Have you ever wondered if your struggles with sugar might be linked to something deeper, like your nervous system? Join us today as we dive into an inspiring and eye-opening conversation with Joy Gandell, a fellow Canadian with a unique journey through sugar addiction and self-regulation. Discover how she connected the dots between her chronic acid reflux, emotional dysregulation, and sugar consumption, leading to a profound transformation in her health and well-being.With an impressive backg...
Published 06/03/24
In the most recent episode of our podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Linnea Offerman, a nurse and health coach who has successfully navigated the tumultuous waters of sugar and food addiction. Her journey is not just one of personal triumph but also serves as a blueprint for those seeking to achieve food sobriety and reclaim their health. Linnea's approach hinges on the elimination of sugar and flour, the incorporation of whole foods into her diet, and the invaluable role of community su...
Published 05/26/24
Published 05/26/24
Are you ready to decode the puzzle of your metabolic health? Join us on an enlightening journey with Carlee Hayes, a registered dietitian and Senior Nutrition Manager at NutriSense, in our latest podcast episode.Discover how your unique responses to carbohydrates can shape your health. Learn why personalized nutrition is key and how Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) offer real-time insights into your body's reactions to different foods and meal timings.Carlee shares actionable tips that can ...
Published 05/20/24
In a world where convenience often dictates our food choices, the true cost of such decisions remains hidden from the average consumer. In this week's episode, Dr. Joan Ifland, an expert on Food Addiction, discusses the impacts of ultra-processed foods on health and addiction, revealing startling insights into our eating habits and their consequences.Dr. Ifland begins by examining the NOVA organization's food classifications, which are instrumental in identifying the myriad of ingredients pre...
Published 05/06/24
Unlock the secrets that food manufacturers don't want you to know as we sit down with Wolfram Alderson, an authority on hidden sugars and metabolic health. In a riveting conversation, Wolfram takes us through his trailblazing efforts from pushing for California's farmers market legislation to his current battle against the hidden dangers lurking in our food. With a wealth of experience, he expertly peels back the layers of complexity surrounding food data, revealing how consumers and policyma...
Published 05/01/24
Have you ever considered the profound ways in which trauma shapes our health, behavior, and the very foods we long for in times of stress? Dr. Aimie Apigian joins us to explore this intricate tapestry, unraveling how our bodies' responses to trauma are far more than psychological - they're deeply rooted in our biology. Journeying through our autonomic nervous system, we examine why certain comfort foods seem irresistible and the unexpected role of the vagus nerve in our quest for emotional ba...
Published 04/22/24
Sugar has become a staple in modern diets, but the impact it has on our health is far from sweet. Dr. Rob Lufkin, a respected physician and author, brings to light the dark side of sugar consumption and its pervasive role in promoting chronic diseases. From the onset of metabolic syndrome to its influence on Alzheimer's, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer, sugar's impact is extensive and often underestimated. Dr. Lufkin's personal journey of health enlightenment underscores the urgent...
Published 04/08/24
Tackling sugar addiction is more than a battle of willpower; it's a journey of understanding the neuroscience behind our cravings and learning how to heal our brain for lasting change. Dr. Susan Pierce-Thompson's podcast episode is a deep dive into this process. She shares her personal story of overcoming drug addiction and obesity, highlighting her transition from a life ensnared by addictive behaviors to one where she could exercise control over her eating habits through the Bright Line...
Published 04/03/24
Discover the transformative power of lifestyle medicine with Dr. David Cavan, who joins us to share his remarkable shift from a traditional to a pioneering approach in diabetes management. Prepare to be enlightened by Dr. Cavan's insights on the potency of nutrition and patient empowerment in turning the tide against type 2 diabetes. Drawing inspiration from Professor Roy Taylor's innovative research, our conversation illuminates how simple dietary modifications, primarily the reduction of...
Published 03/25/24
When Dr. Philip Ovadia tipped the scales into morbid obesity, he knew something had to give. That realization sparked a revolution in his medical practice and personal health philosophy, leading to profound insights that he shares with us in our latest episode. Join us as we sit down with the heart surgeon and author who is on a mission to keep people off his operating table. Dr. Ovadia recounts the pivotal moments that shaped his career, including his brother's diabetes diagnosis and his own...
Published 03/18/24
Have you ever considered that your sweet tooth might be an ancient survival mechanism playing tricks on you? Join us as Eric Edmeades, an expert in nutrition and lifestyle change, shares his transformative journey to a sugar-free life, and offers insights that could lead you to your own health revolution.  Through a captivating discussion, Eric reveals the evolutionary roots of our sugar cravings and how the modern food industry has hijacked these primal urges to our detriment. You'll be...
Published 03/11/24
Prepare to unravel the mysteries of sugar's impact on our health with none other than Dr. Richard Johnson, a leading expert who's spent a quarter-century at the frontier of metabolic research. In our riveting conversation, Dr. Johnson exposes how sugar, particularly fructose, is not just a sweet treat but a key player in the development of metabolic syndrome. His unexpected findings reveal how certain dietary sugars can actually lead to the internal production of fructose, even without direct...
Published 03/04/24
Have you ever found solace in the sweetness of sugar, only to discover it's a double-edged sword that cuts deep into the fabric of emotional well-being? Karly Pitman joins us today — whose journey through eating disorders and deep dive into neuroscience and attachment theory sheds light on our complex relationship with food. Throughout our revealing conversation, Carly helps us understand how self-compassion and empathy are key in transforming the way we interact with food, especially sugar,...
Published 02/25/24
Unlock the hidden truths about sugar's role in cancer as we sit down with chemist Dr. Lewis Cantley, whose work on the PI3K enzyme has revolutionized our understanding of this sweet substance's dark side. Picture a world where sugar isn't just a harmless treat but a trigger for one of today's leading health adversaries. This episode takes you on a journey through Dr. Cantley's personal dietary choices, stemming from his own health experiences, to his groundbreaking research that connects the...
Published 02/19/24
Have you ever reached for a sugary treat to find comfort during stressful times? Luis Mojica, a somatic experiencing practitioner and holistic nutritional counselor, joins us to unravel his own spiral into sugar addiction against a backdrop of childhood trauma and chronic health challenges. Grappling with PTSD and Tourette's syndrome, Luis candidly shares how he sought solace in the sweetness of sugar, only to discover that his refuge was, in fact, reinforcing his struggles. His...
Published 02/12/24
This week on our podcast, we sit down with the renowned Dr. Robert Lustig, a leading expert in pediatric endocrinology, who shares his enlightening insights on the detrimental effects of sugar on our health. Dr. Lustig takes us beyond the surface-level discourse on diet and calories, diving deep into the biochemical and environmental intricacies that fuel metabolic diseases. Key Highlights from the Episode: The Toxic Truth About Sugar: Discover how sugar goes beyond being a simple calorie...
Published 02/05/24
Could giving up sugar and flour change your life? Chef AJ joins me to share her transformative journey to health through a whole food, plant-based diet, and inspires us to consider the profound effects that cutting out these addictive substances could have on our well-being. Chef AJ's four-decade commitment to this lifestyle and her insights on food addiction offer an enlightening perspective on how we approach our eating habits. From her experience, we learn the healing power of whole foods,...
Published 01/29/24
When the wisdom of the body meets the complexity of trauma and addiction, profound healing can begin. This is the message that Jan Winhall, an experienced trauma and addiction psychotherapist, brings to our latest conversation. With her Felt Sense Polyvagal Model, Jan offers a paradigm shift, viewing addictive behaviors as adaptive strategies for managing dysregulated states. Throughout our discussion, she dismantles the traditional brain disease narrative, instead celebrating the body's...
Published 01/22/24
Discover what happens when the seductive sweetness of sugar meets the science of addiction, as we sit down with Dr. Nicole Avena. Her illuminating research uncovers the alarming parallels between our cravings for sugar and the intense grip of drug addictions. Our discussion takes you deep into the mechanisms of the brain that are hijacked by sugar, reshaping everything we thought we knew about our daily diets. Dr. Avena's new book, "Sugarless," offers a compelling seven-step plan to escape...
Published 01/14/24
Do you struggle with emotional eating? Healing is possible, and our guest Lacou Flipse is living proof. A former binge eater turned trauma-informed food coach, she's been helping women release emotional and binge eating for over a decade.  Lacou shares her innovative "pleasuring process," an approach that separates pleasure from bingeing and transfers it to the pleasure of being present with ourselves. Instead of looking to food to fill us up emotionally, we come to the food fed - nourished...
Published 12/15/23
In this captivating podcast episode, I engage in a compelling conversation with the author of “Killing You Softly: How Sugar is Killing Us”, Rich Holman. This hard-hitting page-turner exposes the harms of sugar consumption and corporate efforts to hide these facts from the public. At the age of 73, Rich Holman describes himself as a “dead man walking.” He was putting his affairs in order assuming the end of his life was near. Rich had chronic aches and pains, grotesquely swollen feet, high...
Published 12/08/23
The revolution of health and wellness is upon us, and leading this revolution is Udo Erasmus, a global innovator in the health and wellness industry. His unique food philosophy and exceptional product line have been transforming lives for decades. Udo was flagging threats to our health (seed oils, sugar and more) and solutions to metabolic syndrome (whole foods, supplements and self-care) long before some of us were even born! Our in-depth conversation with Udo touches on how refined carbs...
Published 12/01/23