There is one important task that will allow your mind to stay clear, plus it will fuel positivity and increase your mental health. For those reasons, this one activity should be at the top of your Self-Compassion to-do list, if not each day, then at least once a week. What is it? The simple act of decluttering. Decluttering can instantly reduce your stress and stimulate your brain to promote high productivity. In this episode of Coffee with Colleen, I’ll share the three scientifically...
Published 09/19/22
Published 09/19/22
Setting the right goals is always the first step to starting anything new—including a self-care plan. Goals give you clarity and allow you to accomplish things easily and directly. Without proper goals, you will stay on the same path. As Albert Einstein famously said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Sadly, many people dream, but never set short-term or long-term goals in order to fulfill those dreams. When it comes to self-care, five...
Published 09/12/22
Are you guilty of *not* making Self-Compassion a priority? Make today the day you START making it a top priority! In today's episode, I share four ways that you can make self-compassion a priority in your life. But first, think about the last time you let someone else (or work demands) take control of your day. Remember: If you don't put self-compassion first, you won't tell loved ones (or work demands) 'no' when it is most important.
Published 06/20/22
What is your idea of success? Have you included Self-Compassion in your plan? If not, how do you plan to go about it now? While success has a variable meaning depending on who you ask, it doesn't discount that Self-Care is required to get there. Through Self-Compassion, you discover yourself and build your strengths and power through resilience to lead a more successful life. In addition, it gives you the tools to be mentally and physically healthy and more in all areas of life.
Published 05/31/22
Implementing a proper Self-Compassion plan means it should be crafted specifically for you and your short-term and long-term goals. It requires understanding who you are and what you want from life and taking consistent daily action with mindfulness, momentum, and determination.
Published 05/16/22
Adding Self-Compassion to your daily routine is far easier than you think. In fact, if Self-Compassion feels like a daunting chore, then you may be doing something a little wrong. Remember that picking the right goals for yourself is important. What works for someone else might not work for you. Authenticity is key—especially if you are trying to add new habits to your life. IN this episode of Coffee with Colleen, I’ll share 5 activities that successful people have as part of their self-care...
Published 04/25/22
Many things in life take motivation to get going, and Self-Compassion is no exception—especially if it involves stepping out of your comfort zone. Getting 'uncomfortable' is a great way to learn and discover your strengths and things you love the most about yourself and life. However, you don't need to worry; we have the motivation tips for you in today's podcast!
Published 04/20/22
It’s time to get a notebook out so you can write down these important questions, evaluate them, and answer them fully. Journaling or self-assessments are essential to creating the right Self-Compassion routine. If you don't take the time to evaluate certain important areas of your life, how do you know you are truly happy and doing what you need?
Published 04/12/22
Self-Compassion is about establishing a well-rounded routine that hits each category of your life—like the seven types of Self-Compassion we discussed in Episode 44. You shouldn't skip over Self-Care even when you're at work! In today's episode, I share five tips to adding Self-Compassion to your workday—and WHY it’s essential to a happier life!
Published 04/04/22
Self-Compassion is far from selfish. But, do you sometimes feel like it is? All areas of your life rely on you to establish the right Self-Compassion habits to work together and lead an organized and successful life. Listen to Episode 44 if you missed out on what the seven areas of life are that need to be balanced. If you still struggle with feeling a little selfish, then today's episode is for you. On today’s Coffee with Colleen, we’ll deep dive into the main differences that should...
Published 03/28/22
Last time I shared the seven types of self-compassion, and I think you saw yourself that Self-Compassion is far more important than many around the world realize. Self-Compassion can easily be seen as selfish and greedy and Unfortunately, it is often pushed to the side for careers or the needs of loved ones—things that are seen as socially acceptable. However, those who have established the right self-compassionate routine have realized this is far from the truth. Do you know the four core...
Published 03/21/22
Self-Compassion is such a small term for all the information it really details. Do you know the seven categories of Self-Compassion? These categories focus on different areas of your life. Creating a balance between all seven types of Self-Compassion is essential to a happier and more fulfilling life. While taking care of your health or appearance are commonly thought of when thinking of self-care or Self-Compassion, those are just the tip of the iceberg to what you should be focusing on.
Published 03/14/22
Do you ever feel like you can’t escape your mind? Maybe it’s always spinning out of control, or perhaps you have a lot of thoughts. Let's talk about calming that chaotic mind. This is Part 5 of a 5 part series of How to Build Yourself Up. —In Part 1 I shared five ways to develop positive thinking. —In Part 2 I talked about affirmations. —In Part 3 I discussed self-worth. —In Part 4 I defined the 3 "W's" of reaching any goal.
Published 11/30/21
You have a goal in mind, but that’s all you have. Creating, working towards, and reaching goals is not easy. The journey is often different for everyone. This is Part 4 of a 5 part series of How to Build Yourself Up. —In Part 1 I shared five ways to develop positive thinking. —In Part 2 I talked about affirmations. —In Part 3 I discussed self-worth. Today we’ll define how to reach any goal. There are three parts of achieving every goal that is always the same. Defining the 3 W’s of your...
Published 11/01/21
Are you not having a good day? We all falter sometimes. All it takes is a little unasked-for criticism or someone just treating us harshly to trigger us into a spiral of negative self-talk and anxiety about not being liked. When you need to remind yourself of your worth fast, it's good to have some ideas in mind. Try these quick tips for getting yourself back on track even when life seems out of control. Cappuccino Cafe Club members, inside your Membership area is a bonus episode: *The 3...
Published 10/25/21
Many people use affirmations for personal development and to help them meet their life goals. But did you know you can use affirmations to build resilience and combat stress? If you don't like the word "affirmations", you can also call it Self-Talk. Either way, Affirmations/Self-Talk will help you deal better with current stress, and over time, prevent future anxiety. Whether it's one-off stress like having to give a presentation or an ongoing stressful issue, you can create the right...
Published 10/18/21
Not feeling well? Kind of blah and wishing you had something better to say about the day than a mumbled ‘fine’ when someone asks you how you are? The solution might be simpler than you think. Our attitudes really are everything. When we’re not feeling great about our lives or how the day is going, everything can seem to go wrong. The problem is, life isn’t a steady thing. You might have one really good day followed by another equally bad. With so many things outside of your control from the...
Published 10/11/21
Flipping your switch can seem like a massive undertaking. One that there are a million different ways to achieve if all the articles on the internet have anything to say about it. However, flipping your switch is a personal undertaking, one that may have similar milestones for everyone, but really can and should be curtailed to a person’s needs in order to be successful. This is Part 9—the final episode in my 9 part series on how to switch things up in your life!
Published 07/20/21
If you’re facing a new phase in your life, you might be feeling a bit nervous. Will it work out? Was this the right decision? This is Part 8 in my new series: “Switch Things Up!”
Published 07/03/21
If you are experiencing low energy, or are not in good spirits, you may want to consider altering your mindset. When you are down, it can be due to negative thoughts. You start to dwell on everything that is going wrong. You reflect that you aren’t where you thought you would be and it gives you a sinking feeling. To turn this around, you first have to realize that it’s happening. No one likes to admit to doing something wrong, but negative thinking is wrong if you are engaging in it. This...
Published 06/16/21
When you feel bored, you are robbed of hopefulness and excitement. Boredom forces the mind to slip into a state of complacency and, in a way, weakness. Letting boredom interfere with your happiness is optional – so don’t let it happen! Instead, try these 6 ways to fill your life with fun, exciting things to try. This is Part 6 in my new series: “Switch Things Up!”
Published 06/10/21
Are you having trouble at work? Or perhaps you're going through a divorce? Does it feel like your life is falling apart? Don't despair! A positive attitude can go a long way toward creating happiness. And today I’ll be sharing some tips with you on how to stay positive even when things are tough. This is Part 5 in my new series: “Switch Things Up!” In Part 1 we talked about the 7 Significant Benefits to Trying New Things. In Part 2 we discussed How to break and build habits. In Part 3, the...
Published 06/02/21
If you feel like life has become predictable, unfulfilling, and boring, maybe it’s time for a fresh start. Deciding to make a change doesn’t mean you have to turn your life upside down, but it is an opportunity to stand back and revise your current way of life. This is Part 4 in my new series: “Switch Things Up!” and I’ll share how to get out of a rut and start fresh. In Part 1 we talked about the 7 Significant Benefits to Trying New Things. In Part 2 we discussed How to Break and Build...
Published 05/27/21
Did you know that only eight percent of people reach their goals? That's right! The other 92 percent fail within weeks or months. According to researchers, what differentiates the two comes down to one simple thing: setting specific and challenging goals. This is Part 3 in the series, "Switch Things Up!"
Published 05/20/21