325. How Her Weight Loss Supplements Helped Her Bust Through A Weight Loss Plateau // Client Interview
She could not lose weight for moooonths despite feeling better and having more energy. She could see and feel the healing changes take place, but my client, Lauren, was becoming increasingly frustrated at the stubborn scale--"Why can't I lose weight?!"Backing up her story, a bit, breastfeeding weight loss was no problem. But after weaning, her hormones went haywire and she gained back more weight than she desired.We used her lab results to create a targeted supplement plan and BOOM. The missing piece of the puzzle was found. It wasn't a one-size-fits-all nonprescription weight loss pill, by any means, but rather VERY targeted nutrients that supported her underlying hormonal imbalances. If you are in a weight loss plateau, Lauren's story is NOT one to miss!And even moreso, you don't want to sleep on your chance to join my 6-month group coaching program, the Weight Loss Blueprint. This is where you will balance your hormones to regain control of your body and lose weight in the process! I guarantee to uncover what has your weight stuck. Run, don't walk, to learn more about my program here: https://rootedwellness.academy/blueprint-application
She had no idea her risk of breast cancer was so high.She presented with stuck weight, exhaustion, and lacking motivation to work out, but she uncovered a perfect storm leading her down a path toward breast cancer. Today I'll walk you through her functional labs! Because of the protocol she...
Published 11/27/24
You've suspected something was wrong. You have huge mood swings. It's probably related to your cycle, but what the heck are you supposed to do about that? Maybe if you just ate better....but you're eating ok. More strength? Cortisol. It's likely cortisol. Sound familiar?! I've got the PERFECT...
Published 11/21/24