How can we face the nitty-gritty of life while keeping a clear mind and making wise choices? Join nico and devon hase, authors of How Not to be a Hot Mess, as they offer humor and insight into surviving and thriving in modern life with ease and integrity.
Published 06/06/24
Published 06/06/24
Join us as we dive more deeply into yoga practice with Cindy Lusk, author of Align and Refine.  We will explore the foundational principles of Yoga, the importance of meditation, and how to make these practices our own.
Published 05/23/24
Do things seem too hectic to eat healthy vegan food regularly? Veganism has ecological, health, and spiritual benefits.  Gena Hamshaw, certified nutritionist and author of The Vegan Week, discusses smart, practical, and delicious vegan meal planning for a simple way to embrace the joy of eating homemade, nutritious food every day.
Published 05/09/24
Do you long for healthy happy relationships? Listen as Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian reveals how “Love Loves Love!” The discussion includes insights for living in divine Love beginning by acknowledging the One in all and lighting up your mind with divine remembrance.
Published 04/25/24
How can we use Ayurveda’s ancient principles to recognize and correct imbalance in our bodies? Kate O’Donnell, author, and Ayurveda practitioner will share some insights on how to balance the body and mind for women of all ages based on her new book: Everyday Ayurveda for Women’s Health.
Published 04/18/24
Our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal and thrive due to our life force, or prana.  Shivani Lucki, internationally known Kriya Yoga meditation teacher and author of Healing with Life Force, shares Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings for vitality, healing and Self-realization.
Published 04/11/24
How can the ancient science of yoga help us to improve our overall well-being and especially our heart health? Author and teacher Susi Amendola shares how these practical and research-proven tools can improve our cardiovascular health and quality of life.
Published 03/28/24
How can the deep philosophical teachings of yoga support addiction recovery? Join guest Bryan Hyman RYT, author of Recovery with Yoga, as he offers inspiration and practical tools to help cultivate a powerful and purposeful life in recovery and to create a new design for living.
Published 03/22/24
Are you aligned with who you KNOW yourself to be? Tracee Stanley and Dr. Laurel Trujillo discuss the sacred path to transformation and Self-remembrance. They will share yoga-based practices, meditations, and self-inquiry questions to help guide the inward journey.
Published 03/14/24
Are you ready to reconnect with the power of your life energy? Join Master Waysun Liao, T’ai Chi master and author of T’ai Chi Classics, as he shares how to feel, restore, and strengthen your inner power (c’hi) through the practice of T’ai Chi.
Published 03/07/24
What is the relationship between consciousness, the brain and the teachings of Kriya Yoga? A.Martin Wuttke, neurotherapist, yogacharya and author of The Brain Sutras: Keys to the Revealed Consciousness, shares how understanding these connections can guide us to living a spiritually awakened, fulfilled life.
Published 02/28/24
The spiritual teachings of yoga tell us that our ultimate goal in life, our dharma, is to awaken fully to our divine nature and to express it. Yogacharya O’Brian shares how these ancient teachings give us tools to live in a way that brings joy to our heart, peace to others and to the world.
Published 02/23/24
What role does contemplative practice play in meeting a world in crisis? Oren Jay Sofer outlines practical ways that we can cultivate mindfulness, resolve, wonder, and empathy to build resilience, love, and strength that can transform our world.
Published 02/08/24
How do we face life’s inevitable dance of falling down and getting up? Join Mark Nepo as he extends an invitation for listeners to view adversity from a new perspective - facing the challenges of life by choosing to embrace every experience as an opportunity for positive change.
Published 01/25/24
How can Ayurveda help us to slow down the aging process? Ayurvedic scholar, clinician, and educator Dr. Jayarajan Kodikannath (Dr. J) shares Ayurvedic approaches to prevent premature aging, sustain health, and ensure longevity.
Published 01/12/24
Beginning or returning to a regular meditation practice is one of the most powerful things you can do to transform your life.  Host Dr. Laurel Trujillo discusses the benefits of meditation as well as the nuts and bolts of how to establish or re-establish a meditation practice.
Published 12/30/23
We all have a near-constant interior dialogue but we can discover the quiet place of peace and joy that lies beyond. Join author Sarah Anderson as she shares how we can fan the flame of silence so that we can be transformed and inspired by its power.
Published 12/15/23
What role do gratitude and generosity play in living a fulfilled life? Join Yogacharya O’Brian as she shares insights and practices we can use to find hope, resilience, and higher purpose in times of change or challenge. 
Published 11/09/23
How can we heal and find joy in times of isolation, grief, sadness, and fear?  Michelle Cassandra Johnson shares spiritual teachings drawn from the Bhagavad Gita, mindfulness practices and rituals to show how to build community, summon support, connect with nature, and thrive.
Published 11/02/23
LaUra Schmidt shares practical steps that allow us to build momentum for healing and action in this time of climate crisis. She shares how we can embrace ‘Good Grief’ and embody the necessary actions to cool the rising temperatures in our politics, in our families, and within ourselves.
Published 10/19/23
How can we have a successful and enjoyable meditation experience? Yogacharya O'Brian shares what a successful practice is as well as easy and practical techniques to prepare our minds, our bodies and consciousness to create the conditions for meditation to occur.
Published 10/12/23
What is the secret that connects the individual soul to spiritual Reality? Author, esteemed spiritual teacher and longtime translator of Rumi, Kabir Helminski, shares how the sacred poetry of Rumi can be viewed through a contemporary lens to illuminate universal truths.
Published 10/05/23
What lessons can a modern seeker draw from Autobiography of a Yogi? Rizwan Virk discusses how universal principles such as karma, meditation, and yoga can be used to address issues and challenges of the present, such as the diversions of social media and the quick pace of contemporary life.
Published 09/14/23
How can we remove filters--thoughts, feelings, and other reactions—that keep us weaving the same old patterns? Physicist and author Sky Nelson-Isaacs shares how we can open ourselves up to endless possibilities by aligning with life circumstances rather than fighting them.
Published 09/07/23