There are many people that don't know how to calculate the ROI of SEO. In particular, they don't understand a key principle of SEO's ROI: it gets better as time passes. Why? Because unlike paid channels where you need to spend more for every extra click you get, in SEO you start accumulating or stacking pages ranking at the top of Google search results, while your spend doesn't increase.  So as you do SEO for longer, you get more traffic and more leads for the same monthly cost, yielding you...
Published 02/17/23
In the past couple of months, we've had an increasing number of people ask us our thoughts on ChatGPT and how it will affect the world of content marketing and content writing. We've seen people take extremes: People saying they are going to use ChatGPT instead of hiring writers or content marketers going forward. Then the opposite, people saying ChatGPT has no value in writing or content marketing. In this podcast, we wanted to try to answer the question, "how can ChatGPT be used?" by...
Published 01/29/23
In the latest episode of Grow and Convert Deep Dives, we have an open discussion around a topic that we've been thinking about a lot lately: Should we reposition our business as a SEO agency instead of a content marketing one? We thought it would be interesting to everyone to lay out the arguments, challenges and opportunities that we see in repositioning our business before we go through with it. We're still unsure if we're going to do it, but we'd be curious to what everyone thinks after...
Published 11/11/22
In this episode of Grow and Convert Deep Dives, we discuss a philosophy we have about managing remote workers (or workers in general): How to manage by outcomes instead of outputs. Oftentimes in our work, we come across other companies that have goals that don't move the needle, don't motivate employees, and cause more harm than good. We think this approach does the opposite. We discuss how we think about goals, creating a great work culture, and how to effectively manage remote workers.
Published 11/03/22
In this episode of Grow and Convert Deep Dives, we share our mistakes that we've made when hiring writers and how we've developed a process to solve it. We go into detail on our process and share things that we've implemented to help us screen writers, test them and train them. We hope you enjoy.
Published 10/25/22
In Episode 4 of Grow and Convert Deep Dives, we argue against the prevailing wisdom that landing pages convert better than blog posts. We share conversion rate data from two different clients of ours - both a mid-market/enterprise demo based SaaS company and a B2SMB self service SaaS company- and show how we're getting 2%+ average conversion rates on our blog posts and compare those stats to how their sites convert overall from organic. Then we share data on what we've seen for average blog...
Published 10/25/22
In Episode 3 of Grow and Convert Deep Dives, we took a question from Elliott Davidson, where he asked us: "What are your go to posts you know straight out of the gate will help you start lead generation for a new client engagement? Even better if they have no domain rating (DR) for the purposes of this conversation. i.e. founder story backed in with pain points etc." and answered it using 3 different company examples. In this episode we explained how we would think about forming a blog...
Published 10/25/22
In Episode 2 of Grow and Convert Deep Dives, Devesh and Benji discuss why they don't believe a media company content strategy makes sense for most businesses. They argue that this strategy makes sense only for certain types of businesses and that there are things you should prioritize doing prior to adopting a strategy like this. They share examples of "media company" content businesses, explain why the strategy is flawed, and share ideas on what you should do instead.
Published 10/25/22
In the first episode of Grow and Convert Marketing Deep Dives, our new series, where we go in-depth on marketing and business topics, we discuss: - The backstory behind Pain Point SEO - What Pain Point SEO is (and is not) - Both B2C and B2B examples of how we've applied it to clients or other companies - Common Objections that we hear about our process (and our answers to them) - And how we'd get started Sorry about the audio quality in our first episode! It gets better starting at the...
Published 10/25/22