Are you looking to naturally increase your energy without stimulants? Have you tried everything but still feel exhausted all the time? There is hope! Join me as I deep dive with Catharine Arnston, the founder of EnergyBits, into the world of algae (spirulina and chlorella) and their long list of amazing benefits including their capacity to fuel, protect, and repair our mitochondria. If our mitochondria are damaged - through poor nutrition, toxins, lack of self-care, etc - they cannot produce...
Published 11/24/23
Ever wondered how the tiny organisms in our gut can profoundly impact our health? In this podcast episode, I sat down with Martha Carlin and delved into the intricate connection between gut health, sugar consumption, and our overall well-being. Martha Carlin's journey from a systems analyst to the founder of The Biocollective, a company focused on microbiome science, is nothing short of fascinating. Her groundbreaking research on probiotics and their potential role in diabetes management is...
Published 11/18/23
Imagine a world where the key to mental wellness lies not in a pill bottle but on our plates. In the recent podcast episode, Dr. Chris Palmer, a renowned psychiatrist and researcher, offers insights into this intriguing field known as metabolic psychiatry. The discussion traverses his groundbreaking work on the potential of dietary interventions for mental health disorders, focusing particularly on the ketogenic diet. Dr. Palmer emphasizes that this diet, though initially designed to treat...
Published 11/12/23
Prepare to embark on the extraordinary journey of Paige Stonerock, a trauma survivor who defied all odds and took control of her health. This episode invites you to listen closely as Paige candidly shares her inspiring story of determination, resilience, and healing. Having battled obesity and a myriad of health conditions, Paige turned her life around losing 170 pounds and putting multiple progressive autoimmune diseases, mental illness, PCOS, pre-diabetes, and fatty liver disease into...
Published 10/08/23
In this podcast episode, I had the pleasure of delving into the profound world of Ayurvedic Healing with Zeeba Khan. Zeeba is an internationally renowned meditation teacher and energy healer. Her holistic approach to wellness goes beyond physical health, embracing emotional, mental, and spiritual restoration. A cornerstone of Zeeba's practice is the utilization of Ayurveda. This ancient Indian system of health and well-being is a holistic approach to healing that views us not just as...
Published 09/17/23
Ever wondered about the hidden dangers lurking in the everyday substances we consume? I sat down with David Kerwin, a recovered addict and a life coach with over 40 years of sobriety from drugs and alcohol, who recently decided to conquer his final frontier: sugar and flour addiction. With a wealth of personal and professional insight, David unravels the complex relationship between our minds, our bodies, and the substances we often take for granted. In our insightful conversation, we...
Published 09/04/23
Prepare to be captivated by an enlightening conversation with our esteemed guest, Dr. Anna Lembke, a renowned professor of psychiatry and chief of the Stanford Addiction Medicine Dual Diagnosis Clinic. We dissect her New York Times bestseller, Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence, and examine the scourge of overconsumption in this dopamine-fuelled world. We're opening up about our own battles with addiction, and how this once vital component of survival is now swamping...
Published 08/28/23
We sat down with Mark Farley, a pastor, recovery champion, and co-founder of the Sugar & Carb Addicts Anonymous (SCAA), for an intimate and honest conversation about addiction, recovery, and transformation. Mark's recovery journey is nothing short of remarkable; he's conquered alcohol addiction, defeated sugar and carb addiction, and lost an incredible 120 pounds in the process. But his journey is more than just a personal triumph—it's an inspiring testament to resilience, community,...
Published 08/20/23
What do life after sugar addiction and the art of self-love have in common? They both require a profound journey of transformation and self-discovery. This episode features an engaging conversation with Deb Beroset, a dynamic coach, shaman, and mentor specializing in empowering women to unearth their deepest desires and live them. As we navigate the intricate pathways of breaking free from addictive behaviors, Deb's insights shine a bright light on important aspects of self-care and soul...
Published 08/14/23
Have you ever wondered about the power of self-compassion on the road to recovery? Join me as I converse with the remarkable Achara Tarfa, a trauma recovery coach and certified Internal Family Systems therapist who's breaking multi-generational trauma patterns. We unravel the complex nature of trauma, exploring differing perspectives from eminent experts in the field. Achara shares her personal journey, which not only led her to overcome her own trauma but also fuelled her passion to guide...
Published 08/07/23
Can you imagine the powerful transformation that can occur in your life simply by letting go of sugar? Well, today's guest, Sarah Noble, is here to share her journey of overcoming disordered eating and the remarkable changes she experienced after she committed to removing even the healthiest forms of sugar from her diet. As a mystic, spiritual guide, and transformational coach, Sarah's insights will inspire you to live your best life by adopting healthier food behaviors. Tackling addiction...
Published 07/30/23
How often have you found yourself reaching for that sugary treat to comfort emotional turmoil? Our guest, Danielle Daem, is here to share her insights and experiences about sugar addiction and emotional eating. As a coach specializing in these areas, Danielle unravels the intriguing story of her accidental sugar detox while on a year-long trip to South America, highlighting how the road to recovery is seldom linear but always achievable. Confronting one's sugar addiction is just the tip of...
Published 07/23/23
Ever struggled with food related issues such as emotional eating and sugar addiction? What if there was a proven five-step formula that could help you regain control? I'm thrilled to welcome Andrea Caprio, a master transformational nutrition coach who has developed the Food Freedom Formula to help individuals overcome these struggles. Andrea’s journey began with her own battle against stress-induced sugar cravings and through overcoming them, she founded her approach. The conversation with...
Published 07/16/23
Unlock the potential of nutrition for better health with our special guest, Dr. Lauren Weiss, a renowned behavioral nutrition specialist. Journey with us as we peel back the mysteries of insulin, from its role in moving glucose from carbohydrates into cells for energy, to understanding the implications of high insulin levels. Dr. Weiss, a long-term follower of a low-carb keto lifestyle, lends her expertise in explaining how changes in our insulin levels can tip the scales in our health for...
Published 07/08/23
Could you imagine living a life enslaved to sugar, to food, playing a repeated tug-of-war with your cravings? Join me as I converse with Dr. Rhona Epstein, a beacon of hope in the field of sugar and food addiction recovery. With a firsthand recovery story stretching over 40 years, Dr. Epstein imparts her wisdom on the delicate path from habitual indulgence to total freedom. Throughout our discussion, we delve into the often-underestimated seriousness of food addiction, likening it to cocaine...
Published 07/03/23
Are you ready to unlock the power of your emotions and intuition to manifest your greatest desires? Join me as I chat with emotional detox coach and author Sherianna Boyle about her latest book, Energy in Action. Discover how to redefine action as the movement of energy within our bodies and use the spiritual laws of the universe to create balance and harmony in our lives. Dive into the law of polarity and its impact on our emotions, decision-making, and overall well-being. Together, we'll...
Published 06/26/23
Struggling with food addiction and seeking freedom from harmful eating habits? Join us as we sit down with Katie Grimm, an inspiring woman who has triumphed over her own food and sugar addiction and now helps others on their journey to recovery. With multiple coaching certifications and expertise in setting boundaries, Katie shares her own story of growth and healing that you won't want to miss. In this powerful conversation, Katie opens up about growing up in a family plagued by addiction...
Published 06/17/23
Dr. Gioffre is a brilliant leader in the eat-less-sugar and sugar addiction recovery space. He is also a chiropractor, a live blood analysis practitioner, the author of the book “Get Off Your Sugar” and the founder of a supplement line (that is btw widely used and praised by celebrities). This interview is packed with information and inspiration! Learn about how green powder supplements can support sugar addiction recovery, protect our bones from osteoporosis and remineralize our bodies after...
Published 05/29/23
Annica is a sugar addict in recovery. After years of struggle and protracted depression, Annica finally found recovery. Today she is SUGAR ® certified by Bitten Jonsson, author and instructor with Conscious Breathing and certified in addiction relapse prevention. She lives on a dairy farm in Sweden. Her area of expertise is in working with children and sugar. Her story of recovery and her passion for helping others break free is a reminder that this addiction is real and recovery is possible....
Published 05/14/23
Dr. AnnMerle Feldman, Ph.D has entered her 7th decade of life on fire. After struggling with food addiction for years, she finally embraced abstinence and has been sugar and flour free since the Fall of 2018. Today, she teaches what she has learned about how to live life energized and awakened through her FierceOver50 coaching program. It is aimed at high achievers looking to reverse burnout and feel alive and vital. Dr. Feldman is living proof that abstinence and self-care can reboot our...
Published 05/07/23
Janette is a sugar-free, flour-free woman with a gift for helping others uplevel their life by working with negative thoughts and unconscious limiting beliefs. Our food issues, she suggests, are downstream of the real problem which is negative emotions from trauma, or other life events, that affect our self-worth, self-confidence and self-trust. Address these at the root level and breakthroughs are possible, including in our efforts to unhook from sugar. Florence's courses & coaching...
Published 04/30/23
Kallie Kendle has been living a sugar-free and flour-free lifestyle for over five years now. Despite the challenges that come with this path, she has persevered with unwavering determination. In this podcast, Kallie will share her secrets to staying committed and strong, inspiring listeners to take on their own challenges with courage and resilience. Join us as we delve into Kallie's journey and learn how her decision to prioritize her health transformed not just her body and mind, but also...
Published 04/23/23
Dr. Claire Wilcox is an addiction psychiatrist and author of the textbook "Food Addiction, Obesity and Disorders of Overeating". She brilliantly compiled the evidence showing sugar/flour acts on the brain like drugs of abuse, and that some forms of overeating are in fact addiction driven. She feels passionate about educating the public on this topic so that more research and effective treatments can be identified. In addition to her medical expertise, she has her own story of sugar addiction...
Published 04/15/23
Mugs Haugen has just celebrated her 6th straight year of back-to-back abstinence (no sugar or flour in any form or in any amount). Transformed from the inside out, Mugs shares her story of burn out, weight gain and quiet despair as an exhausted front-line nurse in an urgent care unit to a vibrantly healthy woman in her 60’s. She not only feels better now than she did 20 years ago, she has gone on to become certified as a coach to help other healthcare providers discover the power of self-care...
Published 04/08/23
Dr. Bonnie J Kaplan, PhD, is Professor Emeritus in the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. She has published widely on the important role nutrition plays in preventing and treating mental health challenges. Her bestselling book "The Better Brain", was written with Professor Julia Rucklidge and shares the science that shows good nutrition and micronutrient supplementation can significantly improve mental health outcomes. Hardy...
Published 04/01/23