How can you achieve more with the capabilities you already have? Learn how to balance high performance and well-being with practical advice for tapping into three sources of inner power: potential, mindset, and physiology.    Jim Steel is an award-winning author, strategist, and consultant who has spent the past two decades helping clients in the UK, Europe and Middle East reach their potential and improve their mental, physical, and emotional well-being. He is also author of new book...
Published 05/08/23
Dr. John Mullins, London Business School Professor and best-selling author, discusses how anyone – in organizations of all sizes – can put the counter conventional mindsets of entrepreneurs into practice to get ahead in their career development. For more than 20 years, John Mullins has delivered inspirational workshops and executive education programs to members of the world’s leading communities of entrepreneurs – the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), and...
Published 04/24/23
Learn how to differentiate between pressure and stress, discover the benefits of resilience-building in teams and organizations, and explore practical methods to increase adaptability and maintain focus in high-pressure situations. Lesley Cooper is the founder and CEO of WorkingWell Limited and the co-author of “Dangerous Waters – Strategies for Improving Wellbeing at Work”. She contributes to TV and radio programs in the UK on the subject of employee wellbeing, including Channel 4’s highly...
Published 04/10/23
Problem-solving is a crucial skill for so many jobs, so why aren’t we taught how to do it properly? This conversation dives deep into research-backed process and techniques that help businesspeople and their teams navigate and solve problem better and faster. Arnaud Chevallier is a co-author of Solvable: A Simple Solution to Complex Problems. He is also a Professor of Strategy and decision making at IMD where he prepares executives for the strategic challenges that organizations face in...
Published 03/27/23
Women, as well as high performers in general, are often targeted by workplace bullies as threats, and then driven off their career paths, out of their jobs or out of their companies. This episode explores how to combat bullies and what can be done to drive bullying behavior out of the workplace. Berta Aldrich, is an award-winning C-suite executive turned author, whose first book, Winning the Talent Shift: Three Steps to Unleashing the New High Performance Workplace, earned multiple top...
Published 03/13/23
How can you take your virtual presentation game to the next level? In this episode, Jack Milner, a communication coach who has trained best-selling professional speakers and Fortune 500 leaders, shares practical advice for giving great virtual presentations and workshops based on his book  Virtual Presentation Mastery: Tips from the coach to some of the world's best speakers. Connect with me:  If you have feedback or want to join in on the conversation, connect with me on LinkedIn or...
Published 02/27/23
Dr. Robert Lefkowitz shares anecdotes and wisdom from his extraordinary career. This episode delves into the power of storytelling and narratives, building a legacy based on mentorship, overcoming harsh criticism, and using personal values at work. Lefkowitz won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2012 for “for studies of G-protein-coupled receptors.” His memoir is titled “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Stockholm”. Today, more than half of all prescription drug sales are of drugs that...
Published 02/13/23
What’s the future of work looks like post-pandemic? And how can we create a compelling reason for employees to return to the physical office? This episode explores those questions while challenging traditional ideas and assumptions we have about the concept of workspace. Jeremy Myerson is a futurist and thought leader on work and the workplace. He is a founder of WORKTECH Academy the co-author of the book Unworking: The Reinvention of the Modern Office which offers a panoramic view of the...
Published 01/30/23
How can businesses create extraordinary experiences for customers, employees and learners? Through 20 years of neuroscience research, Dr. Paul Zak has discovered what it takes to create it. Find out what characteristics define extraordinary experiences, how immersion is being used by movie studios and business, and its application in creating effective learning and training.     Dr. Paul Zak is the founding Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies and Professor of Economics,...
Published 01/16/23
As they say, laughter is the best medicine, and it's also a powerful tool in the workplace. In this episode, Paul Boross, author of “Humourology: The Serious Business of Humour At Work” and a leading business consultant, comedian, and keynote speaker, discusses the role of humor in improving relationships, trust, team performance, and leadership effectiveness. Paul shares how humor can create a positive work environment and help teams navigate challenges and changes. Plus, he offers tips on...
Published 01/02/23
Experts agree that creativity as an essential future skill, but too few of us know how to sidestep common thinking traps to enhance creativity and unlock innovative potential. This conversation explores proven strategies and techniques that helped drive innovation at organizations such as Microsoft, Disney and NASA. Chris Griffiths is the founder and CEO of OpenGenius. He has helped thousands of people worldwide drive business growth using highly practical innovation processes, including...
Published 12/19/22
How do you keep teams happy, motivated and performing well – especially in tough times? Compassionate leadership is a key for unlocking high-performing teams even when facing most difficult environments. It requires that we first understand ourselves, then others’ needs, and finally act with positive intent to secure the best for all. This episode explores how we can practice compassionate leadership. Manley Hopkinson is an expert on this topic. Schooled in leadership from experiences as...
Published 12/05/22
The world is more polarized than ever which makes being able to persuade people to change their minds a skill we all need to develop. Listen to a world-renowned negotiator share techniques and tactics to help you successfully negotiate. Simon Horton has taught negotiation tactics to everyone from hostage negotiators to CEOs at the world’s most successful companies and solicitors at some of the most prestigious law firms. Simon is a lecturer at Imperial College London and regularly shares his...
Published 11/21/22
When corporate objectives feel disconnected from daily working realities, we can lose focus and motivation which contributes why so few organizations report achieving all their strategic goals. But it doesn’t need to be this way. This episode explores how combining tech-driven nudges and focused coaching form the basis of good individual habits that can lead to organizational-level success. Jeremy Campbell is the CEO of Black Isle Group and an executive coach and a leadership mentor...
Published 11/07/22
Ever think that the extreme success astronauts, Nobel laureates and Olympic champions is out of reach for so-called regular people? Think again. Research on the world’s most successful people reveals that extreme high achievement is accessible to anyone who wants it and is willing to put in the work. This episode explores the methodological approach that people aspiring to improve their performance can adopt to achieve success. Dr. Ruth Gotian is the Chief Learning Officer and Assistant...
Published 10/24/22
Is your current skillset compatible with the evolving, technology-led needs of the business world? We need to understand what skills are key to career success, how to teach them, and why technology like AI and the metaverse require us to be more adaptable than ever to change. Bernard Marr is a world-renowned futurist and thought leader in the fields of business and technology, with a passion for using technology for the good of humanity. With over 2 million social media followers, he was...
Published 10/10/22
To make real progress in equitable employee development, coaching needs to become a more inclusive space. This episode is an in-depth conversation about real-life examples and techniques for supporting minority-background clients with issues ranging from prejudice, identity crises and belonging in a majority-dominated workplace. Salma Shah is the CEO of coaching and leadership development platform Mastering Your Power and the author of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Coaching: A...
Published 09/26/22
Recognizing the importance of DEI is not a goal. It’s one point on the critical path to true workplace inclusion. Advocates are now focused on how to solve the tough, complicated challenges that get in the way of making that a reality. This episode is packed with practical advice from a globally recognized diversity, inclusion and leadership expert. Stephen Frost is the Founder and CEO of Included, and his background includes serving as the Head of Diversity and Inclusion for the London...
Published 09/12/22
Everyone who holds a position of leadership has five key Vantage Points from which they can build positive momentum and high performance. Building awareness through exploring each one helps leaders create clarity for people and room for teams to thrive. Paula Leach has spent over 25 years in executive HR roles, most notably as the Chief People Officer at the UK Home Office and in senior roles at Ford Motor Company. She is also the author of Vantage Point: How to Create Culture Where...
Published 08/29/22
Too often we are told what to do to develop good leadership. What if we used of our own thinking, feeling and being to help us know exactly what to do to contribute to the greatness of ourselves, our organizations and our planet? Zana Goic Petricevic is the author of Bold Reinvented: Next Level Leading with Courage, Consciousness And Conviction. She is also a Certified Professional Co-Active™ coach, Organization and Relationship Systems Certified coach, and Leadership Circle® certified...
Published 08/15/22
Problem-solving is a crucial skill for so many jobs, so why aren’t we taught how to do it properly? This conversation dives deep into research-backed process and techniques that help businesspeople and their teams navigate and solve problems better and faster. Arnaud Chevallier is a co-author of Solvable: A Simple Solution to Complex Problems. He is also a Professor of Strategy and decision making at IMD where he prepares executives for the strategic challenges that organizations face in...
Published 08/01/22
Change is driving digital transformation in organizations large and small, but how do change agents do it successfully? This episode explores the what, who and how of DX with two experts who have first-hand experience navigating this type of change successfully. Lyndsey Jones is a strategic consultant who was the former Executive Editor of the Financial Times and driving force behind the Financial Times’ digital transformation. Balvinder Singh Powar is an innovation professor at IE Business...
Published 07/25/22
Decades of declining empathy levels and skyrocketing levels of burnout and loneliness have left organizations disconnected, anxiety ridden and suffering in ways that contribute to low morale and high absenteeism. Too many of us have forgotten that human understanding is the core of all success. Whether we’re leading ourselves, others or organizations, cultivating the mindset and skill of empathy helps us all thrive. Mimi Nicklin is the internationally bestselling author of Softening the...
Published 07/18/22
How can you push your limits, take risks and explore your true potential? How can you develop the mindset, discipline and commitment needed for adventurous activities in life – both at work and beyond? This episode focuses on three key ingredients for making this a reality. Sue Stockdale knows about adventure. She is the UK’s first female to ski to the Magnetic North Pole, a TEDx speaker, executive coach and the author of several books, including Explore: A Life of Adventure. In it, and in...
Published 07/11/22
There’s a yawning rift between the United States’ purpose and the reality that 97% of us are unhealthy, 84% of us are stressed out, 78% of us are living paycheck to paycheck. And, life is a lot worse for women and BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities. Brandon Peele, author of Purpose Work Nation: Leading Organizations in Service of Our Nation's Powerful Purpose, talks about the talent development, DE&I, learning, corporate culture and wellness practices businesses can use to bridge the rift...
Published 07/04/22