Published 07/26/24
Celebrating our 700th episode on the podcast, I wanted to share my story and how Sam Miller Science came to be and evolved to what it is now. It wasn't long ago I was wiping down gym equipment and doing in-person training sessions back to back at my college campus rec center. So much has happened for me since finding a passion for health and fitness but turning it into a sustainable career took a lot of trial and error, reinvention, mentorship, and a lot of repetitive tasks. If you have...
Published 07/26/24
Concluding our Got Gut Health? series, in part 4, we will discuss stomach acid, digestive enzymes, bile, and tests you can do at home to assess stomach acid levels if you so choose. Other topics include:    - Gut Health 101 Workshop - Digestive Health’s Role Within Health - Episodes on Similar Topics - The Digestive Chain - Being a Digestive Detective - Enzymes and Bile - Bile Creation - My Personal Experience - Share, Rate, and Review ----------  Join Our Gut Health 101:...
Published 07/25/24
Continuing our Got Gut Health? Series, today's episode will dive into the topic of gut dysbiosis, the gut microbiome, and issues that arise from gut dysbiosis. Topics include:   - Part 3 of Got Gut Health Series - Gut Health 101 Workshop - Gut Dysbiosis - Gut Microbiome Starts at Birth - What is Bacterial Dysbiosis? - Potential Side Effects - IBS - Autoimmune Diseases - CRONS - Tom Brady’s Stool - Causes of Dysbiosis - Share, Rate, and Review ----------  Join Our Gut Health...
Published 07/23/24
Continuing our series in part 2, we will be covering a recently popular topic with some controversy and a lot of misconceptions around it. "Leaky gut" or as it is actually known intestinal permeability has either two camps: it's the problem and solution to all of your health problems or it's complete nonsense. Like most things, it is somewhere in the middle and we'll define exactly what it is, consequences of intestinal permeability, contributors to increased intestinal permeability, and...
Published 07/21/24
In lead up to our next workshop around the science and solutions needed to solve client digestive complaints, today is Part 1 of a 4 part series where we are diving into all things gut health. What better way to start off this series than defining digestion itself. What is good digestion? What does acute and chronic constipation and diarrhea look like? What is a normal amount of gas and bloating and what is too much? All of these and more will be answered! Topics include:   - What is Good...
Published 07/19/24
There's a heavily underutilized hack when it comes to saving money on your health and fitness journey and over the past few years, it has even expanded. In today's episode, we're going to cover Health Savings Accounts or HSA's and how this can be not only helpful come tax time but potentially paying for gym memberships, equipment, certain supplements, recovery tools, and more. Topics include:   - Saving Hack On Your Fitness Journey - HSA Accounts - What Is An HSA Account? - What HSA Can...
Published 07/16/24
Bringing back a Q&A style episode for you in today's episode and wanted to cover two specific questions I received from you all. Specifically, we'll be covering whether or not you can overdo it when it comes to supplementation, what I would recommend as far as micronutrients to be mindful of, and ending with a women's health question around Plan B and its side effects. Topics include:   - Q&A on Supplementation and Women’s Health - Overdoing It on Supplements? - Iodine - Iron -...
Published 07/12/24
Are fermented foods overhyped when it comes to gut health and other health benefits or is it actually underrated? In today's episode, we'll be exploring the area of fermented foods and looking at a few evidence based studies to determine whether it is overrated or underrated. Topics include:   - Overrated or Underrated: Fermented Foods - What We’ll Cover Today - Why Do Fermented Foods Have Health Benefits? - Study On Fermented Foods - Intestinal Permeability - Beneficial With Insulin...
Published 07/09/24
We often hear about avoiding a downward spiral and losing momentum whether it's in a health and fitness journey or owning a business but in today's episode, I want to flip that on its head. I want to share some thoughts around the idea of an upward spiral and how to sustain a positive outlook through an endeavor. Topics include:   - Sustaining Your Positive Outlook - The Effects of Stress - The Positive Spiral - Broaden and Build Theory - True Physical Health - The Power of A Coach -...
Published 07/05/24
On this day of celebrating freedom and independence, when it comes to health, there's a practice we can all engage in that will afford us the potential for the most amount of freedom for our entire lifespan. That practice is preventive health. I'll explain this practice and why it's important to consider the future version of yourself. Topics include:   - Preventive Health and Freedom - Thinking in the Future - Remembering Our Fortune and Lifestyle - Share, Rate, and Review ...
Published 07/04/24
You've probably heard of Ozempic or GLP-1's but have you heard of GLP-1 probiotics? In today's episode, we're going to break down the role and benefits of probiotics, how GLP-1 probiotics stack up, why the marketing is way ahead of the studies and data, and more. Topics include:   - GLP-1 Probiotics? - Targeted Ads - The Mucus Layer of The Gut - Good vs “Bad” Gut Bugs - Cause of Type 2 Diabetes - Marketing Way Ahead Of The Data - My Opinion On This Issue - Evidence Based...
Published 07/02/24
Despite that Instagram ad you've seen recently about how easy it is to start and scale an online fitness & nutrition business, the reality is very different. It's one of the hardest things in reality and in this episode, I want to explain why using an analogy of a fine dining experience. This isn't to say you shouldn't try and fully commit to it but you deserve to know the truth about what you're signing up for. Topics include:   - Building A Business In Reality Is Hard Work - Picture...
Published 06/28/24
Being in this industry for a good amount of time now and with my own personal priorities changing along with being presented new evidence, there are many things I've changed my mind on in the health and fitness space. In today's episode, I want to highlight 7 of them specifically and explain why I've changed my mind on these topics. Topics include:   - 7 Things I’ve Changed My Mind On - Evolution and Changing Perspectives - Importance of Non-Exercise Activity and Walking - Evidence Based...
Published 06/25/24
There's been a lot of controversy around fruit and fructose consumption on social media but what does the research say? In today's episode, we're going to look at a few apple consumption studies to see where the truth lies and the implications from these studies. Topics include:   - Will Fruit Make You Fat? - Focusing On Apple Studies In This Episode - PLOS Study - Review Study - Implications Of These Studies - Please Share, Rate, and Review ----------  Subscribe to My Youtube...
Published 06/21/24
A recent study showed some surprising statistics when it comes to female vs male physician performance, mortality, readmission rates, and surgical outcomes. What was even more surprising is both males and females may benefit more from having a female physician. Does this mean you should immediately dump your male physician? There's many factors to consider which we will dive into as well. Topics include:   - Better Care From Female Physicians? - Mortality and Readmission Rates - Male vs...
Published 06/18/24
A concerning amount of studies and data have come out recently to show the presence of micro-plastics in testicles. How big of a deal is this issue? In today's episode, I'm going to breakdown a few recent studies on the topic, explain how to minimize your exposure to these items in question and what to be weary of, and whether or not this is major issue. Topics include:   - Hormone Health and Fertility - New Surprising Study on Micro-Plastics in Testicles - Episode 652 - Implications Of...
Published 06/14/24
We've all heard the advice around comparison to others and why, in most cases, it's the thief of joy but there's another type of comparison we need to be aware of as health and nutrition coaches and that is self-comparison. In this episode, I want to explain the psychological concept of the hedonic treadmill and why moving the goalpost further and further away leads to near celebrating progress or milestones. We need to be able to measure backwards and this will be a great reminder for your...
Published 06/11/24
Depending on your age, you might remember in 2007 Blackberries dominating the cell phone marketplace. Fast forward a few years later, they fell to 0.1% of the market share and the health and nutrition coaching industry is seeing a similar trend. What was once novel with macro coaching and exercise plans is now a commodity and can be accessed on hundreds if not thousands of apps. Now is the time to upgrade your expertise and start solving deeper problems. I'm going to share with you the...
Published 06/07/24
Almost every woman has a vendetta against cellulite as 87% - 98% of women have some form of cellulite regardless of body fat percentage. In today's episode, we're going to discuss potential reasons for this including gut health and no, I will not be recommending some quick fix cream. You know I am lifestyle, nutrition, and training focused when it comes to our health and that's what we'll cover with today's topic along with briefly discussing supplementation considerations. Topics include: ...
Published 06/04/24
An often overlooked topic when it comes to health and fitness is the area of joint pain and its potential causes and considerations. In today's episode, we'll look at this area from a training perspective, cover Osteoarthritis, potential supplementation avenues, gut health considerations, and more. Topics include:   - Joint Pain Issues - Resistance Training and Recovery Considerations - Frequency, Intensity, and Volume of Workouts - Osteoarthritis - Omega 3’s, Vitamin D, and Other...
Published 05/30/24
A popular topic right now in the overall health realm but more specifically the mental health space is the role of trauma and our overall health. How does trauma affect the body and overall health? What are the mechanisms going on as coaches that we should be aware of? We'll dive into specifics around this topic including discuss PTSD, the fight or flight response, gut health considerations, and more. Topics include:   - Trauma and Health - Starting With PTSD - Spectrum of Intensity and...
Published 05/27/24
Is it possible to improve IBS symptoms without going straight to nutrition and following an elimination diet? In this episode, I'm going to explain how that is possible without any drug intervention either. We'll take a look at the role stress plays with IBS, the benefits of CBT and brain interventions, recent studies on the effectiveness of CBT, and more. Topics include:   - Improving IBS Without Elimination - Risk Factors For IBS and Gut Health Issues - Stress As a Key Consideration -...
Published 05/24/24
If you want a long sustainable career as a coach, investing in skills for your future self is a must. In today's episode, I want to explain what happens to most coaches after they pass their initial certification, get a few clients, then come across a few more advanced client cases that can lead to self doubt and imposter syndrome trying to solve them. Candidly, this why the FNMS program exists and we'll discuss some specific examples in this episode as well. Topics include:   - Coaching...
Published 05/22/24
You've probably heard of GLP-1 agnostics (Ozempic) when it comes to weight loss and weight management but emerging research could point to an additional use for this class of drugs. In today's episode, we're going to look at GLP-1 use for neurodegenerative disease and it's potential treatment effects. I'll also discuss my history around this topic, the potential risks of using these drugs, and more. Topics include:   - GLP-1 For Neurodegenerative Disease Treatment? - Alzheimer’s and Type 3...
Published 05/20/24