We chat with Brady Wright about life as a freelance Graphic Designer & Content Producer. The age of social media has created so many new career choices and being a freelance content producer is now one of those choices, invaluable to both companies and personal brands content is what separates you from the competition and gets your name in front of the right audience. There are so many aspects to creating high quality content and Brady takes us through the industry, from how he got into...
Published 08/17/22
We chat with Andrew Holland about his career, from starting out in the police to moving into the world of SEO marketing Andrew talks us through how he made the move across to a very different industry. This is a brilliant example of how to change careers, Andrew put lots of work into learning all about marketing in his spare time building up the knowledge he would need to take the leap, Importantly Andrew didn't just read about it he actively applied his new skills for friends or small...
Published 07/26/22
We chat with Gary Piazzon about his journey to entrepreneurship and starting his Travel tech business Porter, the digital travel companion. Garys journey is a really interesting one, from being promoted multiple times at a huge corporate company to making the decision to start a business himself, we talk about the positives and negatives of both. A really insightful and honest conversation about what it takes to run a business and the many different ways you can get there.
Published 07/21/22
We chat with Guy Littlejohn Principal consultant at Facets. A growth consultancy to help founders solve commercial problems, build awareness, revenue and teams. We chat all about Guy's career so far, how he got into consulting, what it takes to be successful in the industry and how you can get into the industry. Guy has a brilliant outlook on life and business, it was a pleasure to discuss both on the podcast. In my opinion consulting is a fantastic place to start your career you will learn...
Published 07/19/22
We chat with Andrew Curtin about working in the Media industry and his mission to make the construction industry less archaic. A really fascinating chat about not only how to get into the world of media and online publishing but also a great example of how the media can help to move old industries forward. Construction is a huge industry and it is slowly being pulled into the 21st century. Andrew is one of those on a mission to help the industry do just that. There are still big opportunities...
Published 07/14/22
We chat with Jamie Reilly about life as a Digital Marketing Assistant. Digital marketing is such a popular industry to get into, since the advent of the internet in the late 90's right through to the age of social media Digital Marketing has grown rapidly. It offers a huge variety of roles and disciplines within areas such as Videography, Content production, Strategy, Design, the list goes on and on. Jamie tells us all about his experience working in the industry so far, as well as offering...
Published 07/12/22
We chat with Samantha Sommerville about working in the early careers space. Apprenticeships, Internships and Graduate schemes are all fanatic ways to get your start in the world of work. On the podcast we advocate for these types of schemes especially apprenticeships which are some times downplayed, but in my opinion they are fantastic and offer people a way into all types of careers without going to university which is not for everyone. Samantha offers her thoughts and opinions on how to get...
Published 07/07/22
We chat with Martin Adams about being an entrepreneur and advisor. Martin is currently working on a machine learning business called Codec which helps brands to discover and tap in to the pockets of culture that drive growth. This is a must listen for anyone thinking of going down the entrepreneurial route, Martin discusses his thoughts on University and how he approached it, as well as his first few years out in the world of work. From Lawyer to Entrepreneur, From London to New York and...
Published 07/05/22
We chat with Dina Calakovic about being a copywriter as well as helping people to grow on LinkedIn through better copywriting. Copywriting is such a hugely valuable skill in the digital age. The better your copywriting the bigger the audience you can build, its also a massively sort after skill at all types of businesses. Dina gives us a great understanding of the industry, how to get into it as well as how to progress. We also discuss linkedin and how to use copywriting to build your own...
Published 06/28/22
We chat with liam Quirk about working in SEO. Liam tells us all about how he got started, the many different routes into the industry as well as the kind fo skills you need to succeed in the world of SEO. Its definitely a career for those that always want to be learning, as algorithms change you need to be able to keep up in order that your clients content performs well on search engines etc. We also talk about apprenticeship Vs uni route, as well as the industries positives and negatives.
Published 06/23/22
We chat with Carina Farrell about life as a Linguist and Linkedin Coach. Languages is not something i ever considered when leaving school, to be honest apart from being a languages teacher i dint think you could do much with the skill set. Carina explained the huge opportunities having the ability to speak another language can provide, in all sorts of different industries. We talk about the positives and negatives of the industry as well as how to get into the different types of roles...
Published 06/21/22
We chat with Paul Minns about his life in recruitment. A brilliant episode to listen to if you are thinking about getting into recruitment, Paul takes us through his career. Paul started working in recruitment as he saw it as a good way to put a dent in the debt he had accrued at university, but he soon started to see the industry and his role as much more than that. We talk about how the industry has changed and how the industry may look over the coming years. Paul also tells us about the...
Published 05/31/22
We chat with Omri about his career. If you are thinking of making a career change or thinking of getting into Law in general this is a great listen. Omri's career has had lots of twists and turns and it has led him to where he is now, working in some of the most interesting industries in the world. WEB 3 has the potential to disrupt a huge number of industries and change how we interact with the world around us. Omri also made me realise that the stereotypical lawyer is changing, its opening...
Published 05/24/22
We chat with Jordan about managing some of the biggest content creators in the world. Jordans career is incredible, if you are thinking about getting into the world of social media and content creation this is a must listen. From a very early age Jordan loved to create brands and building businesses including a clothing brand and a magazine. We also discuss university vs going straight into work and the perks of the latter for those wanting to get into this industry. Jordan has worked for...
Published 05/19/22
We chat with Jordan James Magill about life as a Product Photographer. We chat about getting into the industry, the positives, negatives as well as the realities of freelancing. Jordan also tells us how he went about learning Photogrpahy, from getting out there with his camera to getting work at studios to learn from the photographers on shoots. Its definitely a competitive industry and one that can be extremely difficult to navigate when you first start out but as you learn the intricacies...
Published 05/17/22
We chat with Izzy prior the founder of Spark Social media about working in Social. We chat about how Izzy went about learning Social media Marketing, having not attended UNI she used the huge amount of free resources available to anyone that wants to learn about the industry, from webinars to books, to Youtube videos. Izzy is a brilliant example of how to go about learning an industry without going to UNI. We also talk about the incredible platform that is LinkedIn, Izzy has built a fantastic...
Published 05/12/22
We chat with Luke Ellis about working in the E-commerce industry. Luke runs two businesses focused around adverting in the E-commerce space, Luke has a huge depth of knowledge when it comes to how to run ads to drive business to ecommerce channels. Its a really exciting and fascinating industry, but it requires real expertise, the platforms on which Ecom ads are run are constant evolving, tiny changes can make a huge difference to campaigns. Luke also gives his perspective on the industry as...
Published 05/10/22
We chat with Gareth Bown about life as an Accountant. Gareth's tag line is the "Least Boring Accountant You've Ever Met" he is on a mission to change the industries dated image. We learn all about how to become an accountant, the positives, potential negatives as well as why Gareth wants to help to change the industries image. A real pleasure to have Gareth on the show.
Published 04/28/22
We chat with James Dobson about his career as a Cloud and DevOps Recruiter. James tells us all about what he looks for in candidates when trying to find his clients someone suitable fro roles in Cloud Computing and DevOps. This is perfect for anyone thinking of getting into the industry who wants to know what recruiters are looking for. Key Skills, Cv Tips, how to stand out etc. We also chat with james about his own career in recruitment, from the positives & Negatives to the huge...
Published 04/26/22
We chat with Cat Philp about her career so far. Cat runs her own B2B Marketing agency called ES Marketing (But there is a rebrand imminent!) Cat takes us through her career journey revolving around sales and marketing, from her apprenticeship to starting her own business as well as deciding to study for a degree with the open university alongside it all! a really great listen for anyone thinking of getting into marketing.
Published 04/21/22
We chat with Lewis Kemp about his all things marketing. Lewis is the CEO of Lightbulb media, A social media, PPC & Content Marketing Agency. We talk about how to get started in the industry, UNI VS going straight into work, The incredible opportunities building a personal brand own social media can create, as well as what kind of skills are important for those working in marketing. The industry has a huge range of roles available and Lewis talks us through a few of them, there really is a...
Published 04/19/22
We chat with James Fahy about his startup JUSTTIP - JustTip is a team tipping platform. "Our platform helps create an environment where tips are paid easily, quickly and fairly." We talk about being an Entrepreneur, what its like to hire, what James looks for when he is hiring and what its like to build a tech startup from scratch. If you are thinking about getting into the world of startups James offers some brilliant advice regarding UNI, CV's and using LinkedIn! (Not that we go on about...
Published 04/14/22
We chat with Oliver Yonchev about his career so far. Oliver's story is fascinating, from footballer to Indie rockstar to Marketing superstar. I won't ruin the story in the description but after deciding to go back to university to study music Oliver found the subject that would spark something within him and lead to the amazing journey he has had so far. Marketing. After working at a media company for around five years Oliver saw a TED Talk by a now, well known entrepreneur called Steven...
Published 04/12/22
We chat with David Newns about his life as an Entrepreneur & investor. David started out in IT but soon moved into a business that focused on engineering after meeting the businesses founder at flying school. It was at this business that David got his first taste of what it was like to run a business. This then led on to David co founding one of the first vape businesses in the UK which he then went on to sell, Only to start another vape business and sell that as well. David then got into...
Published 04/07/22
We chat with Michael Flores about being a Science Communicator / Public Affairs at NASA. Michael is probably the best case study for what to do to get your dream career we have ever had on the podcast. His story is incredible and if you are a regular listener you will know we always bang on about using social media to showcase your work/ network. Michael takes this to another level. I don't want to ruin his story in the description but it involves going back to college, finding jobs that...
Published 04/05/22