In this (week late) Thanksgiving episode Chris continues to update listeners about his adventures in cancer treatment and tells a story about treatment.  He also compares an MRI machine to the interior of an AT-AT from Star Wars.  Also, a shout out to the tune Mantra - by Dave Grohl, Josh Homme and Trent Reznor.  Burke discusses a recurring theme of Expectations  v. Serenity (Se2, Ep12)
Published 12/02/21
Windows of Tolerance is a term coined by Dr. Dan Siegel to describe our abilities as humans to process strong emotions before we become overwhelmed.  Chris and Burke discuss this topic in terms of both understanding and making practical use of that knowledge.  For more on Dr. Siegel's work click here.
Published 11/05/21
Spoiler alert, Chris discusses his cancer diagnosis with Burke, and reveals how mindfulness has helped him cope with a life changing diagnosis. 
Published 10/22/21
In this special interview episode Chris and Burke speak with Justin Mitchell and Wilton Carraway, Jr. of Ball Headz.  Ball Headz is an organization dedicated to helping at-risk youth through athletics, mindfulness, mentorship and community service.  Chris also announces the date of a charity golf tournament on August 27th, 2021 at Topstone Golf Club in South Windsor, CT to raise money for the organization.  More info @ ballheadzgolf.com
Published 08/05/21
Meditation is one of the best ways to increase and maintain your health in an increasingly chaotic world.  Chris and Burke do their best to simplify the basics of mediation and give listeners a path to beginning or enhancing their practice.  PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL BE TAKING A BREAK FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2021 AND WILL BE BACK IN AUGUST.  Thanks for listening!
Published 06/25/21
Identification, it's not just a piece of plastic in your wallet.  Humans identify with all manner of things, including their emotions, objects, and ideas.  Chris and Burke explore what it means to have an identity and to identify with things outside of ourselves.  The conversation spans from the dangers of identification to how we can identify less with external matters and more with who we are inside.
Published 05/27/21
Chris and Burke take on the emotion of joy in this episode.  Chris discusses how the term joy is used in psychological literature, as well as ways to use intentionality to find it.  Burke gives the listener excellent, real life examples of what Chris is describing.  Burke uses his personal experiences while recovering from addiction to enlighten and guide listeners into how practical it can be to search for joy in their lives, whether recovering or thriving.
Published 05/12/21
Chris and Burke explore the topic of starting small when attempting change or accomplishing goals and tasks.  The book that Chris mentions in the episode is Make Your Bed: Little Things Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World by Admiral William H. McRaven (US Navy Retired)  The brain likes things in smaller, bite sized chunks, but our goals and tasks can seem overwhelming.  Breaking things down helps our brains and our sense of accomplishment.
Published 05/04/21
Chris And Burke welcome listeners back for In the season three debut, Chris and Burke get the listeners caught up on events since the end of season two.  The discussion centers around how the co-hosts have faired during the pandemic and the mindfulness practices that have helped in the year since the season two launch.  And of course, we get some awesome movie analogies from Burke.  Enjoy!
Published 04/16/21
In this last episode of season two we discuss the usefulness of acknowledging impermanence as part of mindfulness practice. Death can be seen as a motivator and a teacher rather than something to fear. It has been our pleasure recording these past eighteen episodes of the Mindful Matters podcast and we appreciate all your feedback. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season. We look forward to recording and releasing more episodes in 2021.
Published 12/03/20
Published 11/13/20
In this podcast we move on to discuss the third agreement in the Toltec Mastery of Transformation from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book The Four Agreements—don’t make assumptions. Following this agreement helps to center us in the reality of the present moment, a key component of mindfulness. By not making assumptions we are able to strengthen relationships with those around us, and also with ourselves.
Published 10/29/20
We continue with our Podcast series focusing on Don Miguel Ruiz’s book The Four Agreements and explore the second agreement—don’t take anything personally. In this episode we discuss how following this agreement helps us to create space, gain perspective and live more mindfully.
Published 10/16/20
After our many references to Don Miguel Ruiz’s book The Four Agreements over the last six months, we have decided to end this season of the Mindful Matters Podcast by devoting a podcast to each agreement.
Published 10/01/20
On this week’s podcast, recorded in February 2020, we discuss ideas that we use to help us come back to the awareness of the present moment. Waking up to what is happening around us now rather than letting ourselves drift away in thoughts of the past or future is the aim of mindfulness practice. It doesn’t always happen instantaneously and we maintain the point of view that it is best to be compassionate with ourselves in the process so as not to create any negative associations with...
Published 09/18/20
A discussion of how to set appropriate expectations, and how to cope better when they aren't met, by you or others.
Published 09/04/20
This episode, recorded back in November 2019, deals with gratitude and its power to transform your life. By focusing more on the positive aspects of our lives, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, we can gain perspective in the moment and progress through some difficult obstacles.
Published 08/20/20
Chris and Burke engage in a discussion about the concept of awareness and its context within the practice of mindfulness.  Both use personal examples and offer hints and help for those beginning and cultivating a mindfulness practice.
Published 08/07/20
This is the second episode of the 2020 Racial Equality and Justice Bonus Series featuring activist Keren Prescott of Power Up Manchester CT.  Keren takes the mic to discuss how Power Up came into existence and how the group has organized to fight injustice, not just in the City of Manchester, but in surrounding towns in CT.  Keren also discusses her experience as a Back woman in America.  If you would like more information about Power Up check out the Facebook group or Instagram feed...
Published 07/24/20
Chris and Burke discuss the #metoo movement.
Published 07/17/20
Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.
Published 06/26/20
Enjoy our Juneteenth Bonus Episode featuring Kelvin Young, sound healer, recovery coach, community activist and Black man in America. We hope this episode can enlighten and educate. Please, if you enjoy the episode, like, share, and/or comment. #juneteenth #blacklivesmatter
Published 06/19/20
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
Published 06/11/20
“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete” Jack Kornfield This week we explore the concept of self compassion.
Published 05/28/20