadership Coach Rochelle Marie gives practical tips to reclaim your confidence, become more visible in the 'right' ways, overcome the biggest thing in the way of women getting leadership roles, and how to break through to that leadership level.
Published 02/22/21
Transformational Coach Dagmar Bryant details how we can feel empowered in the direction our life is heading, how we can achieve our goals faster, and how to improve our mindset (which impacts our overall lifestyle).
Published 02/15/21
Brenda Lorena Garcia is a Latina-American Professional Stuntwoman, Actress, Public Speaker, and former award-winning Multi-Media Journalist. As a devoted Catholic, Brenda shares stories of her life and how she keeps her Faith in Hollywood. Brenda is a busy and hardworking woman and has appeared in Ant-Man and the Wasp, Bird Box, Avatar 2, Transformers, Hawaii Five-O, Yellowstone, Penny Dreadful: City of Angels, 911: Lone Star, and This Is Us... just to name a few. Café Club Members receive...
Published 02/10/21
Have you ever, in your life, run across somebody that was obnoxious or rude? Do you think it’s gotten worse or better since quarantine? I don't know about you, but it seems to me that people don't even attempt to be nice anymore. Do they feel they have anonymity behind a mask? So how do you deal with rude, obnoxious people? In this episode, I share 5 tips for dealing with rude, toxic, and/or obnoxious people.
Published 02/08/21
It should come as no surprise that the habits we form will determine our success or failure. After all, habits already dictate a lot about our lives. If we, for example, eat large amounts of food regularly and don’t exercise, we can expect to have physical consequences for our actions. That’s why it’s so important to form good habits so that we can reach our fullest potential. What’s even more interesting is the fact that these same good habits can help us to stay motivated when it comes to...
Published 02/03/21
One of the secrets of success for those who are highly successful in life and business is a morning routine. It doesn’t need to be complex and it certainly doesn’t have to be time-consuming to create or follow. In the beginning, it will require a commitment from you to planning it and then to practicing it daily until it becomes a habit that happens without you having to consciously work on it. On this *Coffee with Colleen*, I shared seven elements that successful people implement into their...
Published 02/01/21
Bad habits make you depressed, slow you down, reduce your performance, AND make you less creative. Scientists have determined that there are nine habits that you do that are crushing your productivity. On this *Coffee with Colleen*, we'll discuss how to get rid of these 9 habits and make your productivity skyrocket.
Published 01/27/21
A good place to start self-compassion is by thinking about how you would treat others. So while we can’t always take away others’ pain, we can validate its existence and provide support to help them get through it and grow. On this Coffee With Colleen we'll talk about how to do that for ourselves!
Published 01/25/21
Have you ever had a disagreement with someone and it didn't end well? Then you need to continue working with them—or they're a member of your family? (Hello, Holidays!) On this *Coffee with Colleen*, I'll share 5 tips to successfully manage conflict and walk away happy!🥰
Published 01/20/21
When trying to make your dreams and goals come true, you can lose your motivation. But we can all make our dreams come true! No dream is impossible! But first, you must have the courage to believe in it and fight for it. There are ten simple steps!
Published 01/18/21
Being organized *should* be a way of life and second nature. (That means it's a habit rather than a chore.) Of course, it takes time and effort to create the habit in the first place but once you've achieved it you want to stay that way. On this *Coffee with Colleen*, I'll share nine tips that will help you to stay organized every day with very little effort or fuss.
Published 01/13/21
Many high achievers share a dirty little secret: Deep down they feel like complete frauds and that their accomplishments are the result of pure luck! This psychological phenomenon, known as Imposter Syndrome — is a belief that you’re an inadequate and incompetent failure despite evidence that indicates you’re skilled and quite successful. And 70% of people experience Imposter Syndrome at some point in their careers! On this episode of Coffee with Colleen I'll discuss how to overcome...
Published 01/12/21
Confidence is the most important personality trait you can develop in order to better deal with life’s transitions—both personal and professional. On this *Coffee with Colleen*, I'll share 5 tips for looking confident—even when you're just not feelin' it...🥰
Published 01/11/21
If your home looks/feels cluttered, look at your mindset and your habits! On this *Coffee with Colleen*, I shared five tips that will help you make decluttering a fun (and even easy!) life habit.🥰
Published 01/07/21
This has been an 'interesting' year, hasn't it? How can we turn a bad situation around? On this *Coffee with Colleen*, I'll share 5 Ways Gratitude Can Turn Your Bad Situation Around!
Published 01/06/21