In this episode, Nichole sits with Dr. Jaclyn Tolentino, a board-certified practitioner focusing on holistic health, bioidentical hormone therapy, and functional medicine. Dr. Tolention is a senior practitioner at Parsley Health, which offers doctor-led care designed to provide patients with comprehensive and individualized treatment plans. In our conversation, Dr. Tolentino shares invaluable insights into hormone health, circadian rhythms, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during...
Published 02/26/24
Published 02/26/24
Do you know where the meat on your plate comes from? Being informed about where your meat comes from and supporting producers who prioritize animal welfare and sustainable practices is essential for promoting ethical meat sourcing. In this episode, we take you on a journey alongside Chris Carter, co-founder of Porter Road, to uncover the intricate workings of the food industry, the evolution of ethical meat sourcing, and how his company is making a difference. In our conversation, we discuss...
Published 02/12/24
In this episode, we dive into personalized nutrition with Dr. Sherry Zhang, founder of GenoPalate, to learn about her innovative approach to dietary health. GenoPalate specializes in personalized nutrition through leveraging DNA tests, online programs led by dietitians, and customized supplements, all aiming to empower individuals to obtain optimal health. Dr. Zhang sits with Nichole to talk about the power of genetic testing and its practical applications that can help individuals dealing...
Published 02/05/24
Are you curious about the intersection of genetics, diet, and health? In this episode, we dive into personalized nutrition with Dr. Sherry Zhang of GenoPalate and learn about her company’s innovative approach to dietary health. GenoPalate specializes in personalized nutrition through leveraging DNA tests, online programs led by dietitians, and customized supplements, aiming to empower individuals for optimal health. In our conversation, we cover a wide range of topics related to personalized...
Published 01/29/24
While today’s highly processed and pre-packaged foods are super convenient, they can also have increasingly harmful effects on our health. Making the shift to “real food” may be one of the most important things you can do to maintain good health, and it’s a whole lot simpler than you might think! Today, you’ll hear from entrepreneur and real food advocate, Monica Ford. Monica is the founder of Real Food Devotee, where she and her team create ancestral cuisine based on traditional techniques...
Published 01/22/24
Beans have been a staple in the human diet for many generations and across almost all cultures, but there is one bean more delicious and decadent than all the rest: the heirloom bean. At least, that’s the view of today’s guest, Steve Sando, the food author and founder of Rancho Gordo, a seed-saving bean production company that provides professional and home chefs with heirloom beans that would otherwise have been lost to history. To start, Steve describes heirloom beans in detail and how they...
Published 01/15/24
Living your life according to ancestral wisdom can lead to longer, and more healthful lives. Hilda Labrada Gore is a multifaceted health and wellness expert working as an integrative health coach, fitness professional, and more. As the Wise Traditions Podcast host, she unveils stories about ancient healing traditions, healing arts, and centuries-old nutritional wisdom. During today’s episode, she shares what the word ‘holistic’ means to her, and how she approaches her work as an experiential...
Published 01/08/24
Eva Yazhari is a force for positive change in the world. She is an impact investor, published author, and the co-founder and CEO of Beyond Capital. She joins us in conversation to share her early experiences of healthy food and how she carries the core principles she was raised with into her daily life today. For Eva, healthy, waste-free, sustainable eating is inextricably linked with preserving our planet and slowing the effects of global warming. This episode offers a clear insight into her...
Published 12/18/23
In this episode, Larry Kandarian, a veteran organic farmer and owner of Kandarian Organic Farms, shares his insights into earth-friendly farming, whole foods, and more. A farmer for over 25 years, Kandarian is well-known for his farming and grain advocacy in California and his passion for being a steward of the land. His wealth of knowledge is vast, from mechanical engineering to the flower seed business to sustainable farming practices. In this conversation, Kandarian shares valuable...
Published 12/11/23
Processed foods have become the norm in American society as we prioritize time and convenience above all else. The damage these foods do to our collective health is catastrophic, but luckily, not irreversible. Today, Margaret Floyd Barry joins us in the hot seat to explain how we can move away from processed foods and make healthier choices. Margaret is a functional nutritionist, author, speaker, and a reliable source of information on how food impacts our health and quality of life. She...
Published 12/04/23
Who better to guide healthy choices than someone who has healed their own disease? Dr. Terry Wahls is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Iowa, where she teaches internal medicine in residence. She is a clinical researcher and the author of more than 60 peer-reviewed scientific abstracts, posters, and papers. Having transformed her own life with MS, she is also a radical advocate for how nutrition and lifestyle choices impact those with chronic illnesses. In this...
Published 11/27/23
The kitchen is a place of nourishment and a sacred space for connection, healing, and rewriting our life stories. So believes Jules Blaine Davis, author of The Kitchen Healer. Jules, widely known as 'The Kitchen Healer,' invites people to reconnect with their true selves by getting in, or back in, the kitchen. She believes this can help us find freedom and power and begin living the life we long to live. Jules's unique background in the performing arts, painting, poetry, healing, movement,...
Published 11/20/23
Bees play an essential role in the ecosystems we depend on for food. To ensure their survival (and our own), today's guest, Noel Patterson, believes one of the most impactful ways to support our bees is to "vote with your dollars" and buy honey from small-scale beekeepers and producers. A sommelier turned beekeeper, Patterson is the founder of Dos Manos Apiaries in Tucson, Arizona. He also leads workshops about beekeeping at Miraval Resort and Spa in Tucson. Patterson's desire to educate is...
Published 11/13/23
Chronic inflammation is often the root cause of a wide range of illnesses, from cancer to diabetes to rheumatoid arthritis. And frighteningly, the majority of Americans today are inflamed. What would you do if you knew that the key to reducing inflammation in your body was changing your diet and spending more time in nature? In this episode, Dr. Shilpa Ravella, gastroenterologist, author, and an assistant professor of medicine, is here to talk about how we can all start eating and acting in...
Published 11/06/23
Chronic immune issues are becoming increasingly common, particularly amongst young people, and today we are joined by integrative medicine doctor, Dr. Tania Dempsey, to investigate why. “Medical detective” Dr. Dempsey is a board-certified physician specializing in integrative medicine and chronic disease, with a focus on identifying the root of her patients’ health problems. In this episode, Dr. Dempsey explains what autoimmune disorders are, what can be attributed to their rise in recent...
Published 02/27/23
We all know a healthy diet is vital to physical well-being, but what about mental and emotional states? Is there a link between our cognitive function and diet? To help us answer these questions is Dr. Uma Naidoo, an expert in nutritional psychiatry and Director of Nutritional and Lifestyle Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is also a Culinary Instructor at The Cambridge School of Culinary Arts, a best-selling author, and a professional chef. Dr. Naidoo implements her clinical...
Published 02/20/23
Chef Andreas Niewerth is a holistic nutritionist, trained chef, and chef instructor. He learned about the power of food early on while working his family's restaurants and hotels, and later established one of the first organic catering companies in Germany, where he created cooking classes for school kids, parents, athletes, and fitness centers. When his eldest son was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, Andreas was driven to understand the healing power of food. This led him to receive his...
Published 02/13/23
What’s the secret to getting our kids to eat nutritiously? This is a question that has long driven author, mother, and whole foods advocate Haley Scheich, our guest this week. As the co-author of My SuperHero Foods, a revolutionary book for kids—and adults!—that piques curiosities about healthy foods, Haley is driven to help all of us change our habits and approach to eating. Her passion was ignited more than a decade ago when she started to lean into what she was putting into her body and...
Published 02/06/23
How do you change the food environment so that it becomes easier for people to make healthy choices? Today’s guest, the glorious dynamo of food and nutrition Dr. Marion Nestle, joins us to discuss how the United States food system is causing more harm to our health than good, and what we can all do to start changing that. Unfortunately, we have a for-profit healthcare system, healthy foods cost more than their unhealthy counterparts, and the agriculture system has been captured by...
Published 01/30/23
One of the most critical ways we can positively impact our health and our planet’s is to be aware of everything we put into our bodies. This is a topic dear to Melinda Hemmelgarn’s heart. A dietician and self-proclaimed food sleuth, Melinda advocates for greater awareness and education around how and what we eat. In this episode she discusses her mission to change the world of nutrition through education, advocating for policy change, and making better food choices. You’ll hear all about...
Published 01/16/23
Today’s guest is Dr. Will Cole, a pioneer in the field of functional medicine. Named one of the top 50 functional medicine and integrative doctors in the United States, Dr. Cole specializes in clinically investigating the underlying factors of chronic disease and taking a unique approach that incorporates food, lifestyle factors, supplements, medications, and more. Dr. Cole is also the author of several bestselling books, including Ketotarian, The Inflammation Spectrum, and Intuitive Fasting,...
Published 01/09/23
Welcome to the premiere episode of ‘The PrimaFoodie Podcast’, a conversation series that looks at how we eat, our food system, and the changes we need to see for a healthier future. In our first episode, we look at the world of packaged foods with guest Parker Brook. The Founder and CEO of Lovebird Cereal, a company that provides grain-free cereals made with no refined sugar and only whole ingredients, Parker is on a mission to change the food system with his profit-with-purpose business...
Published 12/27/22